Kidney/Renal Biopsy
pls note : The subject is not enjoying any part of the procedure but is happy to blog about the happenings of it just to scare the kids next door. Ha~
More information :
[caution : very detailed. Read at your own risk]
Well i have to be admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital [TTSH] 1 day before the actual procedure. I was there on 12/12/2004 around 3.30pm. Everything was as per normal. And men .. this is my 1st time staying in a hopsital. Sounds qutie exciting. The not so exciting part is when they started connecting a tube-like object onto my right hand. So i have to live with a needle in my right hand for 3 whole days cos i can only be discharge on Wednesday which is today!. So i began to look like Wolverine from X-men where-ever i go with that stupid thing stuck on my hand. I certainly look life-threatening and so all the Ah-pehs[old uncles] and Ah-nis[Aunties] stayed a considerable distance away from me. Ha~
Well nothing much happened on the first day. I was abit bubbly and was wondering around the ward to seek entertainment. However, we all know that you won'y to see much in TTSH except old folks. It's an Oldie(s) Haven/Paradise there men. I sure do not fit in the crowd. My 2 nice uncles and my 1 nice grandma visited me on that faithful day. And they lectured me alot on preparing myself for university and National Service. I just sit on my bed and listen motionlessly. My uncle bought alot of nice snacks for me. Then, Janet and Wan Yi came to visit me.We talked abit of crap till 8+pm before Wan Yi's stomach gave somewhat like a roar. So, they have to leave me to seek food. Haa. Kinda exagerated. I began to plant myself in the TV-room. [My ward has no TV-s] Err the show was showing some guess-the-price-of-the-food show which is not exactly very entertaining. And then i saw Survivor's Finals. Just when the climax is reached, where they are releasing the results, the screen went blank. Through my incredulous Super-human sense, i sensed that Magneto [You know the baddie in X-men?] has once again cause menace in the city and has distrubted the electrical supply to the TV i am watching. Darn that Magneto. It is just 9 pm and i am cut from all forms of entertainment in the hospital. What a bummer.
The next day i woke up pretty early. Hehe around 7.30 am. My operation will commence around 8.30. I went to the toilet to wash my face and release my bowels before i ready myself and allow the doctor to hanky panky me.
At 8 am, I sit still on my bed, could hear a mosquito whizz past me.
At 8.05, the elderly patient opposite my bed set up, half dozy and half awake, started staring at me. Well staring incidents are common. So i stared back
At 8.15, more elderly patient woke up. Think they kinda join in the fun. The game of staring has propagated around the dormitory.
At 8.20, the nurses and 3 doctors came in and start hanky panky-ing with the elderly folks. They seem to be discussing serious stuffs with each patient in the room
At 8.30, the relatives of one of the patients came in. It is a pretty young lady. =D. She looks like the daughter of one of the patient. Men such filial spirit. Got up so early to see her dad.
At 8.40, my palms began to wet the bed.
at 8.45, 2 nurses approached me and ask for my phone number.
Oops, sorry its i/c number. Gotcha there. They verified my identity before they strapped me on the bed and rolled my bed out of the dorm. Men its kinda fun. I was in like some giant trolley with pillows and blanket getting around the ward on wheels. Being in the elavator going up and down in a vertical position is kinda common. Try being in a horizontal position. =)
I arrived at a room where many doors closed behind me. Men it is kinda cold in there. I got dressed up for the operation. Well, i am really shivering inside the room. Probably from both apprehension and from the cold. They took my blood pressure and oxygen count using a machine.. doing a last check to ensure i am fine before they called for the doctor.

Nice? Men that needle was long. Good thing i did not do this research b4 the procedure.
This is what i saw. of course I was going "OMG OMG OMG" all the way. That needle is soo long that i think it can go through my whole body with about 20 cm of needle sticking out from the other end of my body. So i rest my fate and of course i prayed the night before and in the morning. Well if you click the link i pasted at the front ... you will know that procedure like this have the good side and down side. Haaa men i forgot to say why i am going through this
The reason:
During NS medical examination, doctors found blood in my urine. It is not visible but still it gives a +ve test in the urine-tape examination. I was send to TTSH for further checks, where they conducted more urine checks and send me for IUV. IUV shows that there are no stones in my urinary track. Hence, the doctor is convince that i am suffering from urina-something-vitis. - where my white blood cells start recognising my organs as foreign body and starts to attack it. Hence blood in my urine. There are complications to this disease and this Renal Biopsy procedure is to confirm this + identify how active is this attack in my kidney.
Well i haven't told much people about this since i first got the news 'cos it is not a very big thing. As in, the real cause of the blood in my urine is unkown. Well just pray for the best.
Back to the procedure.
Since our kidney is at our back, i was asked to lie on my front so that they can operate on my back. The doctor started pouring what-seems-like alocohol all over my back. And when i mearn pour, i mean pour. My back was soaking with that liquid. Why do they need so much alcohol? Maybe they were thinking of burning me if Singapore one day runs out of food. Anyway, the docs are discussing some kinda Singapore Doctor politics and how NUH doctors are "bad". I don't really understand what they are discussing but surely the doctor operatin me doesn't like to work in NUH and he doesn't like NUH doctors.
After a few seconds later, he injected anesthetics onto my back, particularly around my kidney region. Then i feel the doctor poking me and he started asking whether i feel any pain. I twitch alittle when he poke me but i replied a macho "no". ha. And later i feel something going into my body. Deep in. I felt alittle queasy. The doctor said he's gonna take the samples of tissue from my kidney out. I heard a loud click, and feel alittle tingly sensation when he extracted a slice of tissue from my kidney. All in all, he extracted about 3 stings of tissues. The doc showed me the strings of tissue right after the operation. I was going from "woo and ahh" when i see my lil body parts in the suspended solution in 3 seperate containers.
After the whole procedure, i was of course wheeled back to my dorm. I can tell you that nothing is worst than the aftermath of anesthetic operation. Men my abdomen ached like mad and i rang for the nurse twice! All the pain came back and it was real excrucaiting. I was given 2 tablets of pain-killers to ease out. I felt totally horrible. I lost all appetite and skipped lunch. Slept all the way till Karista and Xiu Wen came. They brought cakes and luckily i recovered enough to speak to them and greet them. They were truly nice and cheer me up alittle. Later, 2 of my uncles, John and Jessica also came to visit me. I was trully blessed by their presence.
I checked out today. The report will not be out till in a month's time. Will blog the results. =) Just wanna say i am thankful that there are no complications during this whole procedure. ANd thx for all the sms-es,visits and jokes that you guys have sent me thru my stay. Nothin can be more boring than staying in a hospital. These 3 days ain't gonna be cool and smooth sailing without u guys.
Thx again =D
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