Sunday, April 06, 2008


I am burdened with alot of things now...

to me friendship matters alot... and seeing some of my friends going through something painful... it really burdens me.

After a talk with Elaine, i realise .... yea this is really the devil's work! After all those problems ... the heart of the matter is really the matter of our heart. And our heart is always 'tampered' ... or distrubed by the Devil. The issues of self-esteem that i had before ... or pride ... or selfishness and the feeling to throw everything aside and just put myself 1st in all..... its all cultivated and nurtured by the devil. Joyce Meyer calls in the strongholds we have in our mind. I am really angry at this. :( i will bind the devil upside down in the next few weeks man. I will bind him till every hospital has all their demons name listed in their patient list! GrrRRRR

When a nice friend of mine pop me this question recently... i really wondered what to say. I remembered going through 'Life questions' like this in my mind before as a youth. About our purpose.... about responsibility... about what's most important in our life .... things that i know most of us think about alot as teenagers... and young adults. But at this one ... i was stumped for a while. And then i recalled the love of God... and it all began clear to me.

How would you answer to a question : If you really love someone, sometimes you've got to let him/her go?

My answer is found in 1 Cor 13. And i love its answer.

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