Men the path of education really diversifies!
I am pretty scared of the working world. The world where adults meet adults. Adults deal with adults. Adults, adults and adults .............. and more about adults.
so scary rite? i still want to be in my teenage years!!!!!! Big Fat "NO! " to adulthood, says my mind ....... - that is living in its own beautiful world of self-denial.
But well i guess i really see things differently now. I know i have to move on. To embrace what i would do in the future. but the idea has not really sunk into my heart and mind yet. I have no real clear idea of what i should be doing. My passion and interest for science has slowly died through the years. and it so seems i am at a lost of what i should choose for my future. Just so sad. No goals. no plans..
So i've decided i need to be serious with my career. I went to NTU, NUS and SMU (the 3 distinctive university in Singapore) open house in the last 2 days. It was a real eye-opener! I get to know more about the field of business that are out there. Like what do Arts and Social Science faculty students do. The difference between NUS and NTU engineering. The differnet variety of courses out there. And SMU's new problem solving approach in university education. Different university has different set of goals. Different plans to equip the students. Different approach in educating their students. It's just so amazing!! :D.
But still i dun really know all the courses that well. But well, i've a loadful of brochures, goody bags and a pretty nice memory of the entertaining visit in each school! And i was quite wrong about SMU! It's not just educating about management courses (though much of their approach is on management - based thinking and analysis), they have a pretty holistic education system. And they have 100% employment rate within the 1st 6 months. wow wow!
Still I need to really think hard what i should do. I pretty well might re-take my A' Levels again. But i shared some of my concerns with some of my friends too. It's really not an easy year for me last year. and unless i have a clear vision of what i want to do in the future, i feel there isn't any point for me to retake. There should be a stronger driving force to make me perservere. And so i thought having a career in mind might serve as an additional driving force for me to work harder...
sigh im really tired now after such a heavy day.... Just wanna say thanks to Turtle!! :) your prayer and trip to accompany me to NUS open house ... is really nice! It's great to have such supportive friends. And i shall tell you that i was inspired :) in these 2 days! I've remembered a long lost dream that i used to have! The dream to be a doctor! It's one of the most meaningful and rewarding career you can ever have. And it happens to be one of the most mentally and physcially - taxing career too. High amount of working hours. Numerous reports. Little private time for yourself. But i just like to help the sick! ya believe it or not! ha i might not look like it but i pretty enjoy doing it. And i dun mind going the extra mile to help anyone that needs it.
So .... i just need to find time to study the courses, recollect my thoughts .. seek advice and pray. This is going to be a hard decision to make.
# 101 reason - why Bible study is important! : you can get to meet up wif your close friends and take a picture with them :D
Cell Group Brothers. ahh the little one is wif us.
a very obvious picture that turtle and me were there(NUS open house) early! look the place is so empty!
SMU adminstration block! Its so cool la! Its so much like City Harvest... jus like Serene said.
a pic that i took from a poster in SMU.
zzz - zonked out.
mmm.. Bro Ng.. How r u doing now? mmm.. give u some useful advice, what u learn in sec sch or Jc is not going to be in use in future working society,quite stress hor... mmm plan wisely le.. what areas u desire in and talent into, u can't think science is my desire, think of sth which is relevant in market now, for ex if u have desire in counting money, accountancy, which is now popular demand in market, go for it.mmm.. Aim towards what u work as not what u study as which fits your comfort desire. mm.. U r good in ushering, y not give it a try in hospitality areas or tourism.. or even communication and managment coure which is relavent in market now.
hey bro Chong :)
Thanks for yr advice! Ha ... i'll reallyu spend some time to think abt it. So busy these few days :( ... yea..
Hey,hello Brother Jason Ng.How are you?Do you still remember me or have you forgotten me?How is life?How was your weekend?It is the end of another week.Sigh...
Anyway,I read the post you posted in your blog here last week.But,I had absolutely no time and was very,very,very,very busy as you know this entire week.I wanted to shoot and send you another e-mail,but never mind.I will save it and do it some other time.
It has been a very long time and quite some time since I tagged in your Tagboard if you realised...Also,the same goes for posting comments in your posts posted in your blog.I just read them and have been waiting anxiously and eagerly for the most suitable and appropriate time to "post a comment" in your blog.The time has finally arrived and come...This is it...Get set,ready,action and go.........
Yes,Mr Jason Ng;the path of education has become a vital part of our life and our whole life will be wasted if you do not make good use of it and let opportunities pass and slip by and through us;just like that like a snap or the wind!!I am not going to be some psychologist,financial or legal advisor or something.Lost track and forgot those good and meaningful phrases,terms,words and sentences now.Nonetheless.I am only advising you to the best of my ability.
Please do not get mistaken or offended.Ultimately,it is left to you to decide.The choice is yours!!
I agree fully and wholeheartedly with what Brother Jason Chong has posted here.What we learn in Secondary school only comes in handy about 5 to 10% in the working world or even zero for some places.I have worked part-time before for a while and that is why and how I know about application of what we learn in our early school days to some extent...The same goes and applies for poly,JC and other tertiary level form of gihher education.The percentage and weightage of what we learn there is slightly more.Maybe,about 10 to 15 percent only.It is not much of a difference if you compare and contrast very carefully and closely...
Working life is NEVER Easy.Just ask the working adults and they will tell and explain to you the kind of life they are living and leading everyday...We are just a few more years to reaching and entering this stage;at least for me.Maybe,a little longer for you,Chong and the others in our cell group!!
I can only tell and advise you this."Please plan wisely and think of your future as well.It is NOT going to be a easy decision for you,I know.It is a tough one ,but is the deciding factor and ground for you to proceed and continue with your life from here.There is no end and it just continues on and on and on...This is NOT the end of your life.I can see a bright and beautiful future waiting ahead for you,right before my eyes...
Just take Chong's advice and tips into consideration.I will not elaborate further on it as he has already touched on them briefly and in some detail.Get me and the points I am trying to convey and bring across to you??You need time to think.Serious time,I mean and I MEAN IT!!No joke,please.You have only about 10 days to about a fortnight more to decide before it is too LATE again and nothing can be done and changed,by then!!!
I agree with Chong.You are an expert in ushering.It is one of God's greatest gift to you,I believe.You should be proud that you are very good in this field or area,at least.Not,many people are good ushers and usher well and excel in this area.You are one potential member and candidate.I can see,my friend.There are many and plenty courses in the market currently associated with "ushering" and stuff.Maybe,you can consider management courses,business courses,some hospitality courses or other courses which you think suits you.Only,you know it all and know best!!Not anyone else of us...
Just spend some time to sit down,think,reflect and come up with a good decision.Please,for my sake and for others...Can?Thanks.
Being busy and complaining "busy" is NOT an excuse,my friend.Everyone is busy with their own lives,problems,stuff and so on.You must take the effort to set aside time and prioritize important things first;before others.Do not procrastinate and wait for the eleventh hour.You are very famous for that.It is NOT going to work and will not happen and occur;my friend.I love you and treat you as my great and best friend;which is why I bother and care and advise you right up till to this extent.If not,why I bother;right??I can focus on my life and do my own stuff,also;right??
-To be continued-
Error/s made in the previous post:higher,sorry.Typed too fast.My mistake...
Part 2 of my post:
Yes,it is very scary to enter the working world.You are just a year away from it.I have already stepped into it and is classified and considered an "adult" by name and by usage of the term only.But,do I look and behave like an adult??Just be honest and frank with me...Just tell me the number of adults in W143,our cell group??Very few,right?About 15 to 20 percent only,or even lesser.Anyway,I do NOT think I have become a mature and responsible adult yet.I need and it will take some more time,at least...We cannot always stay and remain in our "comfort zone".We have to come out of it and miss it,someday;sometime eventually and sooner or later!!
There is no way we can stay in our teenage years forever.It is NOT possible and we can only think,rekindle,reminisce(correct spelling) ANd ponder about it as time passes by and as we grow older and older each year n our life/lives!!
Yes,you have to see things differently,from various perspectives and angles right from this very moment and second in your life.It has already started and you are swimming in it currently...You have to move on.No point thinking and dwelling about the past!!The past is the past!It will never come back unless we go back into time and go backwards in our life cycle.Just stop crying over spilt milk and concentrate on your future now!!Nothing is going and will change!!You have to take the first step,my friend.Get and sink this idea in to your brain and everything wil turn our fine and smooth and go well for you.Okay??Trust and have faith in me??Remember the message about "faith" during cell group last Friday??Apply it and put it into good use in your life and decision now...
If your passion is 'SCIENCE",then go for it.If not,there are better options available.Look into them,explore,analyze them and give them some thought/s!!You are just so sad,confused,lost and with no directions simply because you have no GOALS and PLANS in your life.Just get these two right and sorted out first and everything will occur automatically and naturally for you...
Please be serious with your career like I explained and pointed out to you earlier.I took so much pain and effort to help you out and advise you all I can.Please be considerate and appreciate all from me.Thanks.Glad you know more about SMU now.So happy for you and blessed as well.
If you dream to be a doctor,aim towards it unless your attention has diverted and you are interested and passionate in other areas and fields now...
I am always there for you and will pray for you.One thing I wil always do for you!!
By the way,do you still remember Averil??One of my Poly friends from Temasek Polytechnic.I think you have communicated with her once,twice or thrice before very long time ago last year...Through MSN Messenger,I think,Anyway,she happened to SMS last Monday and we spoke and chatted thru Web SMS for about half an hour from 3 to about half-past three.She happened to ask and enquire about you from me...
I told her you performed worse than last year for your "A" Levels and do not know what to do...This is what she advised and asked me to tell and inform you...Please do not waste your time retaking your "A"s again for a third time this year!!You know what happened last year,right?You went through and encountered a lot,right??Are you prepared for another tough and hectic year ahead??Are you clear of your future and your vision for your future?? But,let me ask you something??Have you seen people taking "A" Levels a third time or three times in their life/lives??Is it possible??Will Singapore's goverment and education permit this and have sympathy for "such "people"??Just answer me,my friend...
Averil suggests SIM is a better route for you.What do you think?Do you agree with her or do you oppose her view/s??I do not know why she did not bring up and suggest SMU to me;for you.Maybe,there is some reason/s she does not want and wish to reveal and explain or something!!Another alternative she suggest/s is for you to enrol in a private school and do a degree there like SIM,SMU,TMC or something.It is and wil be an even better degree by world ranking as compared to NTU or the other universities here,locally in Singapore.It will costs more is is even more expensive,though.The choice is yours,I say and emphasize again.
Maybe,private education is good for you,It will be much more faster,but it is more costly.If you study again,you have to disrupt your NS ,right?No more deferment for you will be granted.Probably,you might have to disrupt and then continue and finish off your NS liability fully.That is what some of them in our office,NSSC is doing currently.
You see,as explained and illustrated by Averil;this is the point about taking "A" Levels...If you do not do well and perform well,you are nowhere.You have no good chance/s and very slim chances,if you are quite lucky of obtaining a good job nor a direct entry and even a place into a local university.A diploma is still the best!!Not said by me,but by Averil.Anyway,I leave it to you...
Take care and have a good week ahead.God Bless You and sweet dreams.Rest well and enjoy the rest of the day.Bye...Goodnight.
its really a long comment. sigh.
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