Isaiah 26:3 (TEV) You, Lord give perfect purpose to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you.
In this episode, Rick examines various 'drives' in a person's life. There can be many possible drives in a person's life. They can be motivated by circumstances ... eg: a child living in poverty may aspire to be a rich, wealthy man. Or they can be inspired from people around them. Or it can simply be drive from their emotions. Nevertheless, any idea, passion or belief can motivate people and push them in a given direction. Most dictionary defines "drive" as to guide, propell, to control or direct.
Rick starts to mention the 5 most common drives in our lives.
1) Many people are driven by guilt.
They spend their entire lives running from regrets or hiding their shame. These people according to Rick are tormented by their past memories. We might be products of the past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it. God is a God who loves to give fresh starts for these people. He turned Moses a murderer to the leader and a coward Gideon into a Hero.
2) Many people are driven by resentment and anger.
These are people who never get over their hurts. They bear unforgiveness and resentment in their very being. Often they are either internalise and kept in a secret portion of their heart or they explode on everything that's around them all the time. I do understand this because i once bore this for many years until i understand that it hurts me more than anyone. Rick mentions that those in the past cannot continue to hurt me now unless i hold on to the pain through resentment. It's better to let it go and forgive than to keep it in our hearts every moment. Of course it is easier said than done. Sometimes the problem persists .. especially if its from a relationship from a someone close. But even so, i learnt that the best way to recover from these setbacks is to learn to love despite the situation. At least that alleviates the pain.
3) Many people are driven by materialism.
People who are driven to acquire, to have more. Well not just because they like it. But most of the time with the view that more means merry. But, having more possessions does not necessary make you happy. Because the value of an object can be easily replaced by a newer, sleeker or somewhat better item. And it goes on and on ... somehow we'll never be satisfied. Money can never buy happiness. But learning to appreciate life, and the things that truly matter most probably will. God and people ... these are things i treasure.
4) Many people are driven by the need of approval.
Its a need. Kids yearn for acceptance and approval. When they become adolesences, their need simply shifts from their parents to the people they call friends. And even as adults, they still look for approval time to time from their friends, colleagues, family and superiors. Though it should be much lesser i think. It is necessary. But my friends always tell me that it is not people around that we ultimately need acceptance from. Because the favour in the eyes of people constantly changes. Even celebrities ... people who are well endowed with fame and respect receives different level of support through their career all the time. I guess its easy for me to say all this ... but somehow, i still struggle with acceptance among people. I somehow feel (especially lately) that i don't fit in the crowd ... or the friends i always hang out with in church anymore. Its like i'm from a totally different planet .. and i'm not used to their presence. weird i know.
But even so, even as i try my best to get along ... i have to keep telling myself that its not what they say about me that matters. My worth shall only be dependent on one voice out there .. that's Jesus.
5) Many people are driven by fear.
Fear may have many root causes. Sadly, it often robs a person from venturing into dreams or purpose. Rick says Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be. It is quite terrible to always live in fear. But i know in other parts of the world out there .. people live like this all the time because of their circumstances and culture.. (i.e. war, extreme poverty..). I really thank God i do not face such problems here. But even so, fear can still be a problem to many people in our society.
Now how about a purpose driven life?
Well Rick presented many benefits and it is almost like a cure to most of our problems in life.
Knowing our purpose :
~ brings meaning into our lives.
I guess if you think about it .. it kinds of makes sense. Its the purpose that adds meaning into your life. Rick expresses that without God, life can never be purposeful. It reminds me of what Ps Mark Conner says ... that our Christian walk is like driving a car. Jesus shouldn't be left in the backseat to watch us drive. And he remarks some people leaves Jesus in the boot and let him out only on the weekends. So they become weekend saints and everything but a saint on weekdays. All this doesn't work because we can't going to go anywhere on our own without the right direction in our life! Jesus constantly seeks God during his earthly ministry to know his purpose and direction of his life. And now that through Christ we are redeemed, the best way is to let him take the steering wheel and let him direct our lives. It is a journey that we have to drive this together.
And probably that's where my life is running now. Its quite sad but in my valleys these weeks, everything but God and His love drives me. I stubbornly seek many things to fill that void in my life ... and unconsciously... i'm driven by guilt, the need of approval and fear (as identified above). Rick explains that without God, life has no purpose. And without purpose - no meaning. And there's when hopelessness and despair manifest in our lives. Even our ancestors of faith struggled with this too. Isaiah complained, "I have laboured to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing." (Isaiah 49:4). Hope is essential just like air and water. We need hope to cope. And where does my hope comes from? It comes from the Lord my God. I sometimes can't see it this way. In my mind it argues .. it's just words in the bible. What's the goodness in that ? But i know better than that. In the eyes of the world .. its just plain words. But i need to see it with the eyes of faith! Jesus says, " those who have ears ... let them hear!" as he speaks the parable to the people of His time. Why of course the people have ears to hear! But only those with the heart that embraces these words can truly understand.
So let this be a lesson to me. Jer 29:11 is a promise of hope. Eph 3:20 is a promise of God's limitless power in our lives. Even thought right now a part of me doubts my breakthrough .. i will believe that He is able to deliver me to my destiny.
~ simplifies our lives
makes pretty much sense too. If you know what you need to do and should do in this life.... you will save alot of time to do less of other stuffs. I long to know my purpose in God so that i can do less unnecessary work in my life and more for my purpose. I don't think that means i will get less failures ... ( a part of me still afraids of failing.. i mean nobody likes failing. ) but i shall dwell less on that and more on my purpose. If i really really know (let say) i'm called to be a missionary and worship leader, i wouldn't mind all the objections by my family, the financial problems ... etc that i meet. Because i know its my calling! It brings peace and less trying. I don't need to try because i know i am doing God's will. His grace will be there to support me.
~ focuses your life
Rick talks more about the action part for my life. He mentions we can busy our lives away but live a life with little or no productivity. activity =/= productivity. Focus on the other hand makes our life really potent. Apostle Paul made a huge impact to the Roman empire because he kept a focus life. Phil 3:13 I am focusing my energy on this one thing : Forgeting what's past and looking forward to what lies ahead. Cheryl has just spoke to me about being focus and to put all negativity aside. And the more practical way she advise is to hang notes of encouragement and empowerment in my mirror. Since the only mirror i have is the communal mirror at home, i think i will paste it on my computer screen which i often use. Focus on His word. His promises. He has given me a spirit of love, peace and a sound mind! I want to bear these fruits!
~ motivates your life
One thing that i lack a great deal probably is motivation. And i can't rely on others to bring that to me definitely. I remember Ps Kong shared about the difference between a vocation and a job. And the key difference in it is passion! Passion i think is one of the very key source of motivation. As exemplified in the book. A life of purpose is a life of passion. But since i still do not really know my purpose yet ... i can only count on the word of God and the Holy Spirit to ignite the passion in my life. That means only one thing. Pray and fast more!
~ prepares you for eternity.
Rick says this thing. You weren't put on this world to be remembered. You were put here to prepare for eternity. Well it is kind of true. We rememeber legends like Elvis Presley, Bruce Lee, Princess Diana, Mother Theresa, Albet Einstein .. etc. They are all people who have made their mark. Written their names in the hallmark of their forte. It is great to be like them. But their lives did really make a difference in their generation. Someday they might be forgotten in the future. I think the greatness is not just in the things they do, it's the way that they live their lives that shapes our world today.
Personally saying all these, i don't like to speculate on the lives of people. But i do want to be like them in a certain way. They have devoted their lives to their passion with their gifts. And if you read alittle extracts of their life .. they do have their personal struggles and all. But they really breakthrough... i mean unlike me ... they really breakthrough. And i really want that. There will be times i will be tired and i don't want to move on. But as Cheryl mentioned, this process drains my strength and my time.
Rick says at the end, the bible indicated that God will ask us two question when we meet him. 1) What did you do with my son Jesus Christ? No matter your belief systems or religion ... he wants to know if we trust Him. If we truly made him the only way, truth and life.
Next he will ask 2) What did you do with what i gave you?
I can answer qn 1 but qn 2 .... i need to know the ans myself.
Saying all this isn't going to change who i am.
I want God and His purpose to be the driving force in my life.
and my action plan is as follow.
1) Develop the disciplines in my life.
a) Celebrate.
Celebrate his goodness. and enjoy the blessings (whatever may be) he place in my lives.
b) Pray.
It is going to be difficult. But i will set let say everyday 11pm to be my Quiet time. If it goes well, i will make morning 7 am by prayer time too.
c) Read God's Word.
I am reading the tabernacle now and it is really hard to understand -__-. I shall perservere to read the word of God!
d) Fellowship.
It hones my character. Sometimes people can poke me on the wrong side. Recently i think i couldn't connect with cg mates and church frens well. But i will perservere to at least talk alittle with them. Maybe find out more from the mature ones about jobs out there so that i can plan my academic path better.)
e) Serving.
I step down as an usher for awhile. Not sure if i can ever be back. But i guess i can still serve leaders and people around me through simple acts of kindness :)
f) Solitude.
ahhhh my favourite thing to do. But then again, i know i can't stick to myself all the time. Balance well Jason. This is an important thing to do when i do QT.
g) Silence.
Ecc 3:7, a time to be quiet. ahhh another thing i am good at! okok i need to speak more too so... be silent when i do qt or when i spend time in a place with good ambience ... Listen more too.
h) Fasting.
I just learnt that fasting is not limited to food. I just did a 2 day fast for computer games. And i ended up with alot alot more free time :)
i) Sacrifice.
God honours sacrifice ... because it shows the extent of our love. I can ermmm sacrifice more of my game + watching show time for more on reading God's words or other books of faith.
j) Secrecy.
I just open this blog to my leaders. and this is not good in a sense because they will know the good things i will do. Sounds alittle funny but Ps Mark said that we need to do less activity that seeks the approval of others ... and more things in the secret. Mt 6:1-6. God honours things that are done in the secret! So i guess maybe i can do more good things .. so much that i cannot remember to blog and thus, i will still have some that God knows and people do not know. :D
points adapted from Growing as a Christian - Ps Mark Conner's sun svc 2007.
2) Make plans.
Cheryl said i'm 21 and i need to be more mature in thinking. She says she feels weird saying this to me since she is younger ... but it goes likewise for me. I don't like to hear this honestly. But i know it is the truth. No matter what ... it reflects who i am now. Being that unstable myself ... i need to grow stronger and be bolder (which she explains as being quicker to bounce back from our valleys). This is going to take alot of work ... but i know it can be done. I mean i am afraid to say that i will definitely breakthrough sometimes because i am scared i will fall the next instant. But i need to try again and not bow down to the fear before me. If the devil is going to make it hard for me ... then i will make sure he shall by no means succeed in getting me down. No weapon form against me shall prosper!!
I will breakthrough (With plans!!!)
The next entry i think i will make more detailed plans of what i should do. But i am going to think this through first.
ok its late and i shall do qt.
end of day 3 thoughts.
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