was real tired the whole day...
unbelievably tired. but well i din compromise in my serving (in usher) ... lest peifen kills me.
well i was also alittle quiet during Ministry support duty in the morning. I'm sorry if i appear alittle "dao" or withdrawn. I guess i am still a shy boy :). or maybe is it because i'm tired? or i dunno...
Living a new life as a Christian did make me love myself better. Appreciate myself more. and understand myself more too. I was recently "scolded" by my mom, for looking down on myself. I was just chatting with her casually... telling her how i sometimes feel disgusted over myself. She den goes around and say .. " so you're despising God's creation now? He created you."
Sometimes it's best not to say anything when you're feeling all bad over what you did. But to a certain extent .. maybe she was right about one thing about me. About how much i really love myself. I know it's going to take some time for me to do that. But i just wonder. - just think about it.. How much do you really appreciate yourself for who you are? that when you look at the mirror every morning... despite the inperfect teeth, the little scars, the pimple and the messy hair.. you could say with a cheer that you look great!? :) It goes a long way to love yourself for who you really are. Behind the nice clothes. The makeup. The Gel. The botox. It's a great you. especially that which is inside.
A journey with Christ has brought me thus far. and yea.. ironically .. i feel that in many times, God knows me better than i know myself. I've to asked God frequently to change me. to make me a stronger, better and happier person! And this would be part of my new year resolution this year.
and yea.. i am still planning my new year resolution.
Gotta plan it quick before it becomes old year resolution. ha.
I've learnt that one of my friend has rededicated his life to Christ. :) i was really happy. Because despite the numerous set-backs he faces .. and the uneasiness i felt... it all work well. and yea... i've always told him .. dun worry dude. It'll all work out ..
I guess the best miracle i've really seen this week ... or actually ... one of the best miracle i've seen in my life. Is to see how God answers prayer. And from all these episodes ... i've learn one thing about sharing the gospel. It's not the theology of Christ much of this world needs. And not just the testimony of what he did back at Calvary. It's his love that really matter. For we love, because he first loved us.
Thank God for this testimony.
oh yah.... ushering was quite an experience this week. Because 5 of us has (from my team) made a pretty serious mistake. The news was apparantly so serious .. that the Chief Usher was informed. Many leaders had been scolded because of us. I felt pretty bad. It was partly my fault too. If there's one thing i've learn.. it's to always remember the last instruction. and not add any additional instruction to it. i guess that's how it works in the working world too. sigh.. thank God the service went well in the end.
Hmm overall everything was well this week. I know 'O' levels was out this week. And though i cheer up some of my friends who performed averagely well .. i was alittle quite worried myself over what i would get for my 'A' levels. After i did my paper, i fairly know where i stand in my grades. My Maths was real horrible. Even though it was like my strongest subject in the past ... i kinda feel i will fail my Maths this time round. My Chemistry was horrible too. I am really praying for some B's and C's at least this time round. It would really really be much better than getting E's and F's. :(
Say Jason ... All things work out for the good of those who love God yah?
i know even if i din do well this time. God will still provide away in my education. I won't give up!!!!
but hey.. i still wanna believe i'll do well :)
this week's happenings ...
this is what happens to pple who bully me! ha :D
Jon and me. So cool!
Little Lerisha joined us during prayer meeting!
prayer meetin! first time i lead worship leh! very nice. can feel the fire of God during prayer!
External Traffic usher - Allen. the shy boy.
Lol .. we took pic wif Ps Kong's car :)
guess where's this place?!
after church service .... on our way back!
Prem wif his colourful shirt and me!
Sunday Baptism Service.
i scribbled quickly on my members' cards before headin bk to duty
our Baptism pool.
The rowdy crowd.
Pastor Chuang wadin thru the pool :)
ahh target spotted!
Jarrett abt to be baptised! look how excited he is..
Grace after being dipped ..
there! Grinnin wif a new glorious look :D
pastor is out...
The salts of the earth.
Receiving another blessing time! material gifts :)
wah. so nice! ha not i get for them one btw :D
Mom praying over them. she has a very funny pose.
Our Cell who went to support!!
she must be proud of her sis and bro.
A pic with their family.
Steamboat at Pandy's place
eatin ice cream le.
our food. it's very nice!!!!
JK wif Pandy .. playin guit.
There caught stealin ice cream!! lol kiddin. i ask him to pose there one.
ps: must really thank Pandy and her parents! it's really a very very nce meal. a long time (since CNY a few weeks ago) when i enjoyed a good steamboat meal :P
woa hoho.. Valtentine's day next week.... i wonder wonder how it's goin to be like on tat day :P
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