Thursday, March 31, 2005

SaiKang Warrior Reloaded

Adapted from Pat's blog

" .. Together, Rui Xiang and I fought bravely against the windows and metal rail of the bottom part of the front door of the NSSC building while Jason galantly took hold of the upper part and tamed the NSSC metal plaque under his might while Joel charged in to the rescue to Jason by offering him steadfast support from the battlement .... "

Gee i din know SK work can be described so chivalrously. ^^

We got a reloaded experience today! This time our weapons have been changed to dusty brooms with oily grips [ gee how did the oil get there?] and plastic bags. We are now more specialised in our task today. You can probably call it a forsaken promotion. We have been knight-ed Sir Jason and Sir Patrick Long Kang Warriors. [ Drain Warriors in other words]. We proceeded with this wild wild journey through the dark stairways behind out lvl 2 office. We walked steadily up and soon found ourselves surrounded. With leaves that is. The leaves are clogging the Long Kang [ Drain] and we are called to save the day....

The Commander-In-Chief, Sir Kok started preparing us for battle. Very soon, we armed ourselves with plastic bags and began capturing all the leaves in the LongKang. Then we the crusaders dump the silent prisoners into a transparent cage [ also more commonly known as the Gigantic Office trash bag]. Sir Kok assisted us by using his great and mighty eye power which probably helps in obliterating flies and mosquitoes stinging our butts. It took us almost a century [ according to Jason time scale ] to capture most of the leaves. Proclaiming victory, we headed back to camp at lvl 2 office to sleep.


Cool jokes here :)
By Charisma

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