I was chatting with Mom on MSN.
I was quite amazed for one because i thought the same thing is going to happen again. After looking back at our conversation, i realise that we both learn some things. I've been hit by a revelation which has no direct relation to the heaty conversation we had. It was like ... "Wow!"
Really. I remembered very clearly about Pastor Ulf saying about seeing in God's perspective. You'll become so amazed. Your mouth will just naturally pop open and give a big - WOW!?
With that, i was suddenly so moved and i just shared immediately the revelation i had. God magnifies thoughts. I won't go into details but i can say there is something to learn every day when you walk with God and constantly reflect upon your life. Your life will slowly but surely change. Something that makes me realise that i have become so different from what i used to be, used to think. And so believe that following the crowd will make me accepted by the world one day. Our conversation ended well and i felt so touched in my heart. The probable consequence of releasing the imprisoned feelings and thoughts.
Today, Xiu wen [ Da big panda] got baptised. I was refresh with the memory of baptism. What's the significance of it? I remembered Mom told me that it is basically a declaration to the world of our new life as a Christian. That there is a true heart to serve God even after you have been in church for awhile as a baby Christian. To leave our sinful past behind and move on. I call it the ceromonial Salvation. It looks pretty like a ceremony to me. The feeling of baptism as i've heard from Mom and Panda is that it brings an unexplained joy in you. You start smiling for no reason. Maybe it is Holy smiling.
Gee i've got to test it out.
Lets see Panda in action ..
w143 - Minified us.
An Hawaiian Pastor visited us today. And certainly, everything started with a big ALoha.
Can you hear him sasy Aloha!?
The pastor told us something which reminds me of Pastor Kong's sermon about Big People. The message is about Greatness. It rings very well and confirms many thoughts in my mind.
Here are some Food for thoughts.
1) Greatness is made by the opportunities we take and the actions we make.
2) The Good is often the enemy of the Great
3) Its just too easy to settle down for a good life. That's why we remain in our comfort zone
4) Greatness is an attitude in life. When we are willing to pay the price of what it takes to be great and whatever Greatness would bring.
5) Greatness is not an accident. Its not a roll of dice or flash of cards. Its a simple undeterred choice.
This are all characteristics or random points which anyone can argue about. I would say it speaks well in a person's life. To an absolute pessimist, Greatness is nothing more than an illusion or self-deluded concept. They will think : " Being Great is not for me, ... for how many great people are actually out there? Look at the world today! " they will say. What are the good old leaders doing? Are their decisions perfect? What good has ever happen to Great people in great places? What's the point of Greatness to a world that struggles to deal with our the depths of seemingly unresolved unsolvable problems?
I would say something as an general opinion of my own. Greatness is indeed an attitude. Its a choice. An approach. It is something that others cannot truly justify. Its something no ruler can measure. Because greatness is inherent. That is an unlimited potential in those who choose to release it. With this intrinsic property, it probably means that no one else can much comment about it. Don't mistake me. It can still be commended. Just like Pope John Paul 2. He died receiving thankfulness, admiration and sadness too, from the people. He has done so much and earns a neat title of being classified - Great. But surely you have heard sad cases of fighters who have brave and risk in war but died with a small note that doesn't receive much recognition of being - Great. Do you see something here? The title - Great, can be so beautifully described. Its like a bottle filled with the tastiest drink on Earth. It has amazingly beautiful decos and labels that delivers its attractiveness. The words on the labels emphasises the goodnes of the product. These words starts to stir up beautiful scenes in our mind. It continues to draw crowds. Who pays attention to the black liquid inside the bottle?
What's the similarity between both of them? They are both Great. Even if one fails to receive as much recognition as other. The wonderful thing about Greatness is that you do not have to be recognised to be someone great. If we always think about how others would think and feel in order to make us great, then we are just plainly living under expectations. Expectations of the world. And very surely, it changes now and then. This answers one very simple argument about Greatness. Greatness is inherent. Everyone can be great when the choice is made.
So why be great?
We can always be good. We can always enjoy our present stay. We can laugh and kick buckets when the time arrives. There will no need to put ourselves with so much trouble and end up in a sorry state. But would that be a happy life? Above the part about Greatness being a choice, its an attitude! I would call it the characteristic approach. Its a mentality of a overcomer. If you tell me that you have a peaceful life which reigns 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 30 days a month and all throughout your life, you got to be kidding me. Everyone has obstacles to overcome and hurdlers to clear. One of the attribute of an overcome is the Big People mentality. The Greatness mentality that Pope carries around with him to carry out his duty in stamping out Communism and standing up for the oppressed. You can surely see that Great people possess strong values, principles and a fighting spirit that distinctively makes them great. This qualities are all inherited once a person makes an underterred decision to take on the path of greatness. Greatness doesn't make one fautless. It makes him strong. It makes him smart. It makes him a person of calibre that everyone can rely on. And that is greatness.
Greater is he who is in me than in this world. Step up or shape out.
THis will be short as I am feeling lazy right now.
"greatness is inherent"
Dos this mean that if one were not inhereted greatness he or she will never able to demostrate greatness?
Greatness comes from heart of admirers...Lazy to think liao. May be next time.
Yo might disagree with me. But this is what i believe.
Greatness is inherited in all of us. That's why i have not said anything about the validity of its inheritance in us.
Then you might ask, what about those who are born sick, disabled or autistic? Do they inherit greatness? What's the greatness in them?
The answer to this is simple. We all understand that they are all probably unable to make choices. If there is an exception to this class, it migh be those who are fighting to be out of coma. You might have seen in tv's or read in drama that talking to comatose patients might be helpful. There is no clear understanding of what's happening inside the brain. The brain isn't dead. The brain is probably miswired. Who knows? But somehow, this patients has managed to pull through. That is what i can call part of greatness. Even though there is no clear confirmation or decision made by the paitents to snap out, there might be just some pushing factors that helps the patient in this situation. Whatever the case, the great effect is made. And people will be bless by this great effect.
To those who aren't capable of making choices completely due to medical conditions, that doesn't strip them off totally from the hall of greatness. Since they have no ability to think, they are probably unable to make clear choices and take up the Greatness attitude. But they can be great in their own ways. You must understand this firstly. Being a great person is not something that people decide for you. Its not a title with a bunch of requirements to be met. That is why its so special and unique. That is also why i said it cannot be justified. It is something no ruler can measure.
I have very little knowledge of biographies. Bio-s of people emerging of dark holes. This are probably the more magnificent version that showcase how the weak and disabled can rise up to be a strong of today. The most impressionable one i can remember so far is Pastor Robb Thompson. A person who speaks so much wisdom that i can never imagine. He is a mental institute patient. He is now a famous and very wise pastor. His visit to our Church last year greatly open my eyes of this world.
Thx for your comment. Hope i have not over-typed :). I can type more but i have to sleep. :P
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