but well i'll just worry less on that for now.
Went for service today! It was superb! it was one of those days that i could sit with my CG!!! but ministry calls and i have to help out with the whiteboard on stage. i feel quite sad in a way because i really don't have much time to spend with CG and some of my friends complain that i do not spend enough time with them ... so i was really looking forward to it. even told my CGL i can join u all for svc! so i feel quite bad on not honouring my word..
Well on a more positive note... i am really touched by Pastor's message about Life. ( Leaving to cleave, Intimacy with God, Faith in God, Examplary thru brokeness ) As he shared about how a christian ought to live in such a powerful LIFE ... lots of things trace through my mind. I was reminded about God's goodness.. my personal struggles that God set me free from, my commitment to shift my focus to Him, my current struggles .. everything just seem to appear in my mind. I just started tearing... (yeps big boy me cried) and i am really convicted to live a life fully for God and to bless my friends! I am doin so now ... but i know God is stirring me up for more. As Pastor started calling out for people who wants to rise up to be leaders .. especially CGL, i was motivated to go. Since i was backstage.. i cant move from my location. But in another sense, God has already lead me into usher ministry to rise up here. And to me ... i know our cg really needs another cgl to lead people as well. I'll pray for a right direction ... I just want to serve Him the best that i can where He leads me. But I'll continue to share the burden of my CGL. So my great cg mates... i will fight on with you too! My heart is with you guys too :)
Had a good lunch with my cg members. so sad that jung mun, the korean hunk attached to our cg is leaving. But we are going to meet him up one last time to have fun! And i had a good time celebrating Simon's bday with the rest of my ushermates! We had a pretty good time eating xiao long bao ( my new favourite food! ) and other asian yumyums from Asian Kitchen (Vivocity). It was splendidulous meal! I din eat much but i really have a good dose of laughter which sort of filled me up.. with air? erm yea i became full* !:) My usher friends are really cool. esp de little girl nxt to me. she never fails to amuse herself and when she laughs ...... part of me will become temporary deaf.. urgh. But well leonger ya still cool :) haha. I notice Simon laughs as loud as her too :) hoho.. and yee said too much cold jokes today that she needed my sweater to stay warm..... hehe. oh ya... leon climbed up to tiny block of monument-like thingy in the open space at vivo. She started to do a funny ducky-like dance and well if i got the video... goin to post it here!!! its very cute. lol. Den later all climbed up and we played some guitar songs... :) really nice. Hope simon enjoyed this bday celeb :P
I rushed off after that to meet my uncle to settle my SIM couse fees. Along the way my pants got ripped off by one of the spooks of a fence i am trying to climb over. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!! My whole right pocket got ripped off and it was left dangling with threads on my right butt. I try to act natural of course and welll ... thank God there wasn't a crowd to witness my unglam fence climbing action! or else... tmr morning New Paper have something interesting news to ramble abt. and then ... that's it man...
well thank God my SIM course fee was settled. hmm as i spoke to my uncle and discuss the bills to settl for this course ... it wasn't really a pleasant talk. and i was quite fustrated in a way when we chat. But im at the same time thankful for his kindness to me even though i don't really deserve it. It's really grace that i get sponsorship for this course.... but im determined to pay him back this fees. I think its too much a sum for him to bear for me, which is on top of his own family commitments. I have disappointed many of my relatives in a past... and sometimes the past haunts me in this area. i needa stand up to fight if i am goin to see my breakthrough. so the days ahead are going to be tough... but with extra 'right' commitment comes extra grace from God! i may be a man but im Ironorangeman!
yonghui going to bmt soon..... sighz... hopes can talk to him more abt other things rather than usher. haven been talking much with my dad. with my grandma. haven been working out too. that's much more for me to do.
but ultimately i still love you Lord :) i will walk on water.
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