I had the priviledge to seat down together with the other cgls and Pastor Chee Kiang for a heart to heart talk on Tuesday! it was quite different atmosphere cos we are all seated in a small room ... pack together ard the table infront of Pastor! so it's literally meeting Him face to face to talk! The great thing is .. admist his busy schedule .. he still makes time for us... and he wants us to really get back to know Jesus more. because many time we serve and serve.. but we forgot Who we are serving... or Why we were here in the 1st place..
He posed mind provoking questions to us too... like did God created Sin ? The bible states God created all things... and all things as we know means all things. If that is the case.. that that means Sin is also in God's mind... and therefore... God could have 'made' sin .. (or not?)
It's interesting food for thot. Some of us said some funnny things... like God created Adam.. and Adam is told to multiply and fill the earth with earthlings. so actually.... it's just a matter of time someone stumble on the tree and eat its fruits! and also the serpants will also reproduce and have more... so more serpants will be around to deceive men... so either way.. we die! haha funny ans hor..
admist all this my take : was that God did not created sin. Sin is act and a consequence. In a short and sweet note: Sin to me is just the refusal to put God in your life as your God and friend. Something else takes that place in your heart and you feel you don't need God. Even tho sometimes you may acknowledge God is good .. or there may be a God .. but you just accept God as the centre of your life. That act... brings abt Sin into the earth (consequence). and all of us have (sin) in our lives. We become selfish and God-less. That consequence in short is seperation. This means God created sin? i would think it as God gave 'choice'. That you can choose every single people in your life. whether to accept them.. deny them .. have marriage with that person... choice.
Interesting talk right. but sometimes in these meetings.. can really feel tired. so honestly it can talke a toll on your motivation. but looking on the bright side.. you see a very humorous side of pastor. you see the very fun side of the cgls there. and you see how different people talk about their life exp with God. how they seek God during their tough times.
in tough or good.. God is good.
anyway i really hope to have a strong relationship with people this year. sometimes when you look around.. you just want to have a close friend next to you. i have sunshine. :) but in a spiritual family... i do want to see a close friend. i do.
God pls make a way! let this be a journey then when we look back... we'll not regret.
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