[ adapted from CHC ]
Felt kinda stressed this week again. But well, i guess most dudes from deferment section would feel this way. Like Terrence said, deferment work will never end... and you know, i would hear echos of this in the office. Office life can be real boring sometimes. It can be real tiring. draining. And irritating. Nevertheless, we still get by each day ................. well sadly to see another day's work. And before you know it, everyone's mood turns good. TGIF! For everyone is expecting the weekends! Weekends means great stuff for the overworked Singaporeans. Workaholics might groan. But nothing matters. Cos there'll be no restriction. We can do everythign we want. Yeaaa.
Well i couldn't really get enough rest this week. I have been sleeping pretty late this week. My studies is alittle progressive but it aint good enough. I feel that there are so much work to be done and it scares me sometimes. Dwelling like this can make me tense up pretty easily. My time-table i've set is not working well but i guess i could modify it to give myself more rest at times. I guess sometimes i might have been pushing myself too hard to work. So much so that i've disregarded my dued rest. For that i've been getting constant headaches...
The Festival of Praise this week was awesome. Sadly, i met some accidents before getting there. My hand was caught in between the car door and that leaves me with 2 throbbing, swollen fingers. Iwas kinda paralyzed with pain when that happen. So much so that i can't open the car door to release my hand. I felt like a thousand vessels has been squashed and exploded in my fingers. Prem was with me but he just sit there and smile -____-....
Well actually it wasn't a car that we had hitch a ride in.... It's Kwok's mini van. It has 2 cool back seats that aren't secured to anything. So if you don't grip on to something, you are gonna fly around the back of the van like a pingpong ball in a box when the van accelerates and brakes. Nevertheless i appreciate the ride as it shortens our walk to the stadium from the MRT. And something funny did happen when Kwok was driving. When the van accelerates without warning and Prem suddenly flipped backwards. His legs dangled in the air [ like those helpless overturned bugs ] and he keep saying " woah woah ". Haa he is a pretty funny dude. I helped him up and he was kind of shock i guess. He starts smiling again ... like a happy kid after a roller coaster ride. haa.
Well its the first time Prem and me attended the festival of Praise. As expected, there was a great crowd. I was kinda happy to get to see Hillsong and Delirious? live! in the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Men they are 2 of the many coolest Christian bands in the world. And we had a real awesome night. An amazing thing happen that night too. Hmm i shall keep that a secret lest the person himself wished to mention it here. All i can say is that, even though how tired, weary i can be ..... one day in the house of God restores everything.
Well it ended pretty late. And i had to go back office the next day. But still i'm thankful i came. :)
Rest is important. Rest well and study well Jason!
well if i have time i'll update more. If not that i gonna kiss the wind and fly off.
cheerz :D

[ adapted from CHC ]
Well its a pretty packed week. So many cool events going on. Beats rotting @ home men.
The Church Anniversary is a cool event. Well i'm not saying this because I feel it is. But because i know it is. Knowing that i am part of this great congregation. Part of this lovely family that has brave through many storms. A vibrant and inspiring grp of people that turns my life.
Ha!? i cant make them any cooler can i ? :D
Well it can!
Cos this year we had 4 great singers with us to celebrate City Harvest's 16th Anniversary.
and they are ...
1) Darlene Zchech - Hillsong.
2) Delirious?
3) Sydney Mohede
4) Ps Sun. Our very own church Ps :D
Even serving today as usher, i felt kinda excited. And i'm just so blessed to have my cell group members sit so near to where i was ushering. I can fellowship and usher at the same time. Felt so happy :).
The dance was very good and heart-wearming too. Children dancing with our proffessional dance team men! wow... its just so cool and sweet. The background song is also extraodinarily kewl!
Then we also have Somebody somebody who is from somewhere somewhere .... whom is reknown as one of the top 10 guitarist in this world. [blame it on my lousy pentium 0.1 brain processor]. Ha knowing that is cool enough ritE?? hhaha
Then comes the great message of purpose/vision with a fresh new delivery. At least to me :)
It showed me that I have to remember that I am reborn. I should resist going back to the past whenever my dream/vision is threatened to be lost. Everything will go on well in this great day. With this great Church, my great friends, usher mates, cell group buddies ... men juz totally cool! Its gonna be a long but exciting ... surprising and great journey ahead. ^^
[ from Chong's cam ]
Hi Sonic, VERY FUNNY SITE! I love it!
Bless you City Harvester -- I've just come over from a very trad church, thanks to BBG which I attended for more than a year.
The Lord has restored many many many things in my life since I started coming to BBG, and He told me to make the move last November. After BBG Camp which was filled with miracles for me, my husband and I made the move.
You and I are privileged to be part of a very anointed body of Christ -- I've had the honour to work with Sun (she's one of the ladies in my WMD publicity shoot) and it's amazing and refreshing to meet a woman who really runs after the Lord. I can only work at being more like her.
Bless you and your lovely cell group. Stay on fire for the Lord, and keep spreading the good news.
You are BLESSED.
hey thx :)
its very encouraging to get compliments :) I've not been getting them for quite awhile. haha
And ya have pretty cool interesting sites men :) Glad to know a woman of God like ya ;)
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