Thursday, February 02, 2012


I WILL bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall
continually be in my mouth. My life makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble and afflicted hear and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name
together. I sought (inquired of) the Lord and
required Him [of necessity and on the authority of His Word], and He heard me, and
delivered me from all my fears. They looked to Him and were radiant; their faces shall never
blush for shame or be confused. This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out
of all his troubles. (Psalm 34:1-6 AMP)

These verses have Been my verse of meditation these few weeks.

I realize how sometimes when we are so caught up with ourself.... Over our struggles and our life., we tend to look at our life w a magnifying glass and feel overwhelmed.

I think the start of this year has been a big struggle for me. Balancing time and commitment.. The stress built up and eventually I crack.

I understand how frail I am and I turn back to you.

I seek affirmation and understanding...

God you became my affirmation through all this. I feel so tired but you have lifted me up.

I talk to rio and understood how he copes during his 2 years of studies. It wasn't easy but he balance his time alot by seeking understanding and help from people around him... And try to focus his priorities on what's at hand.

I think studies is one of my most important priority right now. And I will give it my attention.

The rest of the things.. God please help me to balance it out. I don't want to neglect my family.. Or rlns in the expense of my studies. I don't want my health to deteriorate too. I want to live a long life to serve you.

So give me your grace to complete my planning for visions this year.

I want to be focus in sound what I should do. No more wasting time

Vision for my life!

Simplified version
First half of year
Exam focus!
-Bible study every morning
-meditating on new verses like ps 34 and ps 1
- 30mina a day of revision
- sat 2 hours
- sun 2hrs am, 6hrs pm
- one weekend every month w ah ma
- clear bf
- save 300 p month for wedding
- sleep by 12 latest 1230
- daily 1hr worship

Later part of the year
- improvement in photography by joining a club or expedition
- guitar class: compose a melody and song
- iPhone 5 :)
- work out to keep fit. 3 times a week.

Vision for work
Not to ot at expense of meeting unless absolutely necessary

Vision for Cg
Disciple members to maximize their gifts
Bible study for men and Cgc
Xuelin will handle the woman
Prayer meeting w every single one maybe once a month

Vision for spiritual life
To be accountable to my mentors.
To have a breakthrough in my thought life
To be able to have revelations of Gods love and goodness once again.

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