Thursday, July 07, 2005


Many things happen in NSSC these days.

But i will say one thing. Its improving. And surely they will. :)

I've hurt my friend on Monday. And i've apologise earlier. He is okay with it now.
At least better.

I feel real bad. But now i am happy things go out well. I am a problem solver :). I will not let things go bad. yea, you have my word.

Nothing in this world is going to pull me down. I am too sick to think what the world thinks about me. But from the impressions they form about me, i know truly if they care and want to be my friend. For those who know me, they will know i love everybody :)

Hey things are going to change. My prayer has not been wasted. Please stay with me and support me through my A level studies. Your encouragements are mostly welcome.

Thanks guys and girls :) I am so blessed to have ya people.

Live life as if there aint going to be another day like this.

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