there was a time...
where every lone ranger can find companions and a family of friends. and dogs lions and caerebeas co-exist in blissful harmony..
there was never a dull time :) look at her desk!
Of coure there are ugly days... we argue and fight with papers and pens.
but .. i miss this group of pple man :)

& ... (last but not least)
Thanks for the card! and the shirt and the little deco toy! i like all of it.. esp the card. like it alot.. but most importantly .. as priceless as it can be, thanks for the friendship in citibank. i think having working tog and chilling tog in e workplace is the best working experience i had! well my job literally dun offer any excitement.. so the esctasy only comes from my 'partners in crime' in work! hehe... i started in citi as a fearful kid. brought to work by a friend.. tried not to get intro trouble.. tried to mix around in the crowd (which is filled with girls) ... but eventually i had lots of fun making friends.. eating out with them.. listening to all e complains... getting pissed by e way our 'boss' do things... getting hyped by every holiday i have... getting to move around to a new premise .. working under a great new boss ...cook our own food while working OT ... sleepin in toilet when i really cant take it (yes i confess!) ... and play little games while working when our boss aint looking. we do really crazy stuffs! remember once back in our old office in capital square ... me and ahnu played de 'catch de sweet in the air with ya mouth' game .. and i hear the girls gossip crazy stuff in office...
here is one random video of me trying to intro a game 'fuzzy wuzzy' in office and de girls trying to distrub me with a 'disturbing' rumour [ only video i have left =( ]
they are funny pple rite.. hai
thanks for making my life really great in citibank! hope in future .. our paths do cross... and we'll all be millionares by then.. woohoo :D