Everyone has a tumble in life.
I just received one earlier this week.
One that deals with my academic performance.
Thinking back, I used to share about my glorious days :)
like how i ace my Maths and Science .. and many others except my language papers.
how ugly it must have been. for me to end up like this.
I tumbled. i fell and bruised myself.
in my first few tumbles, it make me cry. I will lose hope. i'll feel incapable.
but i got up real quickly this time ; stayed less in my sorrowful state
it's great to embrace something greater!!
i got up with His hands. He pulled me up from the fall.
"oh look there he falls again."
That my enemies say. part of the devil's play.
but that doesn't matter. its the future i seek!
its only through tumbles that i discover something greater in life.
something more than a slip of paper can say. something that brings much rejoicing.
the love of God can never be replaced.
The service this week was great. Ushering was really heavy this week. But i know it's only through this serving that i'll even draw closer to God. I'll be a better man.
what is really captivating this week is our CHC drama. It is said this was a true story in our church. A story of how a family came to know God by the pure love shown by Christians. And like some of my usher mates shared .. it's tear-jerking. Because it really shows the love as expressed in 1 Cor 13. Love is patient. Love is kind ........ and Love never fails.
I believe as much as what Pastor has always shared. People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care. I got this mentality - that it's vitally important to share the gospel. So much so that sometimes i forget our true motivation in sharing it. It's really all about love in the first place. And that love brings patience. It brings kindness to even those that we feel do not deserve. The basis of our belief can be so true because of it's reality in our lives. I still remembered how i came to City Harvest :). I was a pretty open guy. A sort-of shaky Christian before i came. But i have no true encounter with God. Christianity was just like any religion to me. I had no true revelation of Jesus or the identity of what it means to be a Christian.
But i very well remembered how my friends stood by me when i was really in need. How they bless me. How they continually minister to me the way Jesus would. That really touches my heart. Never have i had such friends in my life. So i stayed on even when challenges arises.
Seeing the drama and thinking back, i get different perspectives. I saw myself in Brandon's shoes ( receiving the love and accepting Christ ). Then i saw myself in John's shoes ( showing that love and ministering directly to others ). And i saw myself as the cell group member of John ( having no direct relation with Brandon; nevertheless we pray and bless him ). It's really amazing :).
I really hope one day, in all areas of my life... People could see the Jesus in me!
I'm really praying for directions now. Because right now, i am really not sure what i would like to do after i get my career in the future. I am not sure how God is going to use me. I am not sure how i am going to take care of my parents, granny and have a family. There's just so much uncertainty i have to deal with.
But i know.... i shall live by Faith and not by sight.
I'll need to plan and trust God with the rest. So please do pray for me to make the right decisions...
Thank God for weekends..
Mamamia Shephard's Pie :)
The owners of this great recipe. Thanks Jessica and John! :)
Fellowship before Cell Group.
Group 2 Section 3 Ushers!
Hi,Sonix.How are you?How is life?It's been a very long time since I last posted a comment in your blog.The time has come and I will do so;today,right now...
I saw the pictures you uploaded in your blog recently,especially on Saturday.The place where you took the picture;not sure and wondering who took it for you people(some unknown outsider;stranger I guess).Can I ask you where that picture was taken?The very last picture in the post you posted on Sunday,after midnight...I have seen and met Kelvin before once and I think the guy in brown shirt;with a white T-Shirt inside,I have seen before.But,am not sure who he is.2 or 3 of them look familiar to me,but not the lady.Is she a European or something?What a mix in your usher group!!They seem very nice people to me,although I do not know them well emough personally.
Anyway,I am considering to join some ministry soon.Maybe,the choir or something.I have the passion to sing and lost touch playing musical instruments for a long,long,long time.Especially the organ!!
You smart,ah?Take picture of me when I was talking on the phone...I did not know and was not aware!!Doing secret stuff when I am not and was not looking at you;right??
I am going to cut down wearing double-shirts.3 times,wear liao...Going to wear more shirts...Hahaha.Some comments and feedback from your mom on Saturday to me and you;remember??
Oh ya,cell group was great and fun last Friday.Missed attending cell group after a very long break!!Jason Chong ROCKS with his new golden,blonde hair man!!
I will talk to you again.But,remember something.Everything you and I and everyone do/es has/have reason/s behind them.A person who looks and seems serious has reasons behind it too.This is exactly what occurred on Friday and Saturday.I was serious during one part during cell group for some reasons and likewise after Saturday's service as you noticed,observed and asked me.
Take care and God Bless You.Have a good week ahead and enjoy the rest of your day...
Prem(Missile Boy or Missile Rocket Launcher with so many nicknames now)
When there's a will, there's a way. God made everything happen for a reason, find the reason and find the joy in it. Remember a champion is not one who never fails, but one who never gives up. Fight on Christian soldier, be the Armour-Bearer that you are. =p
hey thanks fellows!
Prem :
hmm maybe u have seen them. We ushers are very well-seen within the crowd :) ha that's well alittle part of our role ... to be seen as great helpers in the church! The lady is an Chinese Indian. She is a very nice woman of God. :) Very caring in nature.
Sis Rabbit:
Hey thanks for yr concern. :) Really happy to know u as a great fren! So encouraging ... always! Take care too!!
ps: sorry cant celeb yr bday together wif yr gang ... but well .. will make up ^^
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