Sunday, March 06, 2005

Finger length 'key to aggression'

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The length of a man's fingers can reveal how physically aggressive he is, Canadian scientists have said.

The shorter the index finger is compared to the ring finger, the more boisterous he will be, University of Alberta researchers said.

But the same was not true for verbal aggression or hostile behaviours, they told the journal Biological Psychology after studying 300 people's fingers.

The trend is thought to be linked to testosterone exposure in the womb


stormchaser said...

I saw that in a documentary quite long ago. More interesting details in the show, the scientist put his theory into an informal test. Some top-class sprinters were selected at random, then he measured the length of their index fingers. He predicted that the guy with the longest finger would win. when the guys raced, the guy with the longest finger really won. well this test isn't too scientific, but it is interesting ^^

"s0n|c'C@libr3,, said...

Damn i have short fingers. :P

stormchaser said...

i noticed :P

but actually the finger thing has to be in relation to the 4th fingre too. :P