Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Professional Faith is Faith ?

Does knowing more of something makes you a better Christian ? What is professional
Christianity? And what is Christianity about ?

i think through time... we (that includes me) lose the focus of God .. the focus of where to go in our lives.. and we are unseemingly 'suck' into the roller coaster of life.

Is Christianity that dead ?? Sometimes we talk about faith as if there is nothing we can expect from the supernatural... from God. We talk about faith as a formula. its a substance of things hoped for. it is .... trust in God. it is ....

what is faith ?

why do you even bother coming to church ? or attend CG ?

cos the CGL ask you to ?

Why do you serve God ?

What is the meaning of cell group and the body of Christ to you ?

what is a high-flyer Christian ? a very succesful man that won praises ?

topics like this seems to flood my mind now and then. Are we getting the right focus?

Jesus said 2 words. " Follow me."

then he followed and say - I will make you fishers of men.

Follow Him. it's hard to miss Him. cos He has big footprints.

everything else is just ... sinking sand.

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