A very long week..
But it's a very fun-filled and exciting week!!!
On Monday, we went to a new place to Jam. Forgot the name of the place... but it was introduced by Desmondo. The place looks so much better than our pervious one.. More space, better speakers, cheaper prize ... and well i got a cooler guitar to used!! (catch that guitar on my flickr photos!). Anyway, it was really a much better session this week. Not as messed up as our previous session...... yea but of cos we still have lots to improved to be a great band. :)
We focused this time on 3 songs ... Worry Rock from Green Day, Politically Incorrect by SR-71 and Funeral of Hearts by H.I.M. . yea and someday .. i hope i can be part of a wonderful Christian band ... singing songs that will rock the town. Bringing melodies that will melt even the stoniest hearts. Moving with the power of music that will send many upraised hands. The power of agape would be our theme! There will be a never seen before movement in Asia ... and eventually all around the world. Passion it is .......
Ain't that picture great :) ?
Yea it's a big dream. but i like it soo much!!! ;)
Well simply ... yea sometimes i just feel so far away from these dreams. When these dreams faces the not-so-friendly nature of reality, it really puts to the test a person's desire for his dream. The person has to answer these questions ....
Is to press on? to step back? ....
Or even better ..
Cross-over. :)
Our Pastor shared a very simple but yet very powerful sermon. The sermon of Crossing Over.
Briefly ... he shared 5 enlightening points.
1) Cross the line of the Unknown.
could u imagine a world that is trapped in the domain of the known ? If there aren't people trying to find out how life works. ... or people who would question the identity or the presence of God (in the hope of discovering it) .... or dare to moved out of the known to the unknow more ... it would be so much a different world! Our Pastor says, "sometimes unless you are willing to do the ridiculous, you will never see the miraculous!" That can be so true. This is proven by the history of the world. By the revolution of technology. It's just amazing to know how much difference we all could make if everyone starts to think like that...
2) Step across the line of comfort.
You often hear the phrase .. "get out of your comfort zone!". It's always the case. The path that we are comfortable walkin in would always the be the path little or no growth. I can explain this with many instances ... like let say with how our Human Physiology works. Just put a baby on a pram during his nurative stage. Researchers have shown that babies that have always moved about using the pram would take a much longer time to learn how to walk. That is what being insistent of staying in your comfort zone brings you to. It is important to learn to walk through our falls. learn to walk out into the deep.
3) Cross the line of the Impossible.
Charles Spurgeon once said, "God delights in the impossibility." That is just right! How else would people know that such a mighty being exist in the spiritual realm? When it comes to the impossible .. many people can say ... "well i know it's hard .. but i'll never give up." But as for a child of God... he says .. " it's not by my might or strength ... but it's by the power of the Holy Spirit that works within me. I know for sure it'll work out. even if i haven seen it yet." Simply awesome i tell you! :)
4) Cross the line of positive affirmation.
This could be a real hard line to cross over. Because this deals mainly with your tenacity in our Faith. As far as i know, the world is filled with a planet-full of negative affirmations. It's just so common to see it in our daily lives. People come with a practical mindset of how things work. But that can really work against us if we always go around thinking the predictable. It's wise to know what will happen due to our course of actions. But it'll be wiser if we lean on the strength of God to believe what others refuse to believe. The smart thing that i will do .. is to sow in the word of God in my life. That would be the best positive affirmation to bring us far enough to see the promises of the bible.
5) Cross the line of the pull of the world.
This is also a hard line to cross. Because sometimes the pull of the world can be from something as strong as the relationships we hold on to. Or commodities... like money. games. drugs. just anything. To overcome this pull might mean that we have to overcome the lust of our desires. Or it can mean that we have to loosen the bonds that hold us back. Whatever it is, i know all things work out for the good of those who love God. When we cross such a line, we are telling God how much He means to us. :) And that is a beautiful thing. Because my friends ... the day we master that is the day .... we truly practise unconditional love. The very same thing mention in the John 3:16 of the bible. :)
I will be a line-crosser !
Jamming near Bugis Road
Had lots of fun!!!!! :D
Esplanade view. Simply breath-taking! *gasp for air*
Guess which part of Esplanade this is !?
Japanese meal tastesss sooo goood!!! Teriyaki Chicken and Rendan :)
Supposed to meet up with other cell grp members. End up only turtle and me are free to fellowship and have dinner -_-
Haa. We look great right! Like ______ like son! ;)
We got a new Usher Tag. Haa sooo cool rite?
Join usher! and get a tag like this!! :D
goood day/night to all. :)