I shouldn't be posting but i am pretty excited about the pictures Chong sent me. We had a great time of fellowship and playing with little Lerisha.
She is such a cute girl!
I began to wonder if cute girls are always this naughty. Well if you dun know her .... i usually like to call her the little tornado of the house. She is pretty boyish for a girl ya know. She dares to leap at you from her seat unto people without fearing that she will smash unto the ground. She also likes to kick my butt when i am not looking. T_T ..
The cute thing about her is that she will dance when we sing Christian songs after cell group. She may be naughty but well ... i seem to get the impression that naughty girls are cute. But would naughty boys be cute too? They look more like a pain in the neck to me. why ar?? Why can't naughty boys be cute and adorable ?? Cummon naughty boys .. Start being cute! lol..
Here is some of little tornado's pics ..
naughty girl. ha... i managed to took a picture together with her.
It's a headache trying to take picture with her too.... *pulls hair*!!
[ testimonies ]
Testimonies are great faith-builders. I love to listen to all of the testimonies that my members share. It tells you that our christian walk is not just alone with God. The body of Christ will be lifted up as well. Its a great encourage-r ..
Chong :
I forgot what he say le. lol Chong forgive me.. tell me and i'll update.
Turtle :
Blessed by the sermon. The words of Ps Sy has also been a blessing to me. I can identify the blessings too in her testimony. He can produce straight, powerful and impactful points in the midst of his humour.
By the way i have a recorded version of his sermon for Adult service. Feel free to msg me on msn if ya want me to send to you
Emily :
She is a teacher by day and part-time unofficial mechanic by night. She shared mainly on how she repaired her laptop. The only catch is that she did not service it by installing software-fix or taking it apart for fixing. She layed hands on it!
Not only did she repaired her own laptop, she repaired her friend's laptop too!! ... with just the same technique..... Laying hands over the laptop and praying over it!
amazing ain't it.. ?
Material blessing. I shared on how people around me bless me with gifts and with food. It makes me feel appreciated and accpeted. Thank God for such blessings. And thank ya guys again :)
She broke down this whole month. She shared that she felt very defeated by the Devil for the very first time. She is my mom and also my cell group leader. And i do share the same burdens with her. Many members left our cell recently and the devil took this opportunity to strike on her hard. During this time, she wept frequently infront of the Lord. Her mother thought she was foolish. She did not tell anyone in the cell about this until today.
I've felt her burdens recently too. I've also been praying for her. Thank God she make it through the valleys and found back God's love. That's the way it is ... find Him and you'll know how He has always been beside you ..... watching yr every move.
She shared that she hungrily seek and wept to find him. I can imagine the feelings inside her... Lost with no answers, worried , saddened and depressed. What many people would do at this juncture is to run... to leave the problems aside , and start afresh somewhere. How does that help in any way? Running from the problem ain't gonna solve anything. Sometimes the problem lies with us. And we would be just be carrying the problem to another of our comfort zones ... just so that we can relieve ourselve temporarily from the trouble it brings. She shared one very important thing which i totally agree... That is to praise God and seek Him even if we feel least like doing it. God honours your worship. And He treasure it most when you offer the sacrifice of praise. I felt that way when i went for powerhouse last week. He clothed me in my nakedness when i seek him in worship.
In many times of my walk, I would spend quiet times to reflect. To be alone. To seek God fervently...
Thank God that the prayer i made -and the rest who prayed for her- worked. She shares with us the importance of running to God, our Father who knows, understands and is sorry..
I know she is stronger than before.. The devil has every reason to be more afraid now.
I miss those guys from w281. w281 members were formerly from my cell group.
Here is our reunion picture.
w143 with her former members..... w281
[ picture from Chong's cam ]
Have a great week :)
miss the w143 times too
yup ....
days were the those.
"days were the those"
was that a purposeful error?????
i do hope it is.......
it's a lingo i caught somewhere :)
haa. like those yoda lingo variants.
thx 4 drppin by...
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