Chu yi aka Chinese New Year Day 1
Well early in the morning .. 9 or 10 am ?? There was people visiting my house already! Very bad news for a late-morning-waker like me. They should be visting my granny... to be exact T_T . So much for a holiday huh ... no chance to sleep.
My cousins were were playing my computer as soon as i step up into my room.... and of all games ... CS again -_- . I quickly washed up and ate my breakfast cum lunch prepared by my granny. I had some early morning squabbles with her .. pretty noisy morning .. i can say. but all is well in the end :)
We then went to visit my great aunt. We watched Power Ninjas! (is it wad it's called ? lol i had no idea), a derivation of the classic Power Rangers! and the ninjas were like so cool! i mean i am not a kid ... but well i got to give due credit to the show man! it's real sleek ... cool kickin moves ... amazing kungfus ... cool costumes. it's pretty nice to watch :D!! hahaa
then the little boy or seemingly the master over the TV) switch to his pokemon VCDs. -__- ... i dun hate pokemons .. but i somehow found myself in a ready-to-sleep position a few mins after the show started. very soon we left. sadly i din succeed to finish their pineapple tarts in their house :) lol... hey i finish many pineapple tarts in all my relative's house before ok!? dun pray pray ...
ok after this ... i went to my cousin's place!!! Well every CNY ... i get the chance to stay over at their house and play. At least it's fun to be stayin over at a new enovironment :D. Other than being bugged constantly by my cousin Gabriel to help him set-up his Maple Story into his com ... everything is fun and cool. :) I even play with their new parrot!! (new to my eyes... haha not something new in their house!) and another amazin thing is that ... their house is totally different from the last time i came. ( which is like ... err 1 yr ago?). There are crystals everywhere! and it's like those fortune crystals that Feng Shui Masters like to play with. sigh i got alittle worried over him ... because he is a Chistian too. A very religious one. But i heard from my cousins that he hardly goes to church now. seems like he backslided. :(
well i'll pray for him.
We visited afew houses on that day too. My cousin's granny hse. My cousin's auntie house.. I don't really know where they were bringing me.. but i just tag along with my uncle wherever he goes. I would say i feel pretty awkward coming to their house every year. I dun really know my cousin's cousins well you see. But well this year, i feel quite cool around them. No uneasiness. More of Jolliness and thankfulness. so i pretty like these new secure-d feelin when i visit them this year. I guess God really make me a more secure person this year :)
pictures tat i've collected..
Me and my Granny .. goin to visit my auntie's house!
Ha... the fairly irritated look of managing a baby in de car.
Trinity wanna-be? adorable rite?
At Cousin's place. with their pet Parrot. He can really climb! :)
a visit at my cousin's granny house.
My cousins and the rest .. playing BlackJack. i humbly watch them win and lose their bucks at de side :D
look a ... German shephard? very kawaii. it's very affectionate! licks me all over
very nice fur it has! :) the owners did a great job in keepin him well!!
This a very hyperactive puppy! always barks for attention! i play around with him too!! he likes to lick from my hand all the way to my arm ..
I'm going to get a dog someday. they are really great pets :) The Man's best Friends. Maybe i might get one for my granny! Tink she might like one :P
this cute gurl plays with the puppy earlier on.
Well i enjoy Chu Yi Very well!! Amazing amazing day! :D
Chu Er aka Chinese New Year Day 2
Well we din do much today. But i got to play my cousin's PS2 games ^^
I keep dying when i play Soul Calibre -_- ... Apparantly Sonic Calibre isn't pro enuff to ace that game. :P
We played alot! I think Devil May Cry was a pretty cool game. Very nicely customised weapons .. and great cool effects. :)
At night, we caught a late night movie .. Memoirs of a Geisha.
Well we were like choosing to watch either My Kungfu Sweetheart or this movie .. (all the rest are pretty booked out -_- ) . So i make the decision for them and chose this one.. My cousins were all complaining how bad this movie would be .... I din really did much to coax these big babies i've brought with me .. but just told them to give it a chance and see it.
It turned out pretty well :). I din noe Zhang Ziyi, Michelle Yeow .. (familiar cast of award-winning Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) acted in this show as well. I'm not sure if this was a true narrative story of a Geisha's life .. but it's impressive how the spirit of a character were very well potrayed in the entire show.
I keep giving my little Cousin Gabriel different definitions of a Geisha. haa.... cos i wasn't very sure of the definition myself :P Hmm i told him at first it was a prostitute. Then i say it's a special kinda high-class prostitute. Then i told him it's an female escort. Then a crowd entertainer.
this is the show's definition (as said my Mameha in the show) :
"Geisha are not courtesans. And we are not wives. We sell our skills, not our bodies. We create another secret world, a place only of beauty. The very word "geisha" means artist and to be a geisha is to be judged as a moving work of art"
it's a pretty good show. Except i dun really like the ending... ha.. :P
waiting for last bus back. @ Toa Payoh Interchange :)
Chu San aka Chinese New Year Day 3
I brough my cousin Gabriel along to meet my cg for house - house visition :)
Well sadly alot of people can't come! or else we'll have a much much bigger crowd! :D
But still with this happening bunch of us, we played many entertaining games :)
Our first Stop at John and Jess's house! drank alot of water here ;D (for those who know)
Then We dropped by Mom's (aka my cgl) place!
Ha we have a great time playing Indian poker and other funny games too!
Sadly i lost my Shirt and Black WS cap here. It was found eventually after my mom went back to search. :) ha... did they grew legs and ran away or something? funny...
3 bros at My Mom's place :)
My cousin and me... he's so shy taking picture.
i feel very old in these young crowd T_T
Agnes, Siyuan, Xinyi and JJ. at the corridor of Mom's place.
WE caught a movie again. I Not Stupid Too
Everyone (except the Newspaper Review in Sunday Times) says its good. Well it's been a long while since i've watched a great local movie production. And i am very happy that it was worth my cash! It's a very very very very very nice movie!!!! Very funny and relates very well to most Singaporeans. Whether you are a parent or a student ... this movie really makes you tear. Especially at the end .. i can hear many loud sniffs throughout the theatre. I figure that i should try less to fight back my tears... but my cousin kept looking at me -__- seemingly ... challenging me to release that drop of tear. well you get the point. it's not a sentimental show. it's just touching. it tickles your heart ... and makes you feel kinda warm all around...
this show kinda relates to me ... in de way how the kids try to win acceptance with their family. and how their trust was repeatedly betrayed and they turned to gangs to find a second home. and from one thing i've gained after being a Christian. I just realise as much as i fight to be accepted in the past ... i could have turned repeatedly to a divine source to feel secure. The God that loves me has always been there ... and i could testify that everytime i fell down as a kid .. He was really there for me. But being accepted is more than just mending hurts. It is more than just running to daddy when i fall. It is really knowing Dad as my dad. When he accepts me, he knows very well how to deal with me. He accepts me as i am. Loves me as i am. Shows me the way as i walk. Gives me when i hungrily seek. When you're accepted, you'll feel different. And this is even before we have receive Jesus Christ. He was always standing there with arms wide open. that really touched me when i think about it. when i see this movie.
you never have to earn acceptance.
Cos it's not about you. It's about Him. And He accepts you :)
took a few pics before we left.
Siyuan and JJ .. dinner after movie.
Mom and me :)
ps: she haven give me ang pow yet! haa she ask me to get from dad. :P
[ pics from Chong's cam ]
CNY is just great. Financial breakthrough. Eat-Many-Food Breakthrough. Fun-with-Family Breakthrough. ha it's a fantastic period!
Happy Chinese New Year :)
Marbb Marbbb.. how are ya?
Happy Chinese New Year, Xin Nian Kuai Le~
~Marble Nad =D~
thanks marb!!! ;) nice to see you here!
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