Since its holiday now ... i have more time to tell stories. Long long ago, in a far far away land, there lives a young woodchopper. His name is Sonic Legion. After his parents brought him to watch "The incredibles" in the cinema, he decided to aspire to be a great superhero. Well he learnt alot from his father. His Father was once a great reknown cockroach slayer whom can slay almost anything that moves under his sharp falcon eyes. His father has always said " The strength of hero doesn't like with his muscles but trully on his heart" Being a well respected cockroach slayer, his Father has many been in many quest to save citizens from the evil cockroaches.
One fine day, his father went missing. It was heard from rumours that he was captured by King Cockroach. Soon enough, it was confirmed by a tv-wide telecast in pest-channel that King Cockroach had him. Legions's mom was bewildered and was on the verge of breaking down. Legion had to do something. Something fast ...
Legion immediately decided to go 1 on 1 with Cockroach King. But he needs to train up. During his scout around the woods, he found a "A complete idiot's guide to be a Superhero". Feeling lucky he open the book. Suddenly the book shivered and a great beam of light fall on him. It seems the book is sucking him into somewhere. *psst and he was gone.
Now our hero appears at Maple Land

Introducing our new Hero. Legion
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