Monday, March 07, 2005


Errorism occur when a person is so convinced by his own way of thinking that he develops blindspots.

Ever met an errorist? I guess we can be alittle errorist-ic sometimes when we fall into the complacencies of assumption. We are so used to thinking that ever path has its direct consequences sometimes. A person who thinks all thinks best ..... i would say.

Is Christinaity a form of Errorism?

On the contrary, its so much not. Because as i started out as a fresh reborn self - No doubt i am experiencing something new, but i am also filled with lots of doubts. Very often i question my leaders about things i don't understand. Holy Spirit, God, the necessity of tongues, signs and wonders .. and the list goes on and on. The answers to these questions are somewhat in the middle between logicality and supernatualism. The events of Christ himself are all based on the scriptures and texts from the ancient scriptures and letters ... and which the amazing thing is the different scriptures confirm other scriptures themselves. This is as far as i know where our beliefs are from. The supernaturalistic part is believing and acting by faith. Very simply termed, its a simple trust. Without sometimes realising it, we have been puting our faith on everything that is in this world. When we cross the bridge, we have a very simple faith that we will get to the other side withoug falling into the water. Its just basically something like confidence. The magic to this is that when stretch our faith to include God in it. Things take a turn. Because God is incapable of failing. How do we know this? Its return in the bible. By faith we believe it. That's how it goes. Faith is termed in the bible : Believing what you cannot see, [ or comprehend]. Just like air, you cant see air. But you breathe air everyday, knowing that its there and substaining you.

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