sometimes i feel tired. I've done much for people. I really want to help .. but the seeds seems to be falling on stony grounds..
I've learned yet another lesson in life. Be patient to your brothers and sisters. The word never struck me this hard before. I am a patient man.... but i can get restless, and too eager at times.
i guess there is a time for everything .. every season under the sun.
Update for the week.
[ spiritual walk ]

Sister Sharon shared with me the early church Hollywood theatre days. Members will willingly come very early to queue for seats in the service. They would queue for 2-3 hours, rain or shine outside the theatre. And when she was young, she would take long trips down to the church to pray. The church is the house of God. It's the place where the windows of Heaven will be poured out unto all flesh. There's where she wants to be to spend time in His love and presence. Even though the traveling time might exceed the prayer time she had, she is ever willing to present herself there.
Just look at us now.
I felt burdened by her words. I felt that we have been taking for granted the things that we are enjoying now. I get to see from the picture of the past ... how priviledge we are right now. Priviledges do not just drop from nowhere. Most of the times, it's through the sacrifices of others. I am just happy for the Sister Sharon, mom, and the rest who have sowed to this building that we have right now. Ain't it a beautiful and amazing place to be in?
I wept before the Lord at powerhouse in the prayer room. As a guy, i always fight back tears. I gather that there is no point crying over spilled milk. But i do know very well we have reasons to cry and we should. Its not a sign of weakness. Its an expression that makes us a human.
The last time i wept was during Emerge Conference. When i was hurt and i desperately needed a Fatherly love.
And i must say i felt his presence again. I was trembling and weeping there. There was 2 other stangers with me in that room but i couldn't care less on what they think about me. I worship Him in spirit and in truth. I remember Darlene Zchech words ... "you'll know if he doesn't come through .. you will be drowning..." It reminds me of the hunger of the Hillsong United crew. The hunger i had. I am so happy to receive it.
I was reaffirmed of His love.
[ testimony ]

We had a great time together. Ray and Jon were constantly eyeing girls and fighting with each other .. while Mdm and I are happily enjoying the show.
Well the food was great. :) It was a great eat-out ... our very first so to speak..
Thank you Mdm :)
[ spiritual walk ]
You can tell very well that our church loves Ps Sy Rogers alot. He is a very impressive speaker, very well versed with his flow of words, and a very humorous and dramatic pastor. A Quick snippet of his info ..
"Sy Rogers is a gifted international communicator, award-winning talk-show
host and recording artist. He has been in full-time counseling ministry for more
than two decades with 17 years of experience as a pastoral care specialist in
the area of sexuality. He travels extensively and has spoken in numerous
churches and organizations all over the world. His insights and dramatic life
story have been featured in numerous international TV interviews.... "
He came yet with another great message. Another page of his journey...
Important points that he make.
Love is definitely more than feelings. I guess most of us knows that. Living couples would know that its one thing to fall in love and another to spend the rest of your life loving each other. Love has to be more than feelings. It's both a noun and a verb. There is an act of will involve ... in spite of unfavouring circumstances, you will still step up and love.
In spite of risking Aids and contracting other contagious disease, Mother Theresa step forth to love the unloved. That's love. It's both giving and receiving.
It is acceptance. In spite of the dirt and flaws, He still loves us.
It has nothing to do with approval. It is just plain embrace of a person. a hug.
It has to do with accountability. Love says you'll answer for the things you say. The things you do or have not done.
Actions matter. Discipline comes harshly, but it always comes with love. Accountability is our check with God. The love that protects. To ensure no harm that will come your way that will strip your soul naked. A terrifying end it will be by then..
Love is Affirmation. I won't just tell you i love you, I will prove it to you. I will show that you do matter to me.
The love that brings confidence and assurance. It shows to the victim ever so that the hurts matter to the "daddy". 'Daddy saw it. Daddy's sorry and Daddy knows.' It builds, repairs and strengthen him/her.
Ps Sy said , "No words can make pain go away." Close friends cry together. Theyrejoice when a celeration comes. I feel that there's circle of love that bind them together. Love is more than a feeling. It's an experience .. that sometimes we'll go through together. Knowing that we can seek comfort and relate feelings with each other..
Its late in the night already. I love the message alot. It comes it at the right time with the flow of events this week. Love indeed is something amazing. I get to learn more and more of it each passing day ..
Stay loved.
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