It's been a heavy week ....
not just tiring ... but a week which i feel rather high and low. 'Cos A levels is really coming too.
It's a period which i kinda feel drawn away from people too...
but it's just great when it reaches the weekends .. not just because i am going back to the house of God.. to be with friends that i truly treasure.
but because somehow at the end of the week.. i feel that i've overcome it all. The stress. The problems. And that i can truly spend my precious time in doing what i like to do. Being in place(s) i want to be. Doing things that is slowly changing the course of my life and bringing me into another level of victory in life. And yes! Weekends are just so cool! :)
This week is also pretty special because of Valentine's Day .. on the 14th of Feb. It's a day for lovers. but for people who have no gf-s like me ... i got to spend the time with a special friend. That is Jesus. Hey it's not weird. well, evn though i once thought was. but really he's just the nicest guy i know on planet Earth. A relationship with him will really bring you far in life. The brothers of w143 has also brainstormed for a long time to make Valentine's gifts for the sisters in the cell group. I must say i'm proud of the brothers! For all the efforts they've contributed to make our idea work. And the main thing is the sisters love it :). Except maybe for one complain queen -_- ha. but well, i think we've gone up another level brothers. These gifts are really our blood and sweat. Thanks Chong :), Jarrett, Jian Kun, Wun Shun, and JJ!. Sorry that i can't bless the rest of my great-friends with Valentine's gifts...
will find a good time to make-up.... (that is if i never forget.. haha)
One thing about this week's service and Cell group is the way i feel it teaches us on relationship. Since the first day i join CHC, i've learn a couple things about relationships. Its importance .. and the way to deal with it. But as simple as it may sound in words ... relationships are never easy to handle. It takes afew unfriendly experiences, a few rubs in the wound, a few mis-steps (most of the time) to be a master of it. I have lots of that. And such is the person i am today. I've said so many things i shouldn't have said. Done countless unmeaningful ... hurtful things, swear-ed ( don't look at me as if you don't know me. :P ) But even so, it doesn't guarantee a perfect me. But it does build me up to be one some day. Even so, i do still face setbacks and disappointments qutie frequently when it comes to relationship. Abit of fear of opening up. Fear of betrayal. Disappointments. All of it is too draining. And even after i've accepted Christ, i could still taste that emotion. But looking back, it really doesn't affect me the way it used to do. Because i am a new man in Christ. He puts me through that much .. to make me a great man of God which now i confess daily that i would be.
The lessons learnt this week aren't new.
things like ...
Dealing with Fustration and Agressiveness.
by careful evaluation (to the former) and showing assertiveness (to the later) instead.
Steppin out of Insecurity
which results in the feeling of wanting to please others. Learn to do what's right instead and trust God.
Handling Uncertainty
being afraid of making mistakes. Afraid of failing deprives you of the chance of learning from yr failures. Learn to make right decisions. It's ok the make mistakes. It prepares you for big decisions.
Handling Loneliness.
Being alone differs from being lonely. It can be easily solved. Just ask yourself what are you goin to do abt it and do it.
Casting away Resentment .
Don't curse, nurse or re-hearse the fruit. Forgive (first) and forget. Let it go.
Filling Emptiness.
It's said our heart has an emptiness that is in the form of a cross. It can only be filled by Christ. It may not be true for some who have felt enlightened or somehow found their own way of living. But even so i feel it works true for all. Deep down in every human. I can't say it all by reasoning.. but just like the bible said, what good is a man who gains the whole world but loses his soul. there is more to life than it seems.
that's how we deal with ourselves. having a good relationship with yourself helps. you can't love others well if you can't love yourself well too. (as intepreted from in the bible)
For service. Ps Kong shared an entertaining message about relationships. It's a real heart-y message. Touches right down to the heart. Makes every man yell amen. And woman too. :)
10 colourful ways of having a great relationship.
Be Interested in people in their world.
Be there. Listen.
Make people feel important.
i've read before that if everybody does that in the world without braggin about their own importance... Everyone will end up feelin important without the need to say "I'm important! just see that!".
Smile when you meet people.
a smile a day drives the worries away. ( ha i formed it myself :P)
Encourage people.
En-courage = Put in courage in them. Give them faith that they can do it.
Esteem others as better than yourself.
This does not mean putting down yourself as some lowly useless guy in comparison with others. i did that before and it's plain stupid. Learn to comment on the good side of others. that's it.
Use people's names more than usual.
This point comes like a wow to me. I never thought using names can be so amazingly effective in cheerin the person on. unless u get names like Jebez (which means suffering in greek. not a cool name)
Be complimentary of people.
Use extravagant words. Don't hold yourself back on praising others. It's not about feedin the ego when it comes to complimenting something that is really true and nice about them. Charles Dickens got one approved manuscript, equipped with worthy praises that sets him off to become one of the world's great novelist.
and last but not least .. 4 things about true friends.
Friends strengthen your hand in God.
They creat Faith and not Fear.
They celebrate your victory.
They equipped you for the future.
I want to be that kind of friend for all the friends i treasure. :)
I hope i do find more of such friends that put faith in me. Pray for me and be there for me. Those are friends that are so rare. so so rare.
Thank God for relationships.
My blessed week..
Lerissa grinning with JC.
Ha we are quite compatible huh?
my Valentine's day gift from the sisters from w143.
Trip to Pastamania:)
A very friendly sign. lol
wad does that mean? lol
mamamia!? so many digits!
Filled to the brim. We realy have a good fellowship :)
Prosperous look. i give the "yum yum i'm full" look
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