Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Last day..

- backdated post on last day @ Citibank 24 March 09 -

there was a time...

where office is like a circus.

where every lone ranger can find companions and a family of friends. and dogs lions and caerebeas co-exist in blissful harmony..

there was never a dull time :) look at her desk!

Of coure there are ugly days... we argue and fight with papers and pens.

but .. i miss this group of pple man :)

we can be honest on anything under de sun.. :)

and im one of the only (few) male colleague ard ... haha

take care everyone :)

& ... (last but not least)

Thank you ! :)

Thanks for the card! and the shirt and the little deco toy! i like all of it.. esp the card. like it alot.. but most importantly .. as priceless as it can be, thanks for the friendship in citibank. i think having working tog and chilling tog in e workplace is the best working experience i had! well my job literally dun offer any excitement.. so the esctasy only comes from my 'partners in crime' in work! hehe... i started in citi as a fearful kid. brought to work by a friend.. tried not to get intro trouble.. tried to mix around in the crowd (which is filled with girls) ... but eventually i had lots of fun making friends.. eating out with them.. listening to all e complains... getting pissed by e way our 'boss' do things... getting hyped by every holiday i have... getting to move around to a new premise .. working under a great new boss ...cook our own food while working OT ... sleepin in toilet when i really cant take it (yes i confess!) ... and play little games while working when our boss aint looking. we do really crazy stuffs! remember once back in our old office in capital square ... me and ahnu played de 'catch de sweet in the air with ya mouth' game .. and i hear the girls gossip crazy stuff in office...

here is one random video of me trying to intro a game 'fuzzy wuzzy' in office and de girls trying to distrub me with a 'disturbing' rumour [ only video i have left =( ]

they are funny pple rite.. hai

thanks for making my life really great in citibank! hope in future .. our paths do cross... and we'll all be millionares by then.. woohoo :D

Monday, March 30, 2009

Dinner at Cartel

.. Monday 16 March ..
.. Evening..
.. 7pm ..

We had dinner at Cafe Cartel today! food ain't that great. everyone don't seem to like the food. but i pretty liek the lagsana that i ate. small portion but appetising! I love tomato based food! it makes me estatic! :) hehe.

we met up to discuss abt cg stuff. and it's been a great meeting. not really cos of the food cos most of 'em din enjoy .. but i think it's great we have time to pour our hearts out abt cg and share our burdens with each other..
In essence... i am really thankful for all e encouragement given to me by all of ya! :) i will do my best to do what i need to do :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

House visit

I miss visiting people's house!!

i mean.. being in a house is different from being any other place. it's more homey, more warmth... more fun! Last Sunday went My and Nhut's humble little house and had alittle 'Kbox session' They don't have alot of a new songs... but they certainly have a good hospitality! :) haha ..

here's what we did ..

shella tries feed me finger. but finger smelly. i open mouth to breath fresh air. ha.

Guess what the letter M stands for? Shella always remind me this every meeting..


Brothers again..

Chong likes his legs..

Chong needs a hug ...
We love rabbbits. we love rabbits! rabbit ear pose!

QY and YJ dominate the stage.

Our 'favourite' songs? Ghostbusters!, Yellow Bird, 25 minutes, Yesterday, etc... and lots of Cheena songs and Vietnam songs.

BTW our Vietnamese guest can really sing! My's voice is fantastic!

Hope we can have more of this sessions! :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

awhile (continued)

thank God for so much things that happen in my life! :)

well haven been updating much. dun feel like blogging much recently. have so much things running in my mind. but don't know where to began or pen it down.

well most of the time.. i just feel like taking a day's break. going out to the sun. and lay there. i mean yes lay there like nobody's business. laziness amplified and exemplified. woohoo. my lovely girl will like tat very much.

sometimes my thots race faster than my heart... and before i know it ... i feel like my mind and my heart at 2 different places at times! you know that feeling is creepy. it's like ya head is in a fish bowl and ya walking on dry land.

that's how i feel the last few days man. But u noe.. i'm thankful that God's grace has been substaining me well. i feel tired.. but not that tired to say ... i cant do it. i feel stretched but not so stretched that i'll tear. i feel im on a high frequency-bumpy roller-coaster. yet i feel at some point i could just press the button and everything stops. .

and it hangs there...

the moment i had there is a moment i feels its a God moment. it's a moment when i say God ya there.... could u help eme pick things up. i cant talk well to my colleagues cos they are all girsl.. could ya help me express well? i couldn't lead very well in my r/n with a powerful woman but could hw You would do so? i couldn't carry the mantle that you had formerly gave my friend and leader.. could you empower me?

i couldn't. could you ?

Love isn't abt how well you can give all the time to people. to everything ard u. love is you knowing God takes care of you like how he takes care of the sparrow. not a feather will fall w/o his knowledge. every atom in u vibrates and resonates his love. the love he created and protected. Insured for a life-time with his Son.

i am because He is.