days seems like nights these few days.
sigh life's just so full of funny problems. It's just one week after emerge and i felt so drowned. it's like the whole world is falling on me. And argh how to support.. well well i really need to sort it out soon. whatever's wrong with me .. i got to start gettin it right.
Ps Kong's message was pretty revelational as always too. He completes his message about being a Daniel in the world today. Daniel ( or Beltshazzar ) as said in the bible. :) ahhhh and he's a cool dude with an excellent spirit, knowledge and wisdom. He carried a great and striking image. He was fit and healthy. He had the skills in his field of work. He communicates well. probably makes a very good salesman. What really impressed upon me is the way the Pastor describes him as a man with a great attitude.
i wanna re-discover God once again. Through these trying days, i'll humble myself. i will forsake all pride and be who God wants to me to be. Just like Daniel in his first few years in Bablyon.
No longer I :)
NSSC 2nd Anniversary : Amazing Race Sentosa.
presenting my team members ...
Mdm Kerene.
Benjamin, Andrew, Alvin and Mdm Kerene again
Our cool team. got potential to get first one!
The Half Lion, Half Mermaid. dah Merlion.
after substainin some needless injuries from the race, went to find my cg frens and chill.
Usher nights out - The Supper.
Sinful load of fruits. ahh well not very sinful compared to the rest of the dishes they order.
did they check if anyone's sick ? ahh food makes us hyped.
When u give girls a camera.. u get this :)
We emerge .. as a new creation..
humbly humble hum...
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