Thursday, June 21, 2007

1st Day

What a day!

Been tired again. Can't imagine .. 1st day of work and i feel pretty worn already. Probably not used to waking up early to work. Really thank God for this job.

1) It's near my house (2 NEL stops away!)
2) I have 2 friendly mentors ^^
3) It brings me better income! No more eating of grass (soon! need to get paycheck 1st).

Basically, i deal with capital repayment for Housing Loans. Sounds pretty simple, but the work process is pretty tedious and sophisticated. Maybe its because i am not used to the Bank Lingos... it's all pretty technical. I think at the end of the day, i am still a little messed up from all the different work processed i need to do. One bad thing about the job is probably because of its repetitive nature. But well i can't expect much from an office administrative job. Unless i do telemarketing or management training ... or something something else.

But one thing for sure... i want to bask myself in this office... and be able to absorb everything like a sponge. Kinda hard for a guy who has STM and i had to resort to calling my mentor "shifu" since i forgot her name again and again :) .

Well after all is said and done, it's an interesting environment. It has a pretty weird stereotype that guys will hate such jobs because its mundane less hands-on. Well that is true to a certain extent i guess. Frankly, it's boring. The up side is that i get to learn about housing loans and alittle about the back-end admin support for a bank. HSBC is a pretty cool place. It has reminiscence of my work back in NSSC in a way. :) sure brings little memories back then. ah wadeva.

Tomorrow is dressed down day! got to dressed down... down down down down down .... ^^

Be a salt and light Jason.

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