Friday, November 17, 2006

Joy to the world

[ mood : ]

eat your heart out guys. my "mom" is taken :)
well last week she got a new ring on her finger.

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a woman's best friend.

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and a woman's best partner. my mom's best partner to be exact :)

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Couples alike. Dad and mom.

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Our gift for them...
Picture designed by Jason Chong. :)
Frame gotten by Qi Hui. :)
Supporter - Me :)

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The beautiful day on 11th November ended tat way. :)

well about me. i ain't doing pretty well in terms of studies, just to update my blog readers. I made certain choices which i think about it is kind of foolish. I got so hung up. but still i have to continue. never been this low of my life man. and numb.

destiny. i am so not sure if i can get there.


Mr Missile Rocket Launcher said...

Jason,are you sure it is 11th September?Isn't it supposed to be "11th November"??Lost touch of months,ah??September and November are two months away by difference.Guess you got confused or is it me who is "confused"?September to December;the last 4 months of the year.All end with "ber",that is why.Very interesting analysis,right??

"s0n|c'C@libr3,, said...

thanks Prem