"Though the mountains and hills can topple, my love for you will never be shaken. Nor my covenant of peace will be removed." Isaiah 54:10
Sunday, December 14, 2008
- be a man after God's heart : that is be a people-person.
- be a companion. a parakletos. a friend. a comforter. helper. advocate. stand-by-you friend.
- wal-mart principle : MBWAL - Management by walking around and listening
- help people in their needs. meet it. if not be there with them to see it through.
- serve people by seeing thing from their p.o.v.
- lay your lives for your friends. James 15:13
- don't be distracted. threatened. or fall in 'life's routines'. Stay focus on your calling.
..by Pastor Tan
- don't undermine potential. look out for potential in people and maximise it during your planning.
- put yourself in the shoes of your sheeps. see things from their point of view.
- be bold and decisive. take ownership. if someone is to complete your job for you .. you aren't taking charge well
..Bro Alex Chief Usher
- CK zone 2009 vision : BLOOM - Building lifestyles of ownership and maturity
- Build the spiritual lives of the people. Feed their hunger.
- Tongues.. Our words have power of life and death. Gossips has the power to tear down relationship. so be wise with what we share and whom we share with
- Ownership and take-charge. Start seeing needs and meeting needs.
- be like King David - man after God's heart. A man who is very humble even when he was annointed to be King, he will not 'touch' or 'despise' God's 1st annointed King. He remain loyal and faithful. But he's not 'overly-humble' to the extent he deny his authority to lead people and he 'forsake' his sheeps. He still lead His people to victory against the Philistines (their enemy).
..Pastor Chee Kiang
I love this week's message. But more importantly .. it speaks alot to me on dealing with my circumstances. It's never easy to confront unpleasant circumstances... but i've got to try. To believe if there is no light.. i'll be the light. :) :) grr......
shining again!
Friday, December 05, 2008
i wanna...
but by His stripes i'll be HEALED :) HEALED! HEALED!! OLAY!
oh ya ... today.. admist of my sickness.. i feel very provoked by my colleagues "in a way"... i think even if you are not happy with the current work you do... you don't have to spread the unhappiness around you know? sometimes i feel very 'oppress' by the language my friends used. so i'll feel quite negative over all these things... sometimes it makes me feel i have to "listen" to them because of their outburst of dissatisfaction. I think some of my sentiments are probably just - "me thinking too much" nevertheless... i find it hard to really work with people who spill out negativity all around them. i don't blame them cos the management has lots of issue too.. and our senior staff sometimes makes work more like a jail term in Millenia Tower.
i took this as an opportunity to let my love grow bigger.... they are really nice friends.. but i guess maybe they are 'off their limits' because of all the sudden changes happening in my office.
God please give me the strength to be more patient with people..
Ps CK challenged us this week to dream big... have a bigger mindset. I think it's true if you want to do big business.. or be a great leader ... or if you simply want to be successful. we've got to change our fish bowl mind into and aquarium.
so im really looking forward to these :
Sony VAIO CS16G - $1999
Maestro Guitar
Maestro guitar Dreadnought series (ED-3) - $900+
Sony Ericsson - X1 (Silver version)

lol i got high hopes... i laid hands
6 feet under amongst the dead.
i just receive news on late night monday that my pri sch fren committed suicide on monday itself. im not very close to him actually.. can say that we are of a different clique.. but as i visited his cremation ceremony, i cant help feelin how fragile life is. hw impt it is to cherish... and just abt 10 years ago... we were all young kids : happy, silly, ignorant kids .. packed with ambitions half laden with naiveness.. and then we are seem like distant islands... and now he just went away. sigh.....
well i just wanna say.. whateva frens we've got... learn to cherish it well. we cant always maybe meet up... but it never hurt to sms, call .. or just send surprises to someone we know. after all life is short. never leave a day with regrets.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wow .
Well ushers ... serve and be proud to serve!!
gee im still giddy =/
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Asia Conference
truly i dunno how some of my frens last through everyday as they serve..
but PTL! this means we need bigger buildings ... and more members to fill it and serve it. :)
but the sad thing is (and my cgl did pointed out is) being a very-operational based minstry, we sometimes neglect the spiritual side of it. After this conference.. i can only remember bits and pieces of Ps A.R. Bernard and Ps Phil's sermon. And sometimes this tiredness pulls us away from our constant need to feed our soul. I hope that i'll still be able to catch the sermon somewhere, somehow.. maybe for FT-ministry members they could issue them sermon only video/audio tapes..
well i am partly at fault too.... gotta plan better next time... i should have some days of rest to rest my body and feed my soul too
:( sigh i am getting worried abt wad's to come.
Lord give me wisdom and courage to plan up what's ahead. When everythings falls.. you'll still stand! :) amen
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
well my com went through lots of 'trials and tribulations' this week and i dun really have a good time to fix my com these days (takes at least abt 3 hrs to reformat and reinstall) .... so well PTL!! it is stable ... alive and grunting away as usual.. haha ... chip chip hurray! :) :)
I started this angel and mortal game with my colleage and also with my usher team. Thank God for its very good response!! :) haha... the gifts i get frm my ushers are amazing man! they are such creative people! oh well sad thing is i miss out getting gifts and giving people something in the process... but its really nice to see people getting brighten up through simple acts of love like giving. cool totally!
anyway im happy to be back this few days ... lots of things happen .. and i made afew decisions regarding my ministry direction. i wanna stay focus now ... to do well academically ( ha lots of work man =/ ) .. spiritually ( to get my dose of revelations ... and agape ) .. career ( to work against days of OT ... its really tiring and i feel its really on relying more on Him to see this through. its really kind of humanly impossible for me to break this cycle of work by myself.. so PTL! ) .. relationship-wise ( to spend more time with ahma! and dad! and my dear.. ) and well i believe this year will still be a year of breakthrough.
i guess at some point we'll get tired. But Gal 6:9 (thanks for the correction!) says dun be weary in doing good. especially in times where no one understand what ya going through ... because God understands... in the times where we are alone.. it just shows that God is carrying us .. leaving behind His footprints for us to remember of His goodness. So we're always secure by this! And definitely great things will come if we don't lose heart!! :) :) im all out to kick some butts..
oh its 2 am alr. time to sleep. i shall kick butts tmr.
Friday, October 17, 2008
You ..
You are all I need to get me through (get me through now baby)
Like a falling star I fell for you (I fell for you)
Sweet anticipation
It's giving me the butterflies
And my heartbeat's racing
Cos loving you is beautiful
When you're so irresistible
So don't stop (don't stop)
What you're doing baby
So good (so good)
And it drives me crazy
One touch (who-ho-hoo)
I'm in heaven, yeah
Cos loving you is so beautiful baby cos...
You are all I need to get me through (to get me through now)
Like a falling star I fell for you (I fell for you now)
You have taught me how to love
An angel sent from high above
Now I know that all I need is you
Cos I need you and you need me
And we'll always be together
Before I knew what love was
I always ended up in tears
It's just the way my world was
Until you walked into my life
It's something that I just can't hide
Real love (real love)
Has come my way
And I know (I know)
That it's here to stay
And it feels (who-ho-hooo)
Like never before
Cos loving you is so beautiful baby cos...
You are all I need to get me through (to get me through now)
Like a falling star I fell for you (I fell for you now)
You have taught me how to love
An angel sent from high above
Now I know that all I need is you
Cos I need you and you need me
And we'll always be together
Cos I need you and you need me
And we'll always be together
You're my inspiration
My world just seems a brighter place
I just wanna tell you
I've never ever felt this way
I've never thought I'd see the day
Real love (real love)
Has come my way
And I know (I know)
That it's here to stay
And it feels (who-ho-hooo)
Like never before
Cos loving you is so beautiful baby cos...
You are all I need to get me through (to get me through now)
Like a falling star I fell for you (I fell for you now)
You have taught me how to love
An angel sent from high above
Now I know that all I need is...
You are all I need to get me through (get me through now baby)
Like a falling star I fell for you (I fell for you)
You have taught me how to love
An angel sent from high above
Now I know that all I need is you
this song rocks socks. actually S Club 7 rocks so much :) listening to their songs always brings back the vitality ... that energy in you.. :) dun believe >:o .. ok listen to this:
I think they are one of the best bands cos of the friendship they forge :) wherever they go.. they do as one.. see as one... and have fun as one. :) im not much really of a fan.. but everytime i see their videos.. i'll leapt :) they are a bunch of happy-hoppy pple man :)
it'll be cool to find ya own clique of happy hippy frens :) hehe
Friday, October 03, 2008
moving ahead
but God is always good! im really a silly guy.... always like to think too much .. and entertain thots that i should just cast aside... u noe those burdening worrying stuff that drains ya emotions... im someone that likes to cling on to it...
and to break free... i gotta fight the devil with the right tools... instead of being shaken... i will build an altar and fight. The Lord is my banner. In Him i'll have the victory!! :)
so ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.... im just going full on back to my vision. every christian theology... rationalising of our highly irrational life as a christian.... over-spectaculated relationship problems... everything im goin to lay it aside! The Lord is my banner. In Him i'll have the victory!! :)
its really true. the devil sows extra things that you do not need to bother and entertain. our christian life is just a simple act of faith. u may choose to rationalise it. u may to choose to debate abt it. whateva the case... to me it always comes back to the same conclusion.... its my faith in God. im stepping up again and shaping out. The Lord is my banner. He is Jehovah Nissi. And in Him i'll have the victory!
some extracts from Ex 15:11-16
As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he
lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses' hands grew tired,
they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his
hands up--one on one side, one on the other--so that his hands remained steady
till sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.
the LORD said to Moses, "Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered
and make sure that Joshua hears it, because I will completely blot out the
memory of Amalek from under heaven." Moses built an altar and called it The
LORD is my Banner. He said, "For hands were lifted up to the throne of the
Lord. The LORD will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to
we have the victory. jason... dun worry.
(im talkin to myself again..hehe)
thanks yonghui for ya encouragement... i'll keep the faith. ya words really encourage me.
my birthday is coming! :) :)
dont really want anything this year... i guess i am not really a *bday party bang bang* kinda guy. after various past 'experiences' ... i think bdays are best celebrated in a quiet manner :) ha.
so i took leave on that day... plan to restt my whole dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :) hohohoho
and im goin to my fav place to chill ....
hopefully get to do something crazy too... :D
lookin forward for the break..
Monday, September 22, 2008
Recap : H1 duty
being given an opportunity to serve in a "high-risk" positions really is a an honor! :) for a person with a low-risk appetite ( meanin to say .. im more of a play-safe kinda guy that enjoy simple taks and duty ... ), taking a post like H1 is really kinda like a big step of faith! but my mentors told me b4 when i became a Stage1/2 that expecting the unexpected spices up yr duty. It also shows how ready you are to serve ... to meet the challenge that God puts there at your feet. :) so its really an experience last duty.
Hmmm i would say i was really nervous at the start... but Yonghui reminded me to be calm and cool as a leader... so yea really thank God i was feeling 'zai' through the duty.... even when i see worrying signs of rows of empty seats in the hall.... haha i think its really just the grace of God. In fact i think God really expanded my faith this year. I never believed i can do positions like that in the past. never believed i could lead people.. i could speak to crowds in briefing. My mentality used to be - "forget it ... i'll never stand there to speak like him.. or make decisions like her" when i see hw my leaders operate... but now its really different. i know the strength really comes from someone indescribable .. uncontainable.. and yea! He completes my life..... and my operations. :)
i think the things im really happy about the last duty was :
1) The ICs working with me really worked as a team. im impress my the teamwork and their dedication to help each other through the duty. It wasn't a perfect operation but what i look for is teamspirit. and its all there!
2) That my first briefing was good :) i really din noe what to share. asked yh thenight before duty and he told me to rest 1st and think abt it the next day. and for what it's worth... i think its really God's grace! because when i start to speak... the crowd seems so eager to hear... they were so hyped up with all the *yes* and *amen!* alr! ha makes my job alot easier! thank God they enjoyed the exercise i gave them... and then i started to talk abt my testimony of hw i join usher and hw i rise up here. And lastly i remembered callin out a boy outta the blue and i start telling them even if ya a small boy like him... do not fear cos we are called and chosen by him (john15:16). and i see lots of their eyes beaming :D :D ... lol quite interesting sight. Thank God i can inject some passion into them through this briefing
3) i receive feedback from zone ICs that their ushers take more initiative to serve... and they are more fervant when they serve. when i heard that i am really happy!!! that's really kinda like the thing i was lookin for in our duties that i felt was lacking. that passion. that omph. that drive. that heart. you know... its good!
Things to improve:
1) to make my briefing alittle shorter... the ics have only 10 mins to brief their ushers -__-... but im not really to be blame actually! cos we have bday celeb and support ended late! so to those who think im very long-winded and lor-soh .... i think im actually quite short and sweet that day :) :) lols
2) to be more more sharper on comms.. alot of times i struggle to hear what the other party is saying. having a more discernin spirit is impt too! cos the HS is a more dependable tool to work tog with in duties.
3) to be able to fill up zones A,E,W b4 worship... so that ushers do not need to move around too much, hence disturbing the crowd. They can have a time of their life worshippin too :) and adding to that .... to have less than 5 loopholes in A,E,W after P&W. we don't needa fish alot after that :)
4) to be more mindful of attendance of hall.
5) to make my debriefing shorter yet still fun ^^
6) more attention on leader's behavior and what they did right or did wrong. YH pointed alot of things in debrief that i did not notice at all.. and i tink its useful to note that so that we can all improve.
overall ... thank God for this opportunity!
i learnt again ... that ..... when the goin gets tough... the tough prays.
(girl im nt bein flakey :):) ...)
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I received this revelation on Sunday morning
Even if you are not the best among your peers, the most talented or skilled, God believes in you so much that He is patient enough to see us through all our mistakes.. so that we can be more perfect in character, so that we can be released for His righteous works.
Jer29:11 - for i know the thoughts i think towards you... thoughts of peace and not of evil ... to give you a future and a hope.
That's part of the hope of Christ. Renewal..
Friday, August 29, 2008
its been awhile
how so much have changed...
:) im feelin sentimental...
but im thankful now than ever :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
there and then
That's how it was for the last 2 days... i sorta took 'leave' from serving to attend the 2 SOT (School of Theology - Bible) graduation svc in Expo. Man i miss all my friends in Expo ... and i got to see alot of ushers whom i used to work alongside with graduating from SOT this year. i miss them man. But im glad i can 'check' them out again as i visit back expo.
Ps Alex Abraham from Indo is really a very charming and annointed pastor. when he started praying for us ... we started to shake all over ... its like something travelling through us in the meeting. He is also a very funny animated pastor :) Totally blessed by his annointing and his testimony of how Christ raised him to be a pastor through a life-death incident of a little boy. :)
As i watched through the graduation ceremony in the 2 meetings... felt really pulled to be there. i've see lots of my friends walk up the stage to receive their graduation certs .. and its the whole ceremony feels so grand. At the end of the 1st night, we celeb Ps Kong's birthday .. and in my mind .. i was awed by how the faith of a young man abt 20 years ago has brought us so far ... and of course the race is still long. Ps Kong really inspired all of us in our beliefs.. our lifestyles and attitudes in life. And its funny to see Pastor behaving like a 'child' sometimes.. there is this child-like kind of faith in him .. that makes him a real fun leader to be with.. and one that kids from children church look up to. He's an amazing man of God. By the end of the 2nd day ceremony, all grads threw their grad hats up to the air. Its cool!!!! One day i will throw mine too.. wooppie! :D
Sun afternoon went to watch money not enough 2. I think this show really strikes my heart alot. The hokkien jokes i hardly understand ... but the thing abt the movie is this - Jack Neo likes to bring in the common conversations ... common things that we Singaporean do in real life and incorporate it in the show... so some of us tend to see alot of ourselves there ...or people we know who behave like that. Like how the coffeeshop owners feel abt ERP, pro-PAP or anti-PAP talks, the get-rich-within-a-short-time mindset... its all pretty prevalent in our culture. At the end of the show .. i kept crying. There was kinda like a deep grievance in my heart and i wonder why humans always dun cherish the people around them .. until they lose them? Why are we so fragile inside.. the answer to that is obvious to christians .. but the answer itself grieves me too. I kept tearin through the show ... but its probably intrinsic nature of humans i believe ... to care about themselves more.. until they realise the best way to love yourself ... is to love others like yourself.
hmm deep.
I love you God.. :) and i love my friends and family.
mushy i know.
but hmmm i am not afraid to say things i believe in.
im out :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
ive been thinking abt different plans as my cgl speaks. but its not worth just making plans and moving ahead with jus mypuny 'human-effort-like' attempts. pro16:9 says i gotta learn to walk wif my best friend high up there and move tog with Him. and thru this period .. i feel sometimes like Jacob from the bible.. he relied on his own strength alot den God has to remind him through a dislocated hip-bone.. that you've gotta trust in me.
sometimes i ask God why am i still like this. why do i still have de same flaws i had weeks ago... months ago or even years ago. but i think this flaws are God's way of saying ... " when ya weak.. I am strong. and therefore u can be strong.... " I feel its really a wonderful thing to rest on the arms of a mighty God.
sorry if im preachy here but i feel quite fustrated over some things in my life. i prayed over and over but it aint moving. i really want to be more effective person. to be able to be there for people. not to be perfect .. but at least a person that shines. :)
despite all my failings... i will still be there for my friends. and even more for my family now. i gotta breakthru. i must. and i will. you will be there to see me won't ya :) watch me shine Dad!
Friday, August 22, 2008
i feel that tho work is tough, backlogs seems neverending ... my team's spirit is still high! they still laugh around during huddles, take iniative to help one another ... to stand in de gap when our 'mini boss' isn't around. Their care for each other is amazing! lately ... there is also less tension between our team members and our 'mini boss' ( whom almost ever single one of our team members had deep hatred over..) I am thankful that God is moving in ways we cannot see :)
my team has an awful habit of making fun of me. esp over girls ( thanks to my dear *erhum* and *erhum erhum*) I shared this over our morning meetings aka huddle .. about having love in everything we do... and all day they talk about passion .. love ... and all de funny funny censored stuffs over this. can u believe it... O_O!!! but i feel that this impt msg really sink in even though our common small talks. Its really a stepping stone for something big i feel. Without love / passion ( the right kind ... not that dirty dirty kind... -_- ), there can be hardly any progress we can make in life. or we could possibly be walking all in the wrong way... towards the wrong future. :) so de centre of our life got to be love! love for our God. love for people.
anyway to my office-mates ... u still rock! :) haha
well hopefully we can ride through this storms quickly. By faith. forsakin all i trust in you..
Monday, August 18, 2008
You're Gonna Miss This
this song speaks it all :)
dun let ya troubles drown you away from the great things in life.
She was staring out the window of their SUV
Complaning, saying "I can't wait to turn 18"
She said "I'll make my own
money, and I'll make my own rules"
Mamma put the car in park out there in front of the school
Then she kissed her head and said "I was just like you"
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
Before she knows it she's a brand new bride
In a one-bedroom apartment, and her daddy stops by
He tells her "It's a nice place"
She says "It'll do for now"
Starts talking about babies and buying a house
Daddy shakes his head and says "Baby, just slow down"
Cause you're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
Five years later there's a plumber workin' on the water heater
Dog's barkin', phone's ringin'
One kid's cryin', one kid's screamin'
And she keeps apologizin'
He says "They don't bother me.
I've got 2 babies of my own.
One's 36, one's 23.
Huh, it's hard to believe, but...
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this"
Durian trip
hahha how many of u think that's just exciting.
well my cgl sure thinks so.. :) lol
but well its really very nice trip.
1) I got beauty sleep on bus
2) vic told us some icy cold jokes
3) we get to shop nice clothes... this time i bought something! a pepsi sweater!
4) we ate secret recipe cakes at cheap cheap price :D
5) we bought something real nice as a farewell gift for vic (aw)
6) i bought some nice food back from malaysia for colleagues and family. (shld have brought more money to buy!)
7) we feasted diff types of durians! from hybrids, tribrids to pure breeds of durian i believe. lol really can eat till drop :P
8) Nice fruit owners let us sample their watermelon, pineapples, mangosteen, rambutans ... so we ate more than what we bargain for!
9) nice simple dinner at night.
10) good fellowship.
Now that's what i call power outing. If only more pple could join !!! Thanks yenleng and Elaine for organising this! its totally awesome. i came back from johor a new man ( with durian scented fingers as well..)
Monday, August 11, 2008
It's all been done
heads up :) it's all been done :)
I met you, before the fall of Rome
And I bet you to let me take you home.
You were wrong, I was right.
You said good-bye, I said good night
It's all been done, It's all been done, It's all been done before.
I knew you before the west was won.
I heard you say, the past was much more fun.
You go your way, I'll go mine but I'll see you next time.
It's all been done, It's all been done. It's all been done before.
If I put my fingers here and If I say I love you dear
And if I play the same the three chords will you just yawn
And say, Ah, I hate it.
(Chorus )
Alone and bored on a thirtieth century night.
Will I see you on the Price is Right?
Will I cry, will I smile?
As you run, down the aisle.
It's all been done. It's all been done. It's all been done before.
It's all been done. It's all been done. It's all been done.
It's all been done. It's all been done. It's all been done before
never frown again :) cheers..
Desert Song
Verse 1:
This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides
Verse 2:
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames
And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
Verse 3:
And this is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
Verse 4:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be empited again
The seed I've recieved I will sow
For those who appreciate the guitar... this song has an amazing mix of arabic-like drumworks and guitar flix! It really gives this desert feeling... and more than that the song really follows a strong cry of no matter good times or bad times... we give God the greatest praise!! I simply love that strong faith-filled spirit! :) :) :) As you watch the video.. ya'll know it aint a easy song for the singer to sing since she lost her child .... i cant know hw that felt ... but it must be that *valley low* feeling that we all go through in life at some point of time. despite all that... i will bring praise .. i will bring praise .. no weapon formed against me shall remain.. i will rejoice ... i will declare.. God is my victory and He is here..
You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in You
I trust in You
I believe You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need
[Repeat Verse]
[Repeat Pre-Chorus}
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands
this is a beautiful song :) indeed nothing is impossible! every dusk is follwed by a new dawn!
im not sure but sometimes i am kinda irritated with insensitive people ... especially when they are behave kinda self-centredly .. as if the whole world revolved around them :( sigh maybe i am just over-thinking in a way. But i certainly hope i can be more patient and wise to resolve these issues with people around me.
but thank God for the great colleagues i've been given in office. now there are more changes in office .. peopel are moving there and there and my area has been evermore girl-dominant than ever. sometimes i dunno if its good or not cos my voice as a guy kinda got swallowed up by the opinions of these ladies... and its not my nature to argue abt... so urgh .. im constantly getting teased over almost anything and practically everything. -___- " haiz i certainly hope God can really put more man-companions around me man. i feel lonely. lol :X (im nt gay)
watch 2 very nice movies over the weekend. Journey to the centre of the earth and Batman. the cool things is i had deja vu of these 2 movies before and upon watching them... its like a repeated experience. overall i think both movies rox :) especially the dark knight. its got an awesome plot and very well acted 'joker'. :) two thumbs up agian.
im yearning for a breakthrough in my heart. i realise that the mantle is shifting. some things cant be taught.. it has to be caught. that's what '81' said before and i think it applies to the teacher as well. the best way to impact people is to lead a life of love. love for people.. love for God. im nt running anymore
Monday, August 04, 2008
and im glad im still now ... nw as an usher too. =)
This yr, I have the priviledge to work with ushers from Heart of God Church and to me, they are just amazing people! Their chief usher is only 16-17 years old! And their spirit of serving is incredible! I mean its not on just their operations... but they carry such love, readiness and faith wherever they go! I served today as one of my Chief Usher's runner (like a personal assistant kind of thing) and its pretty cool. I initially thought i would have to run alot of places to gather info... and do things on a really big scale.. but today, i am kinda like saddled back and relax through my duty :) I just kept askin my chief if she needs water .. sweet or stuff like that. lol.
Peifen did ask me to catch something from her even tho we din really do much today. I am quite impressed with her passion for people. its hard to explain this clearly here all here but i think she really loves to connect with people : ushers / church staffs / congregation - more on her own friends. She says this is important as well. :) it sure is!
The last words she left me was ... the heart to serve. The need to rise up to lead. The HOG members carry this heart with them wherever they go. Many times distractions/commitmentsd pull this 2 things out of our church members. But ultimately its really on our heart. You know ... I feel that i have met lots of amazing people here today under the exposure of usher. The spirit they have aint a typical ... dun do dun do lor... or .. "dun think i can do it" or " ok la i do my best lor ... but i cant do it cos i got this this this tat tat tat".. Their spirit says ... here i am, send me.
One day i hope my fire will ignite people's spirits too and set them ablaze :)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
i just wanna do it better ... but somehow things jus don't work out. why is it that im underperformin :(
i really wanna breakthrough.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Ti Amo
really like this song :)
was wondering what in the world is Ti Amo. i did a quick search in wiki and dictionary.com and here is where i found this
Dio, come ti amo
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Dio, come ti amo" (English translation: "My God, I Love You So Much") was the Italian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1966, performed in Italian by Domenico Modugno.
The song is a ballad, in which Modugno tells his lover how he feels about her. He expresses his amazement at the depth of his own feelings, with the title phrase being used frequently.
The song was performed fourteenth on the night (following Monaco's Téréza with Bien Plus Fort and preceding France's Dominique Walter with Chez Nous). At the close of voting, it had received the dreaded nul points (zero), for the first time in Italian Eurovision history, placing 17th (equal last) in a field of 18.
虽然是简单的形容 虽然是重复的动作
因为有妳 让一切都变得不平凡
好想缝合妳我手心 就这样牵住放不开
有妳陪伴 呼吸着有妳的空气
Ti amo. Te quiero
每一天都要爱上妳 想着你 沉入梦境
一张眼 一清醒 第一个想到又是你
사랑해 And I love you
我每天都要爱上你 少一天 就会遗憾
陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算 蹉跎
好想缝合妳我手心 就这样牵住放不开
有妳陪伴 呼吸着有妳的空气 就是幸福
Ti amo. Te quiero
每一天都要爱上妳 想着你 沉入梦境
一张眼 一清醒 第一个想到又是你
사랑해 And I love you
少一天 就会遗憾
陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算 蹉跎
:) so nice.. when the girl sings i will fly .. :D
Monday, July 14, 2008
lemme tell
Fuzzy wuzzy bear likes to be happy but not sad.
Fuzzy wuzzy bear likes to see but not to hear
Fuzzy wuzzy bear likes to swimming but not wakeboarding.
Fuzzy wuzzy bear like heels but not shoes.
Fuzzy wuzzy bear likes google maile but not hotmail.
Fuzzy wuzzy bear like to strawberry but not mango
Fuzzy wuzzy bear like to be pepper but not salt.
Fuzzy wuzzy bear like to be happy but not sad
Fuzzy wuzzy bear like to be hippo but not panda
continue the story :)
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
School started!
2 weeks ago ... was taught to be a man in every circumstance. tho i din really catch the full message as i was serving... i really think i needa make time for bible studying and catching up on the sermons i miss when i usher. felt that connectedness part is missing in my life. and w/o that .. i cant be an effective leader. hmmm.
i still love God. i had pretty much fun on sat and sun. you know what? i can get to play free pool and billard on sats!! cos one of my friend -yj stays in ntu and can book pool table for free.. so we can have the whole place for ourselves to play!!!! Awesome man.. in no time i'll be a pool masterchamp.. buahahhaha. okok i know you'll say wait long long..
make me feel happy abit can :) ?lol
And yes school started!!! i was late for class today!!! ROAR cos the traffic to school was super slow. i gonna leave on de dot nxt time if i wanna be early man. But! school was cool. i sooo miss school life and yes .. school life is def cooler than office life. but a combination of both should pack some punch in my life. im so goin to enjoy this hectic season ...... :)
sadly today's lesson is really chim. the lecturer just bombarded me with so many different jargons that at the end of the lecture... i felt like i just walk out from a mazy jungle to where i have started. lol .. seriously i never take a financial - related course before... no poa, no econs background ... just a simple science student. :) and yes i've got alot of catching up to do! God pls help me!
show ya some cool stuffs! you might have to tune up the brightness of ya monitor to see this..
KTV at Family KTV Chinatown
Saturday, June 28, 2008
but i had fun. in a meaningful kind of way. now its the time to shine :)
and to kp my post short... i'll jus pic-post :)
1st few shots with new phone :)
Yen~Leng's Bday!
the lame things we do in Office ..
chillin at pantry - tryin to sing a song
office stunt1
chillin at pantry - not sure what we're doing
the cutest thing on earth... my 2 new babies... :)
cheerios pple!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
there used to be this awkwardness in the air that i don't dare to face... this relationship that i don't really wanna 'handle'.
i remembered i hugged him once when i was a child when my aunt suddenly ask me to .... i felt a slight weird strange feeling. its like i don't really know him. you understand that feeling?
Today it seems like i knew him much better after i pay him a visit. Elaine, shifu and qy was with me. shifu said it seems like he really wants to spend time with me. and i get the similar feeling. there are alot of bottleup feelings my dad had. he refuse to share about his problems .. his health .. his failing eyesight as he doesn't want people to worry about him. that's kinda like me very much in the past. i can sense his feelings.
sometimes i don't know what to say to my dad. we talk simple talks this few days after i learnt his abt his news.
i hope we can really go somewhere someday.. as good father and son.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Well... today went out with Ben to practise guitar after bible study. Wanted to try out a song together with Ben ... and we happily found a corner that we think is secluded .... and away from the crowd in riverwalk. So we found one corner and started playing ... after a long while, Bro MinJing came and told us we can't play guitar that. I felt so embarassed after that :( He asked which zone we are from, which cg, and which cgl we belong to... argh. ultimate sadness :( Sorry CGL!
sometimes guys do stupid things. playing guitar in a public area causing disturbance to others wasn't our plan. but well.. in our eagerness ... we could be eagerly wrong. sigh. i felt like burying my head like an ostrich as i walk back... i will be wiser.
Well on another note... i got to know that my dad's left eye is going .. or if not, its already blind. He says he cant see anything... and i don't really know how bad is the situation. I would wanna go down this weekend to see him. I ain't very close with dad and our seperated lives aren't helping much either. Called him just now and he seems very sad. sigh.
I hope i have enough finances to bring him to op or something..
pls keep him in prayer yea?
Monday, June 02, 2008
you know the song ?
lol anyway.. yesterday and yesterday's yesterday was a cool day! In yesterday's yesterday, i watched Made of honour! Here's my take:
Good storyline. Classic tale of boy chase girl. He realise she's the one. She's blur as a sotong .. waiting to be won over by prince charming ...and yeps happily ever after :). I like the funny scenes in the show. A good show to sit, relax and laugh. thumbs up from orangeman. 8/10
Was quite tired the whole week. Have been sleeping late and waking up early everyday .. so Saturday ... i was pretty much like a walking jelly. I will blend with the wall .... glue myself to the chair ... lol and my eyes will wonder wonder wonder.... :) I went to help verona shop for her stuff and gave her some fashion advice too :) hohoho.
Now for yesterday! I did Hotel 2 (Usher ministry appointment) in my church for de 1st time! Basically its like a IC position that overlooks the first half of the hall auditorium.. so i got to make sure everything runs well in this area. And because its near/involves the stage ... its a very crucial job!!! I was so excited on the duty day but well ... sad to say i think i wasn't spiritually ready to take on the job. The whole duty .. my mind was racing to fight fire ... to resolve problem... but in reality - i operate too much on the level of a usher rather as a leader. I made alot of critical mistakes too that i think no one really realise but i feel its quite critical. So looking back... i realise i need to learn to see things from a leaders point of view more. Overall i am thankful for all de help i get from all my friends and leaders there. Through the day i was quite sad over the congregation's remarks abt usher ministry and how i also felt about the standard of usher ministry. It became quite a burden.
After settling my ministry stuff... met up wen to chill. It's so long since we catch up and well its so nice to talk to 'old friends' again. We both shared our burdens about cg, the people and also about many litte funny things. haha. I was really encouraged by her comments about usher ministry :) After talking to her about my burden... i felt so happy that we are still appreciated by someone. :) So she shared wif me some strategies to train up usher and well i think its really cool! haha.
We walked around town and eventually settle on this place to eat
*all pics taken from wen's blog.. cant take pic now cos cam phone spoil :(*
and well this pic i made for her.. cos she is crazy over potatoes! She'll sing potato.. speak potato .. and well potato(verb) potato(noun) all de way. haha u get the idea -_-"
It was a nice time. Wen got drunk with nonsense after a while and started behaving like the kungfu panda we saw in one of the MRT ads earlier. I had to start to call her kungfu pandy again... haha. well she can be lame sometimes :P But shes a sweet friend.
that's yesterday. yesterday was a beautiful day.
Update update!
One of our colleagues was hospitalised and my colleages come up with this goodwill video! Sweet rite?... To me its quite funny.. ha enjoy ;)
Also check out Jung Mun's farewell entry.. Its updated with videos and pictures
Friday, May 30, 2008
why silence is golden..
If you ask a question you don't want an answer to .. Expect an answer you don't want to hear.
adapted from radio91.3, pretty cool huh :)
just for fun pple :)
Another departure
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Jung Mun
But in this short months he spent with us... im glad i really got to know a good nice friend :) And today we had a good dinner session with him at Lau Pat Sat. And wow i did not know Lau Pat Sat has so much food again! My last visit here tells me that this is nothing but a ghost town .. but nope i am glad i was wrong! We ate lots of food... from my favourite Xiao Long Bao ... to *Aw Jian* (oyster omlette) .. to Bandung Rojak ( totally urgh.. cheat my money and feelings.. lol dun buy it if u see this weird name again.. ) ... to Chao ToFu ( or smelly fried tofu )... Ji Pa ( chicken cutlet fried taiwan style)... to Popiah ... to Jason burger. ok the last one - im just kiddin. :) But it was feasticlicious! i mean i cant eat my dinner at home because of the food im put to eat. haha no la i will eat or else my grandma will throw tantrums.. and yea:) I think Jung mun enjoyed all the food we ate. :)
After which we walked past my office .. to OUB plaza where we settle down for picture taking. And of course we presented the song "That's what friends are for" to him... aw. I played the guitar and well mis-played afew chords (aiya!) and somewhere thru the song we forgot the lyrics.. lol. bad presentation of the song but imho we did it all so heartily .. so its still good to me. Jung Mun did a farewell song for us ... song sang by Korean kids! :) ITS so CUTE! :) No wonder Koreans are such cute people... they have lovely lovely kindergarden songs! I'll ask my members to sent me the video/songs/pics and i'll put it here for u to see :) hoho
*Updates updates*
our song item : That's what friends are for. Lovely remixed by us.
Jung Mun's farewell gift#1 for us
Jung Mun's Korean dance #2, from a kids song
Gift#3... lol :) know its dark.. but listen to it..
Farewell speech by Jungmun
a friend found is a treasure gained. a friend gone to my hearts dismay. but where we live we always know.. that friendship's fire will ever glow. :)
indeed that's what friends are for..
Orangeman became a poet.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Nights out
Went out with turtle on monday to chill out at Vivo (dun worry got inform my cgl wan!hehe). Anyway turtle is one of my best female friend i had. Tho sometimes i really feel like strangling her cos of our differences but .. she is one of the most lovely friends i had :) haha.. dun cry ar turtle.. :P
We went White dog cafe to eat their sussages and pizza ,,, the servings were ok .. and well i had lots of KFC drumlets before i met her so i am quite full. So most of the eating i throw to her (^^) .v.. after which .. we watch Indiana Jones!!! man i really use to like shows like this in the past. He is kinda old right nw but well the way he moves around is still funny.. lol. Anyway not a perfect movie .. but if u like cheap thrills ... simple adventure ... and scenes of de hero running around.. then this is a show for you :). Well this show feels like National Treasure ... but i love the soundtrack behind the show... * Ter ter ter ter .. ter .ter .ter .... * ok i sing for u next time :)
It was a simple dinner. I was tired that night. I bet she was too. But it was a refreshing simple fellowship :) Sometimes doing admin work kills. I remembered Pastor CK told us that. If we overlabour ourselves with work, with the process ... operations... we'll be weary. Our hearts get dull. But it is still necessary for productiveness and for substenance. But above all, relationships are what hold our lives together. Words of kindness. Generous acts of extra service. A Pat on the back. Gifts. Time. simple things we all can do. but we tend to forget sometimes. we tend to focus less on it and more on our own *have-to-do* list. And it goes on and on. I felt convicted to spend more time with people this few weeks. And honestly.. i feel i given alot. But God knows better. :) I may not be there yet. but i'll definitely be there.
im fustrated. But i will give more :)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Im not dead
but well i'll just worry less on that for now.
Went for service today! It was superb! it was one of those days that i could sit with my CG!!! but ministry calls and i have to help out with the whiteboard on stage. i feel quite sad in a way because i really don't have much time to spend with CG and some of my friends complain that i do not spend enough time with them ... so i was really looking forward to it. even told my CGL i can join u all for svc! so i feel quite bad on not honouring my word..
Well on a more positive note... i am really touched by Pastor's message about Life. ( Leaving to cleave, Intimacy with God, Faith in God, Examplary thru brokeness ) As he shared about how a christian ought to live in such a powerful LIFE ... lots of things trace through my mind. I was reminded about God's goodness.. my personal struggles that God set me free from, my commitment to shift my focus to Him, my current struggles .. everything just seem to appear in my mind. I just started tearing... (yeps big boy me cried) and i am really convicted to live a life fully for God and to bless my friends! I am doin so now ... but i know God is stirring me up for more. As Pastor started calling out for people who wants to rise up to be leaders .. especially CGL, i was motivated to go. Since i was backstage.. i cant move from my location. But in another sense, God has already lead me into usher ministry to rise up here. And to me ... i know our cg really needs another cgl to lead people as well. I'll pray for a right direction ... I just want to serve Him the best that i can where He leads me. But I'll continue to share the burden of my CGL. So my great cg mates... i will fight on with you too! My heart is with you guys too :)
Had a good lunch with my cg members. so sad that jung mun, the korean hunk attached to our cg is leaving. But we are going to meet him up one last time to have fun! And i had a good time celebrating Simon's bday with the rest of my ushermates! We had a pretty good time eating xiao long bao ( my new favourite food! ) and other asian yumyums from Asian Kitchen (Vivocity). It was splendidulous meal! I din eat much but i really have a good dose of laughter which sort of filled me up.. with air? erm yea i became full* !:) My usher friends are really cool. esp de little girl nxt to me. she never fails to amuse herself and when she laughs ...... part of me will become temporary deaf.. urgh. But well leonger ya still cool :) haha. I notice Simon laughs as loud as her too :) hoho.. and yee said too much cold jokes today that she needed my sweater to stay warm..... hehe. oh ya... leon climbed up to tiny block of monument-like thingy in the open space at vivo. She started to do a funny ducky-like dance and well if i got the video... goin to post it here!!! its very cute. lol. Den later all climbed up and we played some guitar songs... :) really nice. Hope simon enjoyed this bday celeb :P
I rushed off after that to meet my uncle to settle my SIM couse fees. Along the way my pants got ripped off by one of the spooks of a fence i am trying to climb over. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!! My whole right pocket got ripped off and it was left dangling with threads on my right butt. I try to act natural of course and welll ... thank God there wasn't a crowd to witness my unglam fence climbing action! or else... tmr morning New Paper have something interesting news to ramble abt. and then ... that's it man...
well thank God my SIM course fee was settled. hmm as i spoke to my uncle and discuss the bills to settl for this course ... it wasn't really a pleasant talk. and i was quite fustrated in a way when we chat. But im at the same time thankful for his kindness to me even though i don't really deserve it. It's really grace that i get sponsorship for this course.... but im determined to pay him back this fees. I think its too much a sum for him to bear for me, which is on top of his own family commitments. I have disappointed many of my relatives in a past... and sometimes the past haunts me in this area. i needa stand up to fight if i am goin to see my breakthrough. so the days ahead are going to be tough... but with extra 'right' commitment comes extra grace from God! i may be a man but im Ironorangeman!
yonghui going to bmt soon..... sighz... hopes can talk to him more abt other things rather than usher. haven been talking much with my dad. with my grandma. haven been working out too. that's much more for me to do.
but ultimately i still love you Lord :) i will walk on water.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
just something..
just feel like getting something out of my mind here... but as i type ... i just dunno what to write... Is this what they call writer's amnesia ? O_O?!
ok i remember one thing. Ps Chee Kiang shared about being a servant leader, and that reminds me of my JC days. Life is not just to eat, play and be merry. Though the concept itself is deliciously tempting.. but i know it can never be fulfilling. And yea that's why we serve. And as i serve ... i realise God always deal with the the stingy areas of my life. Areas that i like to hold back and justify it all based on my perception of the situation. But he always mould me in little areas like : being loving. patient. And havinga big open hearted. hmm what would a man be like if he has all this ? gayish ? yeps lol .. very happyish indeed. But more to that .. i think he'll be a Man of great Character. An Ironman indeed. that's right man.
i'll learn to be more people-centred. But to do that.. i must do well too.
God please multiply my time. I wanna spend more time with my guitar too.... God .. you know im a songwriter .. and so far i've written 0 songs. that's very sad o lord. Help me to plan well God. Help me to grow wings at my back and fly away to your secret place everyday. i wanna do more .. more and more and more for ya..... amen
Will you count me in?
I've been awake for a while now.
You've got me feeling like a child now.
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face,
I get the tingles in a silly place.
It starts in my toes,
And I crinkle my nose.
Wherever it goes I'll always know,
That you make me smile.
Please stay for a while now.
Just take your time,
Wherever you go.
The rain is falling on my window pane,
But we are hiding in a safer place.
Under covers staying dry and warm.
You give me feelings that I adore.
They start in my toes,
Make me crinkle my nose.
Wherever it goes I'll always know,
That you make me smile.
Please stay for a while now.
Just take your time,
Wherever you go.
What am I gonna say,
When you make me feel this way?
I just...mmm.
And it starts in my toes,
Makes me crinkle my nose.
Wherever it goes I'll always know,
That you make me smile.
Please stay for a while now.
Just take your time,
Wherever you go.
I've been asleep for a while now.
You tucked me in just like a child now.
'Cause every time you hold me in your arms,
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth.
It starts in my soul,
And I lose all control.
When you kiss my nose,
The feeling shows.
'Cause you make me smile.
Baby just take your time now,
Holding me tight.
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go.
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go.
Wherever you go,
Always know,
'Cause you make me smile even just for a while
love her voice. shes a songwriter too! she has pretty simple but groovy tracks in her album which makes her song really shine. :) she made her debutt through myspace ... and someday.. someday .. im goin to follow her footsteps.. hehe.
or probably path out my own..
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Office mates
one of the most funky people you'll meet ... :)
Elaine has went to another department... and yea all of us will miss her. But for me.. i know it'll be soon when all of us will meet together again :)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Man im tired. i love yesterday's service on Mother's day. i was tearing throughout the service when i see how much sacrifice the mom's make for their children. But for me... i have another special person to fill in as my mom throuh all this years.. that's my grandma.
Since i don't grow up with my parents, i don't have the opportunities of learning and experiencing parental love as young. But i got blessings from many of my relatives. I was raised with many people to look up to .. but it wasn't a very pleasant journey for me as a child. But one happy thing that i appreciate (and still learing to apprecaite) is the love my grandma gave me since i was young. you know i use to really hate her when i was young! but after my eyes were opened, i began to understand bit by bit her untold love towards me everyday. She is the greatest mom that i had all my life.
I treat her to a simple dinner of dim sum and KFC yesterday. So far, she only liked the 'xiao long bao' i bought.. lol .. so sad i bought so much food and we all cant finish it.. (yea supersizestomachme cant finish too!).
No nations are greater than a mother. Because it's a mother that raised up a man.
despite all our quarrels ... Grandma ya always the greatest!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Built to last..
Today was a sunny sparkly superbly day! Super sunday for a superme.
Today i did Stage 1 and man .... i love it! the Holy Spirit's in control of everything... Well its not a perfect service... but when the holy spirit leads.. i feel so comforted. i feel so lead. Just on my way to church this morning ... i worshipped God in my own way on the upper deck of bus 242. i pop on the track 'Till I See You' by Hillsong United and i just began tearing... the presence just flow into where and when i was sitting. It may appear unmanly to cry ... but for the right reasons ... i think that its a courageous thing to do to stay true to your feelings. God is so unbelievably cool when he just comes in to visit me like that... just superblicious. :)
and i feel it man. its a season for prayer for our church. and i really feel the vibes all around me.. telling me to pray.. and pray like never before. prayer isn't something seasonal.. But living a lifestyle of sacrifice, to p.u.s.h. and witness something extraodinary is probably what this season is. And i think its all true. being a true witness is combining our faith with a lifestyle of Christ. wherever He goes ... He seeks Him. Sorry for the parables to my non-christian friends... but i just wanna say He showed me somthing great again... or more like rekindle an old spark in me. :) i wanna pray... and pray till i can see heaven coming down on earth!
Watched 2 movies this weekend! double jumbo! Here's my take of the two movies.
Over her Dead body:
Urgh. Senseless plot. partially good attempt in romance. ticklish jokes but it has no lasting effect (de fun die off easily) . But well Girls might like it. At least my 2 great female neighbours in the show enjoyed it pretty well. So i guess it isn't that bad. Honestly.. watch it with a female who appreciate lame corny jokes. in my case... they spur me to *laugh* :) at everything. most of the time at them. haha. 4.9/10
This show is totally OwnZor! RoXor! lol... ok u can see some biasness here.. but at least the guys and girls i hang out with pretty much enjoy the show. Expected plot based pretty much on the original comic story. But the order which they present the twist of betrayal is quite good. In short,, this show has substance :) to me it has a good plot. well animated effects. simple cause to believe. and well a pretty corny jokes too. but well not overly lame as ohdb. The simple movie works well for me! 3 thumbs up if u have 3 thumbs. :D 7.5/10
Orangeman is inspired to be IRON Orangeman after this show. i shall instill myself with a good framework of fortitude.... well built attitude, and the WOG as my weapon of mass destruction! My secret ability shall be - abilityto bounce back from setbacks and have an ironsteel skin from every problems i meet in life. If Iron orangeman can do it, so can you! :)

Live on superheroes!