Sunday, January 16, 2005

Today ... i received humungous level of lame jokes from my dear friend doraemon. Indeed his aura of lameness is astounding. Nevertheless .. like the Orange ribbon project ... i decided to venture into another new project! Joke-sia ... hahhaha

Joke-sia part1

What shampoo did Jesus use?
-> Follow me

What shampoo did Paul use?
-> Rejoice(again i say rejoice)

If a donkey faces east, where does his tail face?
-> west? wrong! down =P

What are the 3 wishes of the big fat panda?
1) To remove the black rings on his eyes
2) To take colour photos
3) To figure out the truth. Xiong mao. Is it a Xiong ? or a mao ?

One fine bright sunny day. Mr. Tomato and Mr Potato had a race. They wanna see which vegetable is the fastest. So after the beep* they started running. They run so fast that they started rolling. lol ... and................. just as they were about to reach the finishing line, the potato was leading .... and the potato turn around and said something to the tomato. Guess what he said?

Ans: Aiyo! Tomato ketchup[catch-up]!!!

Joke from Turtle :
There are 3 caterpillars crawling in a straight line. Caterpillar A say that there is a caterpillar behind me. Caterpillar B said the same thing. Caterpillar C ... said there is a caterpillar behind me too! why ?

Ans: cos C was lying. -_-

*to be continued* buahahah

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