today is a good day.
guess every week i always like to reflect and put my thoughts into an online pocket. something like this ..
I've been feelin alittle mowned down lately. I feel that i am losing my visions and fighting spirit in life. you know rollercoaster feelings are one thing teenagers get to experience often. but roller coaster visions ? What's really terrible is when you start to lose all that visions and dreams that you have hoped for since the start.
i hope in this little time that i had.. i can straighten up myself to be clear what i need to do. being a sloppy, unconfident and unorganised me is of the past! wake up wake up.
sigh aside from this negative comment... i still felt blessed in some ways through this week.
My study hours are improving slightly. i can be really lazy sometimes. 'Study hard study hard' my friends say. Everytime i hear that i cringe. there's so little time left to go. I shall hope for the best. as the best is yet to be.
I got to see the show "click" today. ha through a download i made earlier... (shhh!! ). Anyway... the show is really awesome. I don't think i wanna give a full synopsis of the story here cos i think many people watch it already... But those who watch it definitely agree it's a heartwarming show! Just to briefly touch on the show - It's about a man who has found a remote control that allows him to fast-forward his life to skip the unnecessary pain, displeasures or anything outside his will. And apart from that, he can pause, mute .. any characters in his life as the life-tape runs. Eventually, this workaholic gets caught up with his work and loses his own family. This is when he realise family comes first. (kinda remind you of Lilo and stitch huh? Ohana means family :) .... ) Fortunately, he got a second chance which of cos... he makes drastic changes to make time for every member of his family. Even for his cute little doggy :). At the end of the show, i felt so touched and i just cry out to God. Through this show i realise God really wants me not to just focus on the seemingly necessary things in life. I need family time too. and with friends. But though sometimes i feel that people aren't free all the time for me. I need to really find time for them when the opportunity arises. Life is best spent with the best friends you've found :) yay.
The marriage semniar is really getting cooler and cooler each week. Though the message is more in the context of marriage itself.. i feel that it can be sooo applicable to our everday lives with our friends or even loved ones. I love the word of God!
to end this - Here's some pictures i get from my trip to Esplanade again this week..
splendors of marriage.
little boy wif little girl.
river tapes.
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