The presence of God and the power of God, as emphasised by the pastor, is 2 different things. Presence of God = Glory of God = Ways of God = or the God person himself. It basically means God illustated as a powerful person. When Christians talk about presence of God, it can just simply mean being a room with a powerful person called God. It can be simply put that way but of course its much more than that and the experience is rewarding. It can't be very simply explain in words.
The pastor then posed anm interesting question ... How do you know you are saved?
Did God sms you to tell you that?
Did God send and email to ya?
Did God rang u up and from it give you this divine information?
That's about what he said. How do Christians know we are really saved. He then said, "You know that you are saved when you know that you know that you know ... that you are willing to die for what you believe. Or in another way of putting : when you are willing to bear witness of Chirst."
What does this mean? He did not explain much abour this. But from his words, he is focusing on one thing. The great confidence in Christ. You know that [x3] signifies surety. Why would a Christian ,after receiving salvations, be willing to die about this knowledge that he is saved? Because firstly, this knowledge as we all know, also covers another fact. Christians are redeemed and death would mean a better life .... in heaven. Secondly, salvation isn't just knowledge. It's a big change in you. Something happens in the spirit realm. Slowyly you will learn and accept the Holy spirit that is given to all believers. The change is also psychological. When your mind opens up, your mindset and attitude changes. This is usually the first step before salvations is initiated. But the wonder is it doesn't just stops there. You will slowly but surely be moulded into the likeness of Chirst. This is why you can bear witness. You understand and therefore, you can and will be able to carry the cross through your life.
Power of God on the other hand, gives us the ability to change our circumstances. From this, miracles happen. Signs and wonders can occur. Healing can take place.
This is what the world needs to see. The pastor said in the past, at the age of Christ ... Such signs are prevalent. However, no one is sure if God forgive sins. Today its the opposite. People knows from friends about the famous John 3:16 and the gospels. It is sad that signs and wonders are not prevalent. Ps Benny said currently now, there are only 2 active miracle crusades going round the world.
I believe that will change soon
The power of God as can be seen is very different from the presence of God. The main difference, as pointed out by Ps Benny, is that the power of God might heal our body. But it does not necessary change our heart.
A change heart is very much more important than a changed body. Because i feel that in this world, our heart needs more healing than our body.
How do we seek the presence of God?
Elijah heard God's voice when he had complete isolation. He was still. Silence is the result of seeking God in the spirit [Holy silence]. This is where the glory of God feels your being.
The presence of God doesn'st stirs your soul. It stills it. The presence of God must be seek from our spirit from our heart.
What does this mean? My revelation is that when i still my heart, my heart starts to speak. Matters that is highly revelant to me starts to flood me. At such, i just straight away cast it unto God. I focus to God and spill my thoughts and my needs. This is also what people like to call, casting your burden unto the Lord. From there, i will slowly feel the peace of God.
I totally enjoyed being in the presence for the past 3 days. I know that God will not give us such strong annointing everyday in my quiet time [ for he knows us too well]. I am so blessed to be able to experience my first miniature Holy Laughter at SIS. I am longing for a bigger explosion of laughter next time. Being filled with the presence of God is awesome. Some people will cry. Some people will laugh. I don't know what's the reasoning behind Holy Laughter. But i know that when the time comes, the truth will reveal itself. I've also learned that most of the time, we have to let go of logic to understand more. Hehe leave my audiences to figure that out...
God blessesd.
Additional Pics..

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