This period .. i'm just feelin so fustrated you know. I just don't get what God is leading me now in this period. I feel God ... yet He seems quiet in my life nowadays. No Visions. No Revelations. It's pretty like winter now on the inside of me. :( cold. dead.
Dad spoke to me yesterday during the Women's meeting ( i was there helping as the guitarist ). I wasn't getting much of what he's saying... But something struck me on the inside ... where is Jesus's place in my heart? Is it above my ministry? Above my friends? my personal needs? No it isn't. Dad told me to get a break.. a break from everything that runs in my life. a break spent at the beach. I like that idea. The plans that i had to rise up has to start from God. I'm sorry but i promise to spend more time with you from today on. :)
Anyway guys... going to be water baptised this Sunday - 2p.m. ( yay finally a confirmed date. ) Hope my aunts and uncles and friends can be there to support me.
Why water-baptise now ?
Because Jason is no longer young. ( spotted many white hairs on my head! :P )
Because of my spiritual conviction in the last few months.
Because its an act of Faith to change. ( byebye old wineskin. Halo new Jason!)
I'm quite excited you know! got at least 4 of my friends that i know that will be getting baptised the same day as me!! yay! :) I'm so looking forward to it!
I love Christmas. Because of Him who came on that faithful day, i am where i am today..
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