Ok Here is the real thing :
W143 cum cum cum W281 simple movie outing.
Turns out to be a W143 outing with a guest from W281. There are all in all 7 of us together. Turtle was the guest. I just have to say a thousand apologies to everyone. Everythign was a flop. Attendance was poor because of poor communication. What's worst is that i did not buy the tickets in time. I admit i was too complacent. Too idiotic to notice that cinemas in the weekdays can be equally crowded as well. An originally planned 7 pm show had to be postponed to a 10pm show. End up only 5 of us can watch this show cos the other timings either have no vacencies .. or only have 1st row seats. I feel horrible.
Well actually , i met Kevin and Chong for Lan, cos they are gonna teach me a game. And in the end we got bogged down and left late. Have to call Ken to buy tix for us ... and what's more.. we got the wrong tix ... they gave us a 10 pm show instead of 7pm. Then we found out there is no more seats for 7 pm and only 1st row sears for 7.40 pm. Sigh the more i talk/think/type about this ... the more guilty and heart-achei feel. GRRRR U R AN IDIOT JASON !!!!!!!!!!!!!@#!@#!@#$
Anyway, we went to Long John to have our dinner. We chatter a long while before we played guess the item game. Then "mom" tried to crack a joke, but i guess only the houseflies laugh. haha oops. sorry mom! :P Later "mom" left for home. Yup she's one of the two that didn't get to join us for the movie. haiz.
Out of boredom, we played 7-up, location game, Black Magic, bang bang bang, the whisper game, the clock game ... you can see that we are very bored. Then turtle left ... and so the 5 of us march to the cinemas to watch this well-anticipated movie of the ... month.
Of all the 3 movies i watched this month : Ocean 12, Meet the Fockers and this [Kung Fu Hustle]. The most horrible was this. This show has a rubbish story line. The introduction shows of an emerging gang that reigns terror around .. called the Axe gang. One day axe gang visit pig city. There are some ancient kung fu warriors there. Axe gang's butt got kicked. So Axe gang hired 2 mysterious kung fu fighter .. who killed the 3 ancient kung fu warriors. But this 2 baddies did not know that there are another 2 ancient warrior that lives there. So the mysterious's warrior's butt got kicked. So this goes on .. Good kick bad's butts .. bad kicks good's butt and eventually ... like always .. good kicks bad's butt. The ending was so lame that i can't bring myself to type it. The show sends alot of mixed signals.
So let's see
1) Lame plot
2) Inproper, short and stupid character introduction and development
3) Not sure if it's a comedy. Can see heads row. Cats being cut into half. Legs chop off. Pool of blood from a room gushing down. Romance part was unromantic at all. Only minimal success in humour. In other words .. unsteady storyline. lots of mixed signals. Leave me with an uneasy feeling
4) Only + point : Good special effects and butt - kicking moves.
This show resembles alot from Matrix.
1) There is so called "The one" in this movie. Just like Neo - "The One" in matrix
2)When the army of bad guys swarm around the 3 ancient warriors. ITs like an army of Agent smith around Neo
3) The hero can fly. Sort of. Just like Neo
4) The is a chase ... but instead of the car chase in Matrix reloaded ... there is a human chase .... the 2 person runs on the road like speeding cars. Very nicely exaggerated.
Well maybe there are more that u can find, Probably Kung Fu Hustle is a parody of Matrix. Well this show in my opinion is CMI -big time.
The show ends at around 12. I missed my last bus. The rest took taxi home. I suddenly realise that i have no money in my wallet. I ended up walking home. I was kind of lost at the start ... and Plaza Sing. to my house at Chinatown isn't actually very far. So i walk and walk .. and to my happiness ... i came to Raffles city ... =). I know that place. Then i met this lady.
Omg. This is the first time i meet such kind of person. She was not pretty .. let me clarify in the first place. She's very dark in colour. And she's staring at me for no reason. I wanted to ask abit more so as to further calrify my location. Unknowingly, i blurted a "hi " to her. She smiled and asked me where i was from. I said Singapore. She asked me how old am i. I said 18. Then she asked me if i am going Army. I told her .. ya enlisting soon. Then she said u wanna ..... !?
I was like , " huh ? wad did u say? "
Then she touched me .... and said " well u know .... " i said ... " sorry thx ...[but no thx]" and walked away. I cant really believe who i've met. Well i don't what in the world she's doing there late at night. But i am definitely nto joining her in whatever she's doing. It was frankly speaking .. quite traumatising to meet such a lady.
After 45 minutes of walk .. i finally reach home. I din get lost at all. Praise the lord. =) I really think today is a weird day. Sad, tired, traumatising and weird. I am really stressed out ...~~!
"Though the mountains and hills can topple, my love for you will never be shaken. Nor my covenant of peace will be removed." Isaiah 54:10
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Well i've honestly be neglecting my blog. Not a good thing. At least i must do some bit of justice to this little web-haven.
*Lets take a ride in the time machine*
Haa - time to recap what i've gone thru the past few days and weeks .... Not that it's fun to recap .. but its good to shelve my thoughts somewhere .. at least in a place which you can look back and admire.
Jason's X'mas Day Special
Lol ... so backdated. X'mas was my favourite - time .... season .. whatever u call it ... - time of the year. Since its so long ago ... and its kinda late ... i'll chop/cut everything short.
Woke up in the morning ... hey ... i was still await at 1 am. Still playing MMORPG game. I woke up at around 8 and rush down to Kallang MRT to meet Nurul and Shu Xian ... whom are Aaron's friends. I'm bringing them to my church Service ! Guess what? i've not met them b4 ... and neither have they. I consider me myself a brave guy .. haha and of course they are not bad either ... not that i encourage girls to meet strangers ... and oops going off topic ....
Well, we make a slow walk there ... which i actually wanted to make *that walking thing* faster cos we are running late ... but then i cant be rude to them ... so i sort of tried in a lame attempt to quicken *our* pace! Indeed, that morning walk have helped me derive a cool conclusion. Girls are nice strollers.
Well, i was again shock -just like the night b4-. The security guards have let in the crowd early into the auditorium and the place was jam-packed as usual. It was like 10.15 am and almost 75% of the SIS was packed. Thank God i my cell members reserved 3 seats for 3 of us.
We took some pictures with the reindeer-man and Santa Claus. Sang X'mas hymns and a City Harvest Church worship song. Then we watch an interesting and very cool break dance performance by our Church Dance team. Followed by our X'mas drama. Story about a little samaritan orphan who was adopted by this not-so-kind adopter. He was illy treated and felt that life has no meaning .. or like what he said .. "life must be more than this ..... " He never realised that all his life .. he's manager that he's been sleeping and keeping it clean has a very important purpose ... that is to prepare a room for the birth of the King of kings. Quite a nice drama. Ps Kong preached ... and an altar call was given.
So service was like that.... Our church like to sing this song .... "Feliz Navidad ... Feliz Navidad ... dum dum dum prospero ano y felicida .. ! " haa. A very nice Christmas carol.
Had lunch at home. Play com games. Then met yijie, Jason Chong, Jian ye and kevin for dinner, movie - Meet the Fockers[nice comedy movie!] and then to a musical performace at Esplanade. I love that place. Its just nice there. It gives me the sense of flying ... haha .. when i am there. Maybe its the sea-side atmosphere ... that is so liberating to me.
We had Supper at Lau Pa Sat and that's all for the .. day!
*Lets take a ride in the time machine*
Haa - time to recap what i've gone thru the past few days and weeks .... Not that it's fun to recap .. but its good to shelve my thoughts somewhere .. at least in a place which you can look back and admire.
Jason's X'mas Day Special
Lol ... so backdated. X'mas was my favourite - time .... season .. whatever u call it ... - time of the year. Since its so long ago ... and its kinda late ... i'll chop/cut everything short.
Woke up in the morning ... hey ... i was still await at 1 am. Still playing MMORPG game. I woke up at around 8 and rush down to Kallang MRT to meet Nurul and Shu Xian ... whom are Aaron's friends. I'm bringing them to my church Service ! Guess what? i've not met them b4 ... and neither have they. I consider me myself a brave guy .. haha and of course they are not bad either ... not that i encourage girls to meet strangers ... and oops going off topic ....
Well, we make a slow walk there ... which i actually wanted to make *that walking thing* faster cos we are running late ... but then i cant be rude to them ... so i sort of tried in a lame attempt to quicken *our* pace! Indeed, that morning walk have helped me derive a cool conclusion. Girls are nice strollers.
Well, i was again shock -just like the night b4-. The security guards have let in the crowd early into the auditorium and the place was jam-packed as usual. It was like 10.15 am and almost 75% of the SIS was packed. Thank God i my cell members reserved 3 seats for 3 of us.
We took some pictures with the reindeer-man and Santa Claus. Sang X'mas hymns and a City Harvest Church worship song. Then we watch an interesting and very cool break dance performance by our Church Dance team. Followed by our X'mas drama. Story about a little samaritan orphan who was adopted by this not-so-kind adopter. He was illy treated and felt that life has no meaning .. or like what he said .. "life must be more than this ..... " He never realised that all his life .. he's manager that he's been sleeping and keeping it clean has a very important purpose ... that is to prepare a room for the birth of the King of kings. Quite a nice drama. Ps Kong preached ... and an altar call was given.
So service was like that.... Our church like to sing this song .... "Feliz Navidad ... Feliz Navidad ... dum dum dum prospero ano y felicida .. ! " haa. A very nice Christmas carol.
Had lunch at home. Play com games. Then met yijie, Jason Chong, Jian ye and kevin for dinner, movie - Meet the Fockers[nice comedy movie!] and then to a musical performace at Esplanade. I love that place. Its just nice there. It gives me the sense of flying ... haha .. when i am there. Maybe its the sea-side atmosphere ... that is so liberating to me.
We had Supper at Lau Pa Sat and that's all for the .. day!
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Christmas .... has finally arrived. On this very faithful cold morning as i type ... Jingle bells!
Carols, Carollers, Musicin the house, Music on the street .. Sounds of the sweet vocals ... Silver bells~!
Musicals, Church Celebrations, Fellowshipping of the Saints, praying and thanksgiving ... Adeste Fideles ~!
Well wishes, greeting cards, Christmas Sales flyers, Colourful gifts .... simply Feliz Navidad
Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful ... and since we've no place to gooo Let is snow ... let is snow .. Let it snow~!
Christmas my favourtie time .... my favourite season has come so fast. During the A levels period ... i was still dreaming of Christmas and all its splendor. Christmas .... has undoubtly different effects on each and single one of us. Well probably some might feel no nothint at all. But one cannot simply ignore the beautiful Christmas decos put up on the streets and in practically every shopping mall in Singapore. And of course the big fat Santa roaming around the city, catchign kids and putting a smile onto each of them. Some feel for the presents. Thefun and joy of receiving gifts from your loved ones ... The unexpectancy and eagerness to see what inside .. the joy of reaping what we desire ... that is from others and maybe sometimes from ourselves =)
Getting greetings ... cards .. sms-es .. or even that simple Merry Christmas & a happy new year from our friends and neighbours ... & the list go on.
I love Christmas not just because of this commotion ... i love it because it revolves all around this principle of giving. As we give ... we receive as well. We give presents, we reap happiness in our hearts. Christ has no doubt introduce this simple basic principle to us 2000 yrs ago. I really thank God for all that. Well .. i have to go le. Hope everyone will spend their 24 hours Special day wisely. Till next time ...
Merry Christmas Everyone !
Carols, Carollers, Musicin the house, Music on the street .. Sounds of the sweet vocals ... Silver bells~!
Musicals, Church Celebrations, Fellowshipping of the Saints, praying and thanksgiving ... Adeste Fideles ~!
Well wishes, greeting cards, Christmas Sales flyers, Colourful gifts .... simply Feliz Navidad
Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful ... and since we've no place to gooo Let is snow ... let is snow .. Let it snow~!
Christmas my favourtie time .... my favourite season has come so fast. During the A levels period ... i was still dreaming of Christmas and all its splendor. Christmas .... has undoubtly different effects on each and single one of us. Well probably some might feel no nothint at all. But one cannot simply ignore the beautiful Christmas decos put up on the streets and in practically every shopping mall in Singapore. And of course the big fat Santa roaming around the city, catchign kids and putting a smile onto each of them. Some feel for the presents. Thefun and joy of receiving gifts from your loved ones ... The unexpectancy and eagerness to see what inside .. the joy of reaping what we desire ... that is from others and maybe sometimes from ourselves =)
Getting greetings ... cards .. sms-es .. or even that simple Merry Christmas & a happy new year from our friends and neighbours ... & the list go on.
I love Christmas not just because of this commotion ... i love it because it revolves all around this principle of giving. As we give ... we receive as well. We give presents, we reap happiness in our hearts. Christ has no doubt introduce this simple basic principle to us 2000 yrs ago. I really thank God for all that. Well .. i have to go le. Hope everyone will spend their 24 hours Special day wisely. Till next time ...
Merry Christmas Everyone !
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero año y felicidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero año y felicidad
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero año y felicidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero año y felicidad
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero año y felicidad
I want to wish you.
*inserted into lyrics*
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero año y felicidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero año y felicidad
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero año y felicidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero año y felicidad
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero año y felicidad
I want to wish you.
*inserted into lyrics*
Friday, December 24, 2004
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
I watched Ocean 12 today. Haa this is a pretty cool show .... a very twisted plotty show. We got the bottom left hand seats which makes the viewing very horrible. In other words ****. lol fill in the blanks.
Well the show is kinda good and unless u r familair with the previous movie ... Ocean 11 .. you better team up with others to watch this show cos ... its only at the end of the show ... probably after some discussion ... then you'll get what the show is driving at. A simple objective complicated by the twisty plot. Anyway X'mas is coming. Santa's watching. Gotta be a good boy!
Well the show is kinda good and unless u r familair with the previous movie ... Ocean 11 .. you better team up with others to watch this show cos ... its only at the end of the show ... probably after some discussion ... then you'll get what the show is driving at. A simple objective complicated by the twisty plot. Anyway X'mas is coming. Santa's watching. Gotta be a good boy!
Dying is not a very nice word in the presence of this jolly season. But ... this blog sure is worth taking note for blog readers about a short account of a cancer patient :
God bless her =)
Go take a look.
God bless her =)
Go take a look.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Day of Fun.
Main Game played : Shi Zhi Lu Kou (Chinese Eating Game)
Game instructions & objective:
Firstly, the name of the first dish will be given. Let say Ji Fan [Chinese pronounciation of Chicken rice]. Teams have to raise around the neighbourhood to search for this chicken rice dish. Buy it and eat it. Then, they have to continue to buy another dish by using the last word "fan" as the first word of the next dish. Eg: 1st dish - Ji Fan. 2nd dish - Fan Chai. and so on and so for. Teams must eat 4 dish in total before they can get to know what's their final dish. So after finishing 4 dishes, they have to call the "angels or Tian Shi" or the gamemasters and report to them to get their clue to the last dish. Before they get to know what's their last dish, they would be given 3 cateogries of questions in which they must choose one to answer. If they answer rightly they can get their clue for the last dish. If not they would have to do a forfeit before we finish our last dish. In addition, teams must eat another 2 dish before they can end off with the last dish.
Well we started off with 3 teams. Jaryl, Jun Kai, Karista and Emily - Team A. Seng Huat, Chua and Pei fen - Team. John, Kenneathe and Wan Yi - Team C. The first clue was : Rou ku cha (chinese). In hokkien : Bak Kut Teh. Its basically a meat -based soup. The teams raise around Toa Payoh to find this first dish and their subsequent dishes. In the meantime, Janet and I .. the gamemasters aka Xiao Tian Shi went aroudn to get gifts. We bought some gifts at Watson before the teams arrive. Well to cut in short, all 3 teams answered the question rightly and got their final dish with ease. The final dish was "Cha You Tiao" which is something a chinese fried dough stick.
During this time ... that is to find out where we are and report back to us. We devised 3 sets of clues which they have to choose a set to help them locate us. The general clue is that we are at Jurong area. This part of the game gets very interesting ... We are actually at the Cafe of our church.
The 1st set of clues is colours - which are blue[the fountain], black[black tiles], and white [walls and chairs]. As u can see, this set of clues are not helpful at all ... so teams who choose this clue first ... well God bless them. Ha.
The second set is sounds : So... we make a psssssshhhh sound on the phone [sound of the water in the fountain of our church]. And followed by the chatter noise in the Cafe. Lastly is the sound of a waiter serving a customer in the cafe ... acted by Janet and myself.
The 3rd set of clues is Objects. First object is toilet. Second is plants. Third is a black box - emitting light.[ which is a TV set].
So teams have to choose either 1 set, and if in 20 mins time they couldn't find us ... we will give them the 2nd set ... and if in another 15 mins they couldn't find us ... we'll give them the last set of clues. Well, this isn't so hard ... given that they should know where we are when they chat with us .... cos the cafe we are in is very noisy .. plus by common sense ... they should know that there can only be 3 places that we will be in. Chua's place .. Jurong point shopping mall or Church. So after we given out all the clues, the 3 teams found us. actually... the first 2 teams who found us exchange clues and work together to locate us. Haa.
Next we play 2 indoor games at Chua's place. Agree-Disagree game and an acting game.
Agree and disagree game will be played like this. Gamemaster says a theme : for example X'mas. and then she'll say a word like eg: Bells. If you agree its related to the theme , you do a agree sign ... which is to put both hands together over your head - like a mountain shape. If u disagree, you will have to cross your hands to make the "x" sign. This game is pretty fun because as the game goes by ... many people can tricked .. when they show the sign too rashly. But of course the game requires you to make the sign fast .... As the game speed picks up ... more people are caught with the mistakes. Guys/gurls with 2 mistakes are automatically eliminated from the game. A goood and fun game!
The acting game requires teams ... so we form 3 teams .. 2 guys... 1 girl team. Teams have to line up in a line with everyone facing the front .. front to back/ front to back. Then the 2nd member has to use action to guide the first person to do an action ... and from there .. the first person must guess what he/she is doing. Also a very fun game ... especially when we see the girls team jumping around to get the message across to the person infront. Haa
Ha i am really very very very tired. I am gonna cut this short. We eat our dinner later. Watch the famous movie .. Shrek and finish off by watching some of my cell group mates perform a skit. Then i walked to Boon lay mrt station with my friends. I can say that this outing is very very fun.... and the 2 friends i brought also agreed with me. Haa ,... jsut wanna thank the organisers .. and of course God for making everything run so smoothly. The whole outing was phenomenal.
Main Game played : Shi Zhi Lu Kou (Chinese Eating Game)
Game instructions & objective:
Firstly, the name of the first dish will be given. Let say Ji Fan [Chinese pronounciation of Chicken rice]. Teams have to raise around the neighbourhood to search for this chicken rice dish. Buy it and eat it. Then, they have to continue to buy another dish by using the last word "fan" as the first word of the next dish. Eg: 1st dish - Ji Fan. 2nd dish - Fan Chai. and so on and so for. Teams must eat 4 dish in total before they can get to know what's their final dish. So after finishing 4 dishes, they have to call the "angels or Tian Shi" or the gamemasters and report to them to get their clue to the last dish. Before they get to know what's their last dish, they would be given 3 cateogries of questions in which they must choose one to answer. If they answer rightly they can get their clue for the last dish. If not they would have to do a forfeit before we finish our last dish. In addition, teams must eat another 2 dish before they can end off with the last dish.
Well we started off with 3 teams. Jaryl, Jun Kai, Karista and Emily - Team A. Seng Huat, Chua and Pei fen - Team. John, Kenneathe and Wan Yi - Team C. The first clue was : Rou ku cha (chinese). In hokkien : Bak Kut Teh. Its basically a meat -based soup. The teams raise around Toa Payoh to find this first dish and their subsequent dishes. In the meantime, Janet and I .. the gamemasters aka Xiao Tian Shi went aroudn to get gifts. We bought some gifts at Watson before the teams arrive. Well to cut in short, all 3 teams answered the question rightly and got their final dish with ease. The final dish was "Cha You Tiao" which is something a chinese fried dough stick.
During this time ... that is to find out where we are and report back to us. We devised 3 sets of clues which they have to choose a set to help them locate us. The general clue is that we are at Jurong area. This part of the game gets very interesting ... We are actually at the Cafe of our church.
The 1st set of clues is colours - which are blue[the fountain], black[black tiles], and white [walls and chairs]. As u can see, this set of clues are not helpful at all ... so teams who choose this clue first ... well God bless them. Ha.
The second set is sounds : So... we make a psssssshhhh sound on the phone [sound of the water in the fountain of our church]. And followed by the chatter noise in the Cafe. Lastly is the sound of a waiter serving a customer in the cafe ... acted by Janet and myself.
The 3rd set of clues is Objects. First object is toilet. Second is plants. Third is a black box - emitting light.[ which is a TV set].
So teams have to choose either 1 set, and if in 20 mins time they couldn't find us ... we will give them the 2nd set ... and if in another 15 mins they couldn't find us ... we'll give them the last set of clues. Well, this isn't so hard ... given that they should know where we are when they chat with us .... cos the cafe we are in is very noisy .. plus by common sense ... they should know that there can only be 3 places that we will be in. Chua's place .. Jurong point shopping mall or Church. So after we given out all the clues, the 3 teams found us. actually... the first 2 teams who found us exchange clues and work together to locate us. Haa.
Next we play 2 indoor games at Chua's place. Agree-Disagree game and an acting game.
Agree and disagree game will be played like this. Gamemaster says a theme : for example X'mas. and then she'll say a word like eg: Bells. If you agree its related to the theme , you do a agree sign ... which is to put both hands together over your head - like a mountain shape. If u disagree, you will have to cross your hands to make the "x" sign. This game is pretty fun because as the game goes by ... many people can tricked .. when they show the sign too rashly. But of course the game requires you to make the sign fast .... As the game speed picks up ... more people are caught with the mistakes. Guys/gurls with 2 mistakes are automatically eliminated from the game. A goood and fun game!
The acting game requires teams ... so we form 3 teams .. 2 guys... 1 girl team. Teams have to line up in a line with everyone facing the front .. front to back/ front to back. Then the 2nd member has to use action to guide the first person to do an action ... and from there .. the first person must guess what he/she is doing. Also a very fun game ... especially when we see the girls team jumping around to get the message across to the person infront. Haa
Ha i am really very very very tired. I am gonna cut this short. We eat our dinner later. Watch the famous movie .. Shrek and finish off by watching some of my cell group mates perform a skit. Then i walked to Boon lay mrt station with my friends. I can say that this outing is very very fun.... and the 2 friends i brought also agreed with me. Haa ,... jsut wanna thank the organisers .. and of course God for making everything run so smoothly. The whole outing was phenomenal.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Well i kinda MIA myself from this sanctuary for a long long time. Guess its time to clear the fungus and moss-es in here. I had 3 day of fun and exciting adventure. Ha. I remembered the last time i blog, i posted stuffs about IVU - IntraVenous Urogram. That time i became samurai men and got cool liquid dyes run all over my body. Well this time .. i underwent another cool procedure. Introducing ...
Kidney/Renal Biopsy
pls note : The subject is not enjoying any part of the procedure but is happy to blog about the happenings of it just to scare the kids next door. Ha~
More information : http://patients.uptodate.com/topic.asp?file=kidn_dis/6752
[caution : very detailed. Read at your own risk]
Well i have to be admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital [TTSH] 1 day before the actual procedure. I was there on 12/12/2004 around 3.30pm. Everything was as per normal. And men .. this is my 1st time staying in a hopsital. Sounds qutie exciting. The not so exciting part is when they started connecting a tube-like object onto my right hand. So i have to live with a needle in my right hand for 3 whole days cos i can only be discharge on Wednesday which is today!. So i began to look like Wolverine from X-men where-ever i go with that stupid thing stuck on my hand. I certainly look life-threatening and so all the Ah-pehs[old uncles] and Ah-nis[Aunties] stayed a considerable distance away from me. Ha~
Well nothing much happened on the first day. I was abit bubbly and was wondering around the ward to seek entertainment. However, we all know that you won'y to see much in TTSH except old folks. It's an Oldie(s) Haven/Paradise there men. I sure do not fit in the crowd. My 2 nice uncles and my 1 nice grandma visited me on that faithful day. And they lectured me alot on preparing myself for university and National Service. I just sit on my bed and listen motionlessly. My uncle bought alot of nice snacks for me. Then, Janet and Wan Yi came to visit me.We talked abit of crap till 8+pm before Wan Yi's stomach gave somewhat like a roar. So, they have to leave me to seek food. Haa. Kinda exagerated. I began to plant myself in the TV-room. [My ward has no TV-s] Err the show was showing some guess-the-price-of-the-food show which is not exactly very entertaining. And then i saw Survivor's Finals. Just when the climax is reached, where they are releasing the results, the screen went blank. Through my incredulous Super-human sense, i sensed that Magneto [You know the baddie in X-men?] has once again cause menace in the city and has distrubted the electrical supply to the TV i am watching. Darn that Magneto. It is just 9 pm and i am cut from all forms of entertainment in the hospital. What a bummer.
The next day i woke up pretty early. Hehe around 7.30 am. My operation will commence around 8.30. I went to the toilet to wash my face and release my bowels before i ready myself and allow the doctor to hanky panky me.
At 8 am, I sit still on my bed, could hear a mosquito whizz past me.
At 8.05, the elderly patient opposite my bed set up, half dozy and half awake, started staring at me. Well staring incidents are common. So i stared back
At 8.15, more elderly patient woke up. Think they kinda join in the fun. The game of staring has propagated around the dormitory.
At 8.20, the nurses and 3 doctors came in and start hanky panky-ing with the elderly folks. They seem to be discussing serious stuffs with each patient in the room
At 8.30, the relatives of one of the patients came in. It is a pretty young lady. =D. She looks like the daughter of one of the patient. Men such filial spirit. Got up so early to see her dad.
At 8.40, my palms began to wet the bed.
at 8.45, 2 nurses approached me and ask for my phone number.
Oops, sorry its i/c number. Gotcha there. They verified my identity before they strapped me on the bed and rolled my bed out of the dorm. Men its kinda fun. I was in like some giant trolley with pillows and blanket getting around the ward on wheels. Being in the elavator going up and down in a vertical position is kinda common. Try being in a horizontal position. =)
I arrived at a room where many doors closed behind me. Men it is kinda cold in there. I got dressed up for the operation. Well, i am really shivering inside the room. Probably from both apprehension and from the cold. They took my blood pressure and oxygen count using a machine.. doing a last check to ensure i am fine before they called for the doctor.
Nice? Men that needle was long. Good thing i did not do this research b4 the procedure.
This is what i saw. of course I was going "OMG OMG OMG" all the way. That needle is soo long that i think it can go through my whole body with about 20 cm of needle sticking out from the other end of my body. So i rest my fate and of course i prayed the night before and in the morning. Well if you click the link i pasted at the front ... you will know that procedure like this have the good side and down side. Haaa men i forgot to say why i am going through this
The reason:
During NS medical examination, doctors found blood in my urine. It is not visible but still it gives a +ve test in the urine-tape examination. I was send to TTSH for further checks, where they conducted more urine checks and send me for IUV. IUV shows that there are no stones in my urinary track. Hence, the doctor is convince that i am suffering from urina-something-vitis. - where my white blood cells start recognising my organs as foreign body and starts to attack it. Hence blood in my urine. There are complications to this disease and this Renal Biopsy procedure is to confirm this + identify how active is this attack in my kidney.
Well i haven't told much people about this since i first got the news 'cos it is not a very big thing. As in, the real cause of the blood in my urine is unkown. Well just pray for the best.
Back to the procedure.
Since our kidney is at our back, i was asked to lie on my front so that they can operate on my back. The doctor started pouring what-seems-like alocohol all over my back. And when i mearn pour, i mean pour. My back was soaking with that liquid. Why do they need so much alcohol? Maybe they were thinking of burning me if Singapore one day runs out of food. Anyway, the docs are discussing some kinda Singapore Doctor politics and how NUH doctors are "bad". I don't really understand what they are discussing but surely the doctor operatin me doesn't like to work in NUH and he doesn't like NUH doctors.
After a few seconds later, he injected anesthetics onto my back, particularly around my kidney region. Then i feel the doctor poking me and he started asking whether i feel any pain. I twitch alittle when he poke me but i replied a macho "no". ha. And later i feel something going into my body. Deep in. I felt alittle queasy. The doctor said he's gonna take the samples of tissue from my kidney out. I heard a loud click, and feel alittle tingly sensation when he extracted a slice of tissue from my kidney. All in all, he extracted about 3 stings of tissues. The doc showed me the strings of tissue right after the operation. I was going from "woo and ahh" when i see my lil body parts in the suspended solution in 3 seperate containers.
After the whole procedure, i was of course wheeled back to my dorm. I can tell you that nothing is worst than the aftermath of anesthetic operation. Men my abdomen ached like mad and i rang for the nurse twice! All the pain came back and it was real excrucaiting. I was given 2 tablets of pain-killers to ease out. I felt totally horrible. I lost all appetite and skipped lunch. Slept all the way till Karista and Xiu Wen came. They brought cakes and luckily i recovered enough to speak to them and greet them. They were truly nice and cheer me up alittle. Later, 2 of my uncles, John and Jessica also came to visit me. I was trully blessed by their presence.
I checked out today. The report will not be out till in a month's time. Will blog the results. =) Just wanna say i am thankful that there are no complications during this whole procedure. ANd thx for all the sms-es,visits and jokes that you guys have sent me thru my stay. Nothin can be more boring than staying in a hospital. These 3 days ain't gonna be cool and smooth sailing without u guys.
Thx again =D
Kidney/Renal Biopsy
pls note : The subject is not enjoying any part of the procedure but is happy to blog about the happenings of it just to scare the kids next door. Ha~
More information : http://patients.uptodate.com/topic.asp?file=kidn_dis/6752
[caution : very detailed. Read at your own risk]
Well i have to be admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital [TTSH] 1 day before the actual procedure. I was there on 12/12/2004 around 3.30pm. Everything was as per normal. And men .. this is my 1st time staying in a hopsital. Sounds qutie exciting. The not so exciting part is when they started connecting a tube-like object onto my right hand. So i have to live with a needle in my right hand for 3 whole days cos i can only be discharge on Wednesday which is today!. So i began to look like Wolverine from X-men where-ever i go with that stupid thing stuck on my hand. I certainly look life-threatening and so all the Ah-pehs[old uncles] and Ah-nis[Aunties] stayed a considerable distance away from me. Ha~
Well nothing much happened on the first day. I was abit bubbly and was wondering around the ward to seek entertainment. However, we all know that you won'y to see much in TTSH except old folks. It's an Oldie(s) Haven/Paradise there men. I sure do not fit in the crowd. My 2 nice uncles and my 1 nice grandma visited me on that faithful day. And they lectured me alot on preparing myself for university and National Service. I just sit on my bed and listen motionlessly. My uncle bought alot of nice snacks for me. Then, Janet and Wan Yi came to visit me.We talked abit of crap till 8+pm before Wan Yi's stomach gave somewhat like a roar. So, they have to leave me to seek food. Haa. Kinda exagerated. I began to plant myself in the TV-room. [My ward has no TV-s] Err the show was showing some guess-the-price-of-the-food show which is not exactly very entertaining. And then i saw Survivor's Finals. Just when the climax is reached, where they are releasing the results, the screen went blank. Through my incredulous Super-human sense, i sensed that Magneto [You know the baddie in X-men?] has once again cause menace in the city and has distrubted the electrical supply to the TV i am watching. Darn that Magneto. It is just 9 pm and i am cut from all forms of entertainment in the hospital. What a bummer.
The next day i woke up pretty early. Hehe around 7.30 am. My operation will commence around 8.30. I went to the toilet to wash my face and release my bowels before i ready myself and allow the doctor to hanky panky me.
At 8 am, I sit still on my bed, could hear a mosquito whizz past me.
At 8.05, the elderly patient opposite my bed set up, half dozy and half awake, started staring at me. Well staring incidents are common. So i stared back
At 8.15, more elderly patient woke up. Think they kinda join in the fun. The game of staring has propagated around the dormitory.
At 8.20, the nurses and 3 doctors came in and start hanky panky-ing with the elderly folks. They seem to be discussing serious stuffs with each patient in the room
At 8.30, the relatives of one of the patients came in. It is a pretty young lady. =D. She looks like the daughter of one of the patient. Men such filial spirit. Got up so early to see her dad.
At 8.40, my palms began to wet the bed.
at 8.45, 2 nurses approached me and ask for my phone number.
Oops, sorry its i/c number. Gotcha there. They verified my identity before they strapped me on the bed and rolled my bed out of the dorm. Men its kinda fun. I was in like some giant trolley with pillows and blanket getting around the ward on wheels. Being in the elavator going up and down in a vertical position is kinda common. Try being in a horizontal position. =)
I arrived at a room where many doors closed behind me. Men it is kinda cold in there. I got dressed up for the operation. Well, i am really shivering inside the room. Probably from both apprehension and from the cold. They took my blood pressure and oxygen count using a machine.. doing a last check to ensure i am fine before they called for the doctor.

Nice? Men that needle was long. Good thing i did not do this research b4 the procedure.
This is what i saw. of course I was going "OMG OMG OMG" all the way. That needle is soo long that i think it can go through my whole body with about 20 cm of needle sticking out from the other end of my body. So i rest my fate and of course i prayed the night before and in the morning. Well if you click the link i pasted at the front ... you will know that procedure like this have the good side and down side. Haaa men i forgot to say why i am going through this
The reason:
During NS medical examination, doctors found blood in my urine. It is not visible but still it gives a +ve test in the urine-tape examination. I was send to TTSH for further checks, where they conducted more urine checks and send me for IUV. IUV shows that there are no stones in my urinary track. Hence, the doctor is convince that i am suffering from urina-something-vitis. - where my white blood cells start recognising my organs as foreign body and starts to attack it. Hence blood in my urine. There are complications to this disease and this Renal Biopsy procedure is to confirm this + identify how active is this attack in my kidney.
Well i haven't told much people about this since i first got the news 'cos it is not a very big thing. As in, the real cause of the blood in my urine is unkown. Well just pray for the best.
Back to the procedure.
Since our kidney is at our back, i was asked to lie on my front so that they can operate on my back. The doctor started pouring what-seems-like alocohol all over my back. And when i mearn pour, i mean pour. My back was soaking with that liquid. Why do they need so much alcohol? Maybe they were thinking of burning me if Singapore one day runs out of food. Anyway, the docs are discussing some kinda Singapore Doctor politics and how NUH doctors are "bad". I don't really understand what they are discussing but surely the doctor operatin me doesn't like to work in NUH and he doesn't like NUH doctors.
After a few seconds later, he injected anesthetics onto my back, particularly around my kidney region. Then i feel the doctor poking me and he started asking whether i feel any pain. I twitch alittle when he poke me but i replied a macho "no". ha. And later i feel something going into my body. Deep in. I felt alittle queasy. The doctor said he's gonna take the samples of tissue from my kidney out. I heard a loud click, and feel alittle tingly sensation when he extracted a slice of tissue from my kidney. All in all, he extracted about 3 stings of tissues. The doc showed me the strings of tissue right after the operation. I was going from "woo and ahh" when i see my lil body parts in the suspended solution in 3 seperate containers.
After the whole procedure, i was of course wheeled back to my dorm. I can tell you that nothing is worst than the aftermath of anesthetic operation. Men my abdomen ached like mad and i rang for the nurse twice! All the pain came back and it was real excrucaiting. I was given 2 tablets of pain-killers to ease out. I felt totally horrible. I lost all appetite and skipped lunch. Slept all the way till Karista and Xiu Wen came. They brought cakes and luckily i recovered enough to speak to them and greet them. They were truly nice and cheer me up alittle. Later, 2 of my uncles, John and Jessica also came to visit me. I was trully blessed by their presence.
I checked out today. The report will not be out till in a month's time. Will blog the results. =) Just wanna say i am thankful that there are no complications during this whole procedure. ANd thx for all the sms-es,visits and jokes that you guys have sent me thru my stay. Nothin can be more boring than staying in a hospital. These 3 days ain't gonna be cool and smooth sailing without u guys.
Thx again =D
Monday, December 06, 2004
Maple Story
Since its holiday now ... i have more time to tell stories. Long long ago, in a far far away land, there lives a young woodchopper. His name is Sonic Legion. After his parents brought him to watch "The incredibles" in the cinema, he decided to aspire to be a great superhero. Well he learnt alot from his father. His Father was once a great reknown cockroach slayer whom can slay almost anything that moves under his sharp falcon eyes. His father has always said " The strength of hero doesn't like with his muscles but trully on his heart" Being a well respected cockroach slayer, his Father has many been in many quest to save citizens from the evil cockroaches.
One fine day, his father went missing. It was heard from rumours that he was captured by King Cockroach. Soon enough, it was confirmed by a tv-wide telecast in pest-channel that King Cockroach had him. Legions's mom was bewildered and was on the verge of breaking down. Legion had to do something. Something fast ...
Legion immediately decided to go 1 on 1 with Cockroach King. But he needs to train up. During his scout around the woods, he found a "A complete idiot's guide to be a Superhero". Feeling lucky he open the book. Suddenly the book shivered and a great beam of light fall on him. It seems the book is sucking him into somewhere. *psst and he was gone.
Now our hero appears at Maple Land
Introducing our new Hero. Legion
Since its holiday now ... i have more time to tell stories. Long long ago, in a far far away land, there lives a young woodchopper. His name is Sonic Legion. After his parents brought him to watch "The incredibles" in the cinema, he decided to aspire to be a great superhero. Well he learnt alot from his father. His Father was once a great reknown cockroach slayer whom can slay almost anything that moves under his sharp falcon eyes. His father has always said " The strength of hero doesn't like with his muscles but trully on his heart" Being a well respected cockroach slayer, his Father has many been in many quest to save citizens from the evil cockroaches.
One fine day, his father went missing. It was heard from rumours that he was captured by King Cockroach. Soon enough, it was confirmed by a tv-wide telecast in pest-channel that King Cockroach had him. Legions's mom was bewildered and was on the verge of breaking down. Legion had to do something. Something fast ...
Legion immediately decided to go 1 on 1 with Cockroach King. But he needs to train up. During his scout around the woods, he found a "A complete idiot's guide to be a Superhero". Feeling lucky he open the book. Suddenly the book shivered and a great beam of light fall on him. It seems the book is sucking him into somewhere. *psst and he was gone.
Now our hero appears at Maple Land

Introducing our new Hero. Legion

After along while, our hero decided to befriend the snail. Here he sits next to the snail and pat his head happily. Well better a friend than a foe, isn't that what they say? His father's words ring pretty true, if u can remember.
The red snail told Legion that he is the only hope in the dark dark world in maple land. However our hero cannot stay long on maple land cos there isn't much he can do but slay snails and mushrooms. He needs to grow powerful in order to rescure his dad! He told the snail his story and the snail told him that there is a Flying ship in South Perry of maple land that bringd passengers to Victoria Island. There he can find out more about being a true hero.
And pop, he goes to Victoria Island. He is currently level 6. But don't worry, he will be strong.
*To be continued*
Saturday, December 04, 2004
~-# Prom Nite #-~
Venue: Gran Corpthone. RiverFront Hotel
Time : 1900 - 0100
Today was our prom nite, YEAA. The first and the last school-wide event we have after A's. The day we get to say the "byebye" and give hugs to all our good old buddies. Haaa at least that was what we would expect to see.
Well, i was together with most of my classmates .. having a table of our own ... however, unfortunately we have to sit right at the back of the hall. The place was brightly decorated with lights and red/orange balloons tied to the chairs. Each table has a booklet of Prom King and Prom Queen nomination tickets, the menu, some spices and a bowl of candles. Pretty nice set-up. We settled down at around 7.30 and the whole dinner commence at 8 pm.
And men .... i couldn't really recognise everyone. Everyone was like wow .... so handsome and pretty. Some of my friends hired a make-up artist to style their hairs and appearances with [if i am not wrong] 70 bucks. I was really happy to see sooo many handsome boys but more happy haha to see many pretty girls. =D. And its also nice to see that on of my classmates had inspiration from Florence Lian [Judge of Singapore Idol] and has adopted her "poodle hairdo" outlook too. haha. Most of my friends commented that she had a "Gothic" look.
Well the food was really good. Lemme see, we had sesame-braised Chicken... woo really yummy, their restaurant's 4-delights, shark fin, dunno what but quite nicely cooked noodle, Steamed fish, Veggie scallops, and mango-kinda desert. It is really good. But like what my friend said, its like they added alot of Monosodium Glutamunate [MSG] [spelling should be wrong] into the food, cos we were burning with thirst after the dinner.
The programme was kinda erm normal i guess. Lucky draw with 20 attractive prices, Games with the Crowd, Selection of Prom King and Prom Queen, Games with the Prom King,Queen Nominees, Singers who entertatined us with their not so nice singing [no offence =P ] , video presentation and of course many photo-takings in between and after the dinner. It is a pretty cool dinner i would say and really good to see all of my friends at their happy state compared to their normal, tired, depressed look at school. Very good.
Well after the whole dinner, most of my friends ... in fact i tink 80% went to club. A good boy that has no life like me .. has to return to his humble sweet home. haha. No la ,,, actually i dun mind joining them but got a return to company tomorrow and have to spend a long day in church. So gotta take some rest at home now and today.
Enjoyed myself very much. Very happy to see pretty girls in pretty dresses. =D hahah Well take care everyone.
Venue: Gran Corpthone. RiverFront Hotel
Time : 1900 - 0100
Today was our prom nite, YEAA. The first and the last school-wide event we have after A's. The day we get to say the "byebye" and give hugs to all our good old buddies. Haaa at least that was what we would expect to see.
Well, i was together with most of my classmates .. having a table of our own ... however, unfortunately we have to sit right at the back of the hall. The place was brightly decorated with lights and red/orange balloons tied to the chairs. Each table has a booklet of Prom King and Prom Queen nomination tickets, the menu, some spices and a bowl of candles. Pretty nice set-up. We settled down at around 7.30 and the whole dinner commence at 8 pm.
And men .... i couldn't really recognise everyone. Everyone was like wow .... so handsome and pretty. Some of my friends hired a make-up artist to style their hairs and appearances with [if i am not wrong] 70 bucks. I was really happy to see sooo many handsome boys but more happy haha to see many pretty girls. =D. And its also nice to see that on of my classmates had inspiration from Florence Lian [Judge of Singapore Idol] and has adopted her "poodle hairdo" outlook too. haha. Most of my friends commented that she had a "Gothic" look.
Well the food was really good. Lemme see, we had sesame-braised Chicken... woo really yummy, their restaurant's 4-delights, shark fin, dunno what but quite nicely cooked noodle, Steamed fish, Veggie scallops, and mango-kinda desert. It is really good. But like what my friend said, its like they added alot of Monosodium Glutamunate [MSG] [spelling should be wrong] into the food, cos we were burning with thirst after the dinner.
The programme was kinda erm normal i guess. Lucky draw with 20 attractive prices, Games with the Crowd, Selection of Prom King and Prom Queen, Games with the Prom King,Queen Nominees, Singers who entertatined us with their not so nice singing [no offence =P ] , video presentation and of course many photo-takings in between and after the dinner. It is a pretty cool dinner i would say and really good to see all of my friends at their happy state compared to their normal, tired, depressed look at school. Very good.
Well after the whole dinner, most of my friends ... in fact i tink 80% went to club. A good boy that has no life like me .. has to return to his humble sweet home. haha. No la ,,, actually i dun mind joining them but got a return to company tomorrow and have to spend a long day in church. So gotta take some rest at home now and today.
Enjoyed myself very much. Very happy to see pretty girls in pretty dresses. =D hahah Well take care everyone.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Taufik won. Wahahaha. But truly he is better than Slyvester. Wonder what i am talking about ?? Singapore Idols. My very first episode ...... was to watch the finals .. lol. And men Taufik's voice was damn cool. Anyway they are all cool. =D
Haa didn't blog lately. Wanted to ... but ended up playing games. Lol . Celebrated Jason Chong's Birthday. Haa we went to Garrick's house for some fun watching the TV and eating potato chips. We also played game and Jason ... not me ... the birthday boy got 5 "it" or "forfeits". And haa Garrick suggested something cool for the forfeit. Finding a 5 cent coins in a plate full of meal worms. And mind you, the worms are real long ... with legs ... its like greying centipedes. hahaha and he had to find this coin embbeded in wood shaving and meal worms. Haa and of course he found it.
That was all. =D
Haa didn't blog lately. Wanted to ... but ended up playing games. Lol . Celebrated Jason Chong's Birthday. Haa we went to Garrick's house for some fun watching the TV and eating potato chips. We also played game and Jason ... not me ... the birthday boy got 5 "it" or "forfeits". And haa Garrick suggested something cool for the forfeit. Finding a 5 cent coins in a plate full of meal worms. And mind you, the worms are real long ... with legs ... its like greying centipedes. hahaha and he had to find this coin embbeded in wood shaving and meal worms. Haa and of course he found it.
That was all. =D
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