I have just purchased Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life. (PDL in short.) Seeing how much it's on demand.. i read one or two chapters in it once before i gave it away to a friend as a birthday gift. Turns out it is a simple but yet thought provoking book. A book that i very needed.
Well in its intro - it encourages me to engage with the book ... and to write my daily reflections of the chapter in a diary.
So it starts today. Day 1 in discovering my purpose with God.
Part One - What on Earth Am I Here For.
Day 1 - It all Starts with God
Col 1:16 For everything, absolutely everything above and below, visible and invisible, ... Everything got started with him and finds its purpose in Him.
As the title speaks for itself, it starts with God. Many famous atheist around the world has agreed that there is no doubt a God out there. Explanations of why and so can still be controversial and therefore widely disputed. There comes many times in the my walk with God where my mind challenges about the validity of God's words. Sometimes i am unconvinced of the sources that makes up the bible. Sure i have heard about from professionals - archaeologists on how they judge they validate the authenticity and the history of its source. I have learnt before from books on how archaelogists have support the bible source as a reliable genuine source because it has been cross-confirmed by different cultures in great numbers. If i never remember wrongly, there are more than 10,000 sources of letters or evidence (in the written form - manuscripts) that confirms the history of the events stated. That sort of evidence are even greater than the evidences recovered for past histories of Alexandria the Great and the Roman empire. However, there are still people (see Laughing Jesus by Freke,Peter Gandy) who challenges these evidences. They propose a different idea of the gospel and the history of the people in the past (with probably their own set of evidence). One thing i know is that in all this confusion, a definite evidence still remains from the word of God. The bible is a living book that speaks for itself! I remember the revelations that it has given me day by day as i read it. They speak to my circumstances and provide me with great insights and wisdom. So despite my doubts (which well can be cleared through my thorough research), i still believe in the word of God.
Ii sort of deviate from the topic of this chapter. Rick has emphasised clearly that our life doesn't revolve around ourselves. around me. And as much as self-help books proclaim (in many of the bookstores), the answer for our life's purpose can only be found in God. The manufacturer of our human race. Many of my friends have said to me recently, " Jason your true value is in God. Not by anything else". Only the eyes of God knows my true worth that comes with my purpose. As much as i want to believe that, it is hard to digest that in a world booming with various media that breeds a self centred world. The glamorous and the famous all seems so nice and accepted. Truly, it does makes me feel neglected sometimes when friends are able to connect so well with each other. Or more certainly, i am just missing something. Probably, unless i know my true purpose in life, i will never find my place ... or be in peace with myself in this world. I love to help people. That's part of my motivation to be a doctor. I (used to) love to sing and worship. But it is quite different now. I love to explore the unknown. But i do not know if i am driven enough to be a good jounalist. I have a slight curiousity about Banks and finance management. But yet i am quite lazy to find out more. Me in a nutshell.
But no, perhaps this books points in the right direction. Many self-help books point in the direction of self-motivaiton. Self-exploration. Self-confidence. Self-hard work. But purpose .... ? has it to do totally with me myself? Is there such thing as self-purpose? What kind of person would that be?
As i write this, i think its worthy to explore the option of God in the equation. My soul will be ever dissatisfied until my purpose is met.
In spite of all the advertising around me, i can remind myself that i truly am an artwork made by God. Dad and mom, has constantly told me that i need to paint my own life on my canvas sheet.. together with God. When he is out of the picture, it becomes an awful mess. Kind of like kids playing with paint and brush and not getting anywhere. It can be fun for awhile but that fun never last. I guess the more practical way is to read the bible, pray and follow the disciplines. It ain't going to be easy. But to find that purpose, a small price has to be paid.
End of day 1 thoughts. time for me to pray.
Thank you Jesus.
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