Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Movie Reviews
-Shark Tale
-The Incredibles

Haa i've watched The incredibles and Shark Tale. Just wanna say that The incredibles is quite nice. Very well animated and well ... it suits all the superhero fantasies we dream of during our childhood days very well. Shark Tale on the other hand ... isn't as nice as it sounds. Though like Finding Nemo, it revolves around a small plot, the idea of the plot is pretty boring and i would say unimaginative. Unlike Finding Nemo, it doesn't bring out excitement in seeing the little adventures of the different fishes in the movie. It simply revolves about a fish who wanted to be famous and got his chance by telling a big fat lie that it slays sharks. How lame can that be? Maybe it might please small kiddies but comapred to Pixar's Finding Nemo and The Incredibles, it still got alot of catching up to do in terms of having a good nice plot.

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