How wrong was I. I reach home at 1830. Due to my dumb dumb dilly- dalliesm, i left the house at 6.50. It was like have to zoom to Orchard within 10 mins la. What an impossible mission. Slightly disappointed at myself for not managing my time well, i rushed in the best way i could [thru MRT, no money for 240 ]. Guess what time i Got there? 1930!! Its like 1/2 an hr's late. Plus Pandy decided to be early that day and she waited for 45 mins. Men that was sure a killer for her. Its quite unforuntate that its a girl waiting for a guy now. Men i am really guilty and embarass. So much so for me being a puntual boy that i am so determine to set. Really sad.
Pandy was kinda downcasted. She is one person that doesn't show anger. She show it in a very cute way, by whinning and groaning and making funny sounds. ha it really lifted my spirit even though that shouldn't be the case. I should be guilty guilty guilty all over me. Guilty in my face. Gulty in my hands. Guilty everywhere. I am spared from the punishment by her cute whinning. Ha. That's Pandy for you! :)
We stroll to the Charles & Keith @ Wisma Atria to look for the shoes my mom is talking about. Pandy seemed to have found the right design and type. There are 3 colors there - Green, white and black. We pondered for awhile, with her making "grrr" and "yargh!!" noises everywhere we go. It must have occur to the shoppers that i am bring an gorilla around. haa i was deeply amused. :P
As we walk on, i lear that Pandy haven't ate while i am carrying a full stomach. She just had some excessive running activity that makes her kinda tired. And then she has waited for the a dumb slowpoke for 45 minutes. Men that's taking alot from a panda. A female panda. That's why she is sometimes a person i look up to. Other such circumstances, i would have fallen unto the ground and collapse with a (X_X ) look. But her fighting spirit and joy over circumstances is just amazing. Not something to be taken advantage of. But something to learn and change. Very nice leh! I am so proud to have such a good cell group member.
We went circling around basement 1 of Takashimaya.
As you can see, the yellow dot is the starting point of our hunt. As we walk through from the underpass link from Orchard MRT, we went to afew shops, like Mango, U.R.S. , Zara [very ex but nice lady stuffs here] and evetually end up back at the blue point. The red lines are the tracks we took. So as you can see the hunt at Taka is kinda short. Throughout the whole journey, i can only remember Pandy saying she wants to strangle me... punch me .... ..... ... [dotz]
Know of any Panda more violent than the one with me ? ha
We then went to Heeren. We found alot of stuffs there. But we can't really decide what to get. There is many necklaces, belts and shoes all around. That's why i feel very blessed to be a guy. Sometimes being spoilt for choice can be more of a headache than a blessing. We bounce from one shop to another and eventualy found a shop call Flowers in the Attic. As Pandy stroll to one side of the shop, i found an interesting nice looking scarf-like band. It comes in 3 colours - blue, beach and grey. Blue seems pretty unfitting for Mom's attire. Grey looks dull. So we settle for beach, which seems to match alot of her attire. The band can be worn around the waist as a belt and the cool thing is, we can attach accessories to it. So its pretty customisable and all we have to do is pick a nice accessory to go with it. I shall not say much on what we pick but i think that set of band and accessory makes it a very interesting and nice looking belt.
A real relief when we finally got something for Mom.
On top of that, we went back to Charles & Keith to buy her the pair of shoes. The total sum is kinda scary. haa i hope i do get back the money. That sum of money can last me for about a month. -___-.
We walk home, alittle tired but happy that we achieve our goals in the Hunt. Pandy shared with me about the character of a noisy person. That being noisy on the outside might not mean that she is a open person. In other words, a person can be only showing a side of him/her. There can be a lonely, sad or an unkown side that is not presented. As she said that, it just reminds me of how is it like in the past. There are just no one that will truly bother to understand how you really feel or think. You are all on your own.
What a terrible thought and feeling. I am glad that's all in the past. The past is never meant to be the present. Its meant to teach and be used to learn more of the future. That's something all of us has to grapple with and make light of.
The night ain't young anymore. I gotta hit the bed. :D too lazy to type any more.
Its sure an interesting night.
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