Dear Mom,
It has been an amazing week. :)
It's the last week of June already and time flies. Though there are some days i feel i have not spent my time very wisely - letting it slip before i know it. I am trying to improve on that. Nevertheless, i also wanna make everyday a meaningful day. :)
Monday i met up with 3 of the usher mates from team. They were quite busy people themselves and i am glad we can folk out sometime to go have a simple dinner at Orchard. The food was good :) and so was the fellowship! It was a short night spent but it's pretty eventful. I just realise my team loves to do shopping! Though shopping was't quite my kind of 'thing' but it's quite enjoyable somehow with them. It kind of reminded me of my army's anniversary theme this year "
Esprit De Famille". A family that eats together stays together. I'm sure they enjoyed themselves very much too. :)
Hypothalamus with me ..
the 4 of us ..
The Zone Prayer Meeting on Tuesday was quite refreshing too. Our new zone was really youthful! But what's more is the testimony of the very young leaders among us. The prime of the youth and they are touching many people's lives. It's really cool.
Well i don't have any great testimonies this week. I was still strugglin alittle with my work and my revision. But i feel more in touch with my subjects and my passion in music (guitarr!). It's abt a year and a half since i got my guitar .. and well i am determined to bring it to another level! =D
Well speaking about that, mom thanks for sending me to the Intermediate Guitar class too. The brother was really good at playing and he showed us the different _expression tools and chords we can use. If possible, i can share with you to let you know the different ways to raise the dynamics during praise and worship. :)
Just today he shared with us
Luke 6:38. It says give and it'll be given back unto you ...
and the same measure you give, it'll be measured back to you. As a worship leader, he encourage us to give ourselves.. our
all to God. To be a great worship leader, we have to surrender every part of us. Soul, Body and Spirit. When that happens, just as the verse says, a great level of annointin will be upon us. So i was pretty blessed by the message.
Well here's your son signing off.
Take care Mom.
ps: for those who didn't know, my mom is my Cell Group Leader. :) and and! i learnt S.O.S today. but still haven practise yet.. gonna work hard.