Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A man with a hand

i went through a whole entire day. working with my left hand.

my right hand felt it was being hammered every 5 seconds.

coughin away. sneezing away.

man i wasnt feeling good all day.

Thank God it wasnt so bad.... when i can go home early to rest. and with modern medication... i can ease my hand easily.

i suddenly remembered Jacob in all of this, how he had a limp. a weakness... that hurts him.

every step.. it hurts.

every move and twitch he makes with his legs... it hurts...

but every step... He was reminded... "i wrestled with God... and i prevailed"

what that really means.... i dont really know.

but i know how sick he must be with his life to have wrestled with God....

and after that.. he became a prince. JAcob to Israel

i shall depend on you more.

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