Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Nose Deal

[ personal ramblings ]


My Granny approached me this morning with a very determined look on her face; hands holding a bunch of mushroom-shaped vege. the vege looks something like this :

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o_o ?

She then say the weirdest thing thing i've ever heard in my life.... ! (ahh one of her old antics..)

"put this in yr nose" (in chinese-hokkien)

"ah? "

I initially shove the weird looking stuff away. i squeeze and press it warily. My grandma soon grew to a kind of like - inpatient frenzy...

in the end, i conceded. Juz for fun, i began to stuff the stalks into my nose.

ahh all i can rememebr next is that *mucus* flew everywhere :D

i took an MC in the end today.

The next time she sneeze, i'll remember to order boxes of her 'amazing cure' for her :)

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