"Though the mountains and hills can topple, my love for you will never be shaken. Nor my covenant of peace will be removed." Isaiah 54:10
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Hecti-Packi week!
im happy though... cos its fun.. its fulfilling ... my frens are happy. im happy. God is smiling.
yesterday celebrated my gd fren wen's bday .. :) and man her 21st is really a blast! just like good o vic's bday party. The effort by her members were really amazing and i tink the atmosphere there was jus fantastic! We played some funny games in De-coders cafe (checkitout!). its a small hangout sandwiched btw orchard and bukit timah. So yea had lots of fun! :) and most of all i tink our bday gurl really had tetri-zeta-manifold blessings from everyone she loves. ha my 21st was nano-ified compared to hers. but i am happy for mine .. cos that's de way i like it. short, simple and sweet! o ya ... i did some game box for wen which i took quite some time to hunt... but most of de ideas in de box are just purely lame but really hard-worked :) hope she enjoys my gift.
later caught de show - definitely maybe wif Verona and Chong. Man the show was sooooooooo good!! I'm not sure is it the crowd im with or so ... but the ambience was cool... tho i was quite sleepy but the simple love plot abt a dad retelling his past love life really hit home. I love simple down-to-the-heart, life speaking shows! Its abt bgr .. but its abt BGR that was make happened! like everything fails but the last worthy success in love makes it so sweet. guess this somehow may reflects a certain aspect of our lives. hard-earned victory. love-lost-and-found. Life changes .. and u dunno how sometimes it'll end up.. but under the master's hand - the picture will be well formed. I tink that's one of the best pictures of life. :)
ok .. today just gave usher training! my very 1st! Feels de same as giving bible study... but slightly more stress i must say. guess every 1st-time exp r like that. and thank God my throat only gave way near the end of the service. Im happy that my trainees are very nice .... very humble to learn... very patient to listen... very erm .. good in short. :D They will make fine ushers! After the training ... went out wif jas, yee and solomon to pitstop! we played lots of funny funny reaction games and man .. my brain is reallly exhausted after it all. i just start irritating jas and solomon (last 2 players standing in de game) ... and its so funnny!!! ok.... we had nice photos too... but i kinda vandalised one of them and tink all de 3 of them are angry wif me for that :X lol.
Speaking of which .... pls pray for my throat. i took MC once already .. and i dun wanna risk another MC ... my boss's gonna fry me if so... so keep me in prayer k ? no cough. no sore throat. no fever. no running nose. no pimples (optional). no headaches. no nonsense :) thanku!
happy milky monday tmr pple!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
i hope.
i pray.
i say.
i will.
i must.
i am.
i trust.
God yes.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Serving Blues
dear frens .... i felt im sliding away from excellence...
and when i look back and see how i perform through the week... it is quite discouraging :(
yea i lost the fire.. i was anxious. I was overwhelmed by fear... again.
I'm tired of making same mistakes. And being a less detailed and forgetful person.. i needa put in more effort to plan. more effort to learn. more effort to pray. more effort to 'recover' from all this setbacks. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger! i am ironman!!!!!!!!!
Well when the ACU shouted over the comm set over our performance as Stage1, 2 ... i was kinda really sad again. but after a momental period of griefing .. i got back and continue my fight again.
i must really start thinking on how to serve with a spirit of excellence and without being gripped with anxiety or fear. I have to step up or i will really get kicked out ... which will be very very bad.......... hai.
After reflecting our duty with my stage 2, s-understudy, simon and T2 today... felt much better. I really feel we can work together more as one.. mom used to tell me the leaders will flow as one together in leadership. And it makes sense.... sometimes in doin a specialised task... the body works together as one. it should flow as one... and yea that flow is lead by the holy spirit :)
i am just thankful for de pple who prayed for me, who prayed wif me.. and who encourage me after this duty. I will serve better. and yea whatdoesn'tkillumakesustronger:)
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Character Analysis - got this from Patrick
Test results from MotivationalLiving.com
Your Personality Style Description:
Jason values close, personal relationships, and he will often put the needs and desires of those who are loyal friends ahead of his own needs. He is an even-paced individual who thrives in a peaceful, harmonious environment. Jason will work to avoid conflict and sudden changes in his lifestyle and finds joy in keeping tradition.
Jason is an optimistic individual. He is the type of person who loves exploring new places or things and a wide variety of experiences. He tends to display a natural charisma that draws others to his charm. Jason is a very encouraging person; others are drawn to him because they find him inspirational.
Jason prefers to work through problems by analyzing things that worked in the past. He is willing to follow another person's lead if they display adequate ability and if Jason has confidence in their ability. He is someone who is able to lead, if necessary; but usually prefers to wait and see if another person volunteers first.
Not afraid to take a bold approach, Jason is willing to challenge the status quo. He is original and creative, and acts with confidence when implementing new solutions. Jason will tend to use a balance of intuition and facts when making decisions, and once he has made a decision, he will not be afraid to take action upon it.
Felt this test really speaks about me. :) But i know i am changing. You know about what they say the people around you slowly changes you ... its true!! i feel myself rising in D! Well naturally i am a more S person :). Over the months i feel my D rising and my I dropping little. But my S remains strong. What im talking about ? DISC test - one of the most wide-used character analysis test in schools and workplaces. I needa work on my C! No details .. no destiny people!!
But well whatever it is, its important to remember that there is no perfect character in this world! :) So ultimately .. its how we give and take.. work and play. and make things happen.
thanks pat.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Really had fun with alot of friends..... and well im impacted again this week by this lovely group of people :)
As i shared in my testimony in CG, beginning of the week i was feelin quite down. It wasn't very very bad ... but well it's just like there is dullness in the air around me.... and if i walk next to flowers they will wither wif sadness (T_T) that kind. lol that's what i call dull man.
But im grateful to my 'faith-full' friends! Verona really inspired alot to step up my faith. Looking at the kind of positive attitude and respect she shows for her dad even though her Dad treat her so harshly really convict me... i mean i wouldn't do that as a young believer. And even for now ... sometimes i will just shut-off when my granny nags at me with the critical tone of hers. But well after hearing about her love and patience to her Dad, i am really inspired to be a better man! Yes! a better man i will be. If my granny nags at me tmr, i shall entertain her with my lame jokes until she cannot nag at me .. hohohohoh :P
Well yesterday met up with Pat to play Arkham of horror with Ben and Verona.... IT wasss quite irritating while Ben chanted he wanted to kill me . But well can't blame him because i keep makin fun of him thru the game... lol. It was a long but quite pleasant game. Just gonna find a more 'board-gamer' kinda clique in our group. :) :) :) yays
Well shared with Elaine also my burden as a cg guitarist and my dissatisfaction again as i flow with her to lead worship. But as i reflect back... i tend to take things to critically (maybe a typical S-type person behaviour tendency) ... and after the P&W, i was feelin discouraged and fustrated. But then again working alongside a D-personality leader is a extremely good opportunity to build up my Strength , capacity, and my Spirit of excellence! And that's really a priviledge of working alongside a leader. Sometimes i guess for all of us... a leader can be a stumbling block for us expecially when we don't understand their heart... and we think too much about how much they hurt us by the things they say... or the things they do. But if we ever move out of that and become someone like Peter... who is a man of mistakes but he never backs away from Jesus. It really tells alot about the love of a person over their leaders. How far they are willing to go to be their armour bearers. So about the pointers she gave... i will work hard! Even as how i failed so many times as Stage 1 and 2, i was given chance after chance to rise up after each fall! :) i will be even stronger and better when im through! just wait for me to shine! :)
Last but not least ...
ok. im going to hibernate.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
but noise is good. during the whole course of last year ... ive been quite emotionally shutdown. But thank God for His 2nd chance. Thank God for the friends who stayed and prayed thru wif me :) and well i will continue to make more and more cool friends :) wahhaha
i shared with YH my burden about my ushers yest. In a way.... after speaking to some other helpers .. i felt that my team has not been really growing very well. I've been really wondering why. And recent events that happened to my church friends also sadden me abit. Where was the joy to serve one another... to be there for another ? The willingness to live a sacrificial life for God. Where has all this fire gone to in the church?
And to this... im speaking to myself too. Its time i think we took a stand to either do or don't. To live or die. Anything that is half-hearted never amounts to anything great. And i really hope God gives me the strength to lead, to inspire ... and to have fun with my peers. Ultimately we are not serving serving. But serving God. and of course enjoying his communion. Its time to build up our lives again!
Elaine pop me this questin again (and again..) .. What would your ideal girl be? Everytime she and shifu bug me with this ....... i really dunno what to say. lol. So i will end up saying .. "be like u lor..." or to make it more spiritual .. " must be like Queen Esther or Rebekah in de bible" .. lol
But hey ... i never think much of it.. But to drop one main criteria that i always feel a lady should have. note a lady........... is to be a lady. Feminie. Female. But just to set things right : I don't mind a tom-boy looking girl... she may be a leader. A very D person. but still she must have a lady-like attitude. :) Gentle and sweet :) okok Elaine dun bug me anymore with this ques! haha >:)
Sunday, April 06, 2008
to me friendship matters alot... and seeing some of my friends going through something painful... it really burdens me.
After a talk with Elaine, i realise .... yea this is really the devil's work! After all those problems ... the heart of the matter is really the matter of our heart. And our heart is always 'tampered' ... or distrubed by the Devil. The issues of self-esteem that i had before ... or pride ... or selfishness and the feeling to throw everything aside and just put myself 1st in all..... its all cultivated and nurtured by the devil. Joyce Meyer calls in the strongholds we have in our mind. I am really angry at this. :( i will bind the devil upside down in the next few weeks man. I will bind him till every hospital has all their demons name listed in their patient list! GrrRRRR
When a nice friend of mine pop me this question recently... i really wondered what to say. I remembered going through 'Life questions' like this in my mind before as a youth. About our purpose.... about responsibility... about what's most important in our life .... things that i know most of us think about alot as teenagers... and young adults. But at this one ... i was stumped for a while. And then i recalled the love of God... and it all began clear to me.
How would you answer to a question : If you really love someone, sometimes you've got to let him/her go?
My answer is found in 1 Cor 13. And i love its answer.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Leading worship
Befoe that .. I got a small gigantic testimony to share ( small because its a small area of my life .. but gigantic because its a big work God did in my life !)
Share with u a secret... i sometimes doze off in office.
something like this..
ok its not really like that in office but ... sometimes due to inadequate rest... my head can really sway up and down as i work. and i will try lots of ways ... like pinching myself ... drink warm water ( by far the most effective) or wash up in toilet.
This week i was especially 'sleepy'. I will tell my bunch of office mates i am meditating when they caught me in e act.. lol. But well i just wanna thank God that today... after a good prayer i had really good God-given strength. I dun really feel much different. But i have energy! I mean i can conquer the world man! I really thank God for this strength! :)
ok back to the subject... i was leading praise ... and for the 1st time worship.
honestly i think i did more horrible than any of my other praise and worship leadings. :( and during the deep worship... i cant transpose the key given to me on de spot. So Elaine was really quite fustrated with me, she took the guitar away from me and she began leading. I won't rather on the rest of the details ... but serving as a Stage 1 / 2 usher taught me something about responsibility. Anything that is within yr care and control is your responsibility. If you are a stage usher... anything that happens on stage is your responsibility. Similary if the worship crumples in our cg, it lies heavily with me as a guitarist and worship leader.
So ... I was feeling alittle fustrated at first. I was thinking 'God! ... why is it this is not working right ? Why the flow seems alittle messy' ... and after quite some time into the 2nd song of worship (led by my CGL this time) .. i was ministered more personally. In worship, it was never about us. Its all about God. Its all about you Jesus. And it suddenly dawned on me that ... this was what i want so badly in the past! And even though times changed ... the passion to sing about Him stays the same. Honestly ... i seldom worship the way i used to. But i remember that as i worship... even if i don't feel his tangible touch... i'll continue to give him the glory and honour. Because in worship.. its never about us. Its all about him.
I told Elaine, and la that i was really humbled today. God did grant me the desire of my heart -to lead worship .. tho it isn't exactly how i imagine or want it to be. But it doesn't matter. Because at the end of the day... if my worship touch God, that's all that really counts. I may not feel very happy. But i really appreciate him for doing so much in my life. Its an honor to serve God my friends. Its a big honor. In whatever small positions we serve in, its always about Him. Its all about you Jesus.
The sacrifices you want is a broken spirit. A broken and contrite
heart. - These, O God, You will not despise.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Jam Encore
Testing this new feature in blogger.
or not so new actually... :) wadeva it is ... presenting to u ...
Our very first Jam! (without peanut butter and bread) ...
editors note : The above video has not been photoshopped or videoshopped. All characters in video are not fictional but they are embodied creatures who can sing dance and act. This video production was brought to you by W116, the leading CG in the W116 family... which of course only has W116 members. The editor would like to caution any users to refrain from blasting their speakers while watching the video. Any generous feedback will be very well appreciated.
Thank you.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
It's a Fools day..
I woke up with a sms on my hp...
In my sleepy eyes .. it appear to read like this ..
" wake up u @#$!@# its 8 am !!@#"
*why does this person sound so much like my grandma... must be someone send by my grandma to disturb me ... *
i went back to bed. =_=
woke up at 8, did a quick clean-up and was up reading the bible and surfing some blogs. did a quick surf to turtle's blog and ..... suddenly ... like a ray of morning light slowly resting on the kitchen table. i understood who's that granny. lol.
A great way to start April fools day. Getting a false alarm clock from a wacky friend. Its ok... i forgive her.... lol But well she stirred me up. The whole day i send april fools joke everywhere... This is probably the looniest day in 2008 ... :D
I start smsing some of my close but not so close friends this :
" It's my birthday yes. U forgot to wish me!!! i am so sad! so sad! :( :( :( :( .."
lol instantly i caught some unsuspecting innocent fish. One of them happens to be my Usher leader (oops). lol.. wun reveal their names here. But it was so funny... i was rocking around my chair while reading my bible :D ... very unquality QT i must say.
Well there are many people who knew the exact date ... if not month of my birthday... that i must say i am touched :) its moments like this u know who yr true friends are... sob sob. +_+ lol
but well some are just plain smart. They shoot me back with " ah -ha i know u trying to trick me .. u r busted.. buster! i rock... u lousy! "
okok somethign like tat...
and SY tried to play the trick back on me ... but well i was smart enough to not fall for that .. aha
I din spare my office mates either.... i started off with another 'someone's bday has passed' and u forgot to wish her!! :P
Throughout the day they were saboing each other too... its fun to listen to them :P
I tried to trick Elaine - CGL too ... but she knew mee to wellllll >:( awwwww.. .but well that makes her a good shephard!! i am proud of her... gd job :P lol
ok silly days over. i am tired over all this pranks.
think i sms over a 100 sms today ... lol. die liao hp bill kaboom@!

We JAM 'cos we AM the next GEN that REP the great I AM !
Cool huh ?
I could be a DJ someday. :)