Saturday, July 14, 2007

I learn..

..... that it's not by might, nor by power... but its by the spirit.

..... that everyone needs friends. The high ones (leaders / God), the low ones (simple people) , and of course the one close to our hearts ..and the one we see everyday. Its something duh but yet when you make friends that learn to stand up for u and de truth... u noe u've truly met some awesome people.

..... to trust in God. He will provide it in the right time.

..... that dreams and visions take times to come to bud and blossom. Don't give up just yet... especially when its something God place in yr heart.

..... to be humble. to learn to reject any self-exhaltaion and put on the mind of Christ. For all works are not done for ourselves... but for others. and that thru others we in return will become prosperous :)

..... to pray more in de spirit. Not the loud bam bam bam ones. But the sweet drawing spirit that flows out of yr belly like rivers of living water.

..... to encourage. People need it. expect nothing in return. but believe when they really receive it, they will encourage u with a *two-fold return.

..... to put down unecessary burdens. And believe in Rom 8:28

It's alot of things to learn. It all actually looks quite basic when i read thru... But you know... there is something called experiential knowledge. Its to knowing it even more intimately when u experience what u learn for yrself. And i believe it begins when i took a step of faith into the marketplace.. taking a job with a humble pay. :) Truly he is faithful and just.

Thanks God for placing me in a position to manage and run events for the cg (as revealed today). Mgy heart is burning to do more exciting things for you o Lord. And i know that i might have my *downs* in planning events... but i know that this time... it'll be different. I am going to rely totally on you.... and i am not going to be ashame of falls and failings. Because its unto u that i do this. I love to have fun... and i believe fellowship events... inside or outside church should NEVER be boring. I wanna be de salt and de light. The spice that flavours the lives around me.

I love you Jesus. :)

1 comment:

stormchaser said...

yeah jia you and burn on!