This week is surely an interesting week!
and oh yea... forgot to talk about mom's bday! shall share it here!!
My Cell Group Leader ... aka my Mom Karista had her birthday last week! We had a real special celebration. Ahh come to think about it ... she always prays that she get a boyfriend every year! haa ha... so guess what we gave her for her birthday?
a super gigantic extra-large Box that we call .. Mystery gift of the night ;)
The mystery ingredient in the box :D. My Dad! :P
She got a big card made by Chong and my Dad with her. Ahh her dream came true :P
so thoughtful of us right ??
Well she make a real different wish this year. Nevertheless i must say i am blessed to have such a great leader taking care of me. Making me her son :) And i'm sure she's going to do great great works in the near future. She will be a history maker!
Afew days later ... which is jus right on this week... it's our pCGl's birthday.. Xiu Wen :) aka Pandy. I bought a gift for both mom and her. And this year ... i'm abit more wiser in giving gifts. I've realise that last year i've blessed many people ... but i felt many times that they did not appreciate my gift... Nevertheless i never regret giving. I just hope that people will realise how much i have to trim and save to buy gifts.
ahh anyway Xiu wen shared that she is very blessed this year! Cos she receive many sweet gifts, appreciations .. and what she really wants ---- an Mp3 Player! In my opinion, i really think she deserves it. She has really impacted many people's lives ... including mine! I'm very happy to have a great friend as her :D. Ha jia you for yr A' levels Pandy!
Xiu Wen's bday :)
Grace and her. Blessed with many many gifts :)
Well quite alot of things happen this week. Some of it is really upsetting. Being mocked and persecuted by my camp-mates was totally not cool. And the worst of it all is that even the head of my unit has join in the 'fun'. I was really upset and angry at him at first. I can't really believe a Leutinant Colonel would say things like that. Making fun of miracles is really nothing funny. Even if he doesn't believe.. he should at least respect my faith. Just at that moment .. i lost all respect for him.
But i grew to realise this was just what Job went through. He suffered much more of course. He lost everything and got stuck with friends that say hurtful .. discouraging words to him. But his faith is admirable. His trust in his divine relationship did not falter. I am encouraged everytime i think about Job. I was actually unsure of what i was doing at first. i did not understand why people 'hated' me so much. or why they made so much crude remarks aboyt me. I felt so lonely for so long. But Pandy really encouraged and prayed for me. She said many things that make me think about how God is using me in a way i cannot understand. As i think about it, i realise this is really nothing compared what i might be doing in the future. God's grace has always been me. And this is just another level of breakthrough for me as well. I have established myself as a fervant believer in their eyes. But they just no nothing about the great relationship i have with God. He is my Abba Father. He loves me more than what the world adds up can show. I'll continue to love the people who hurt me. Just as he loved me.
Enough of the saddies :P. I just watched an amazing show called : The Sweetest Thing. I bumped on this show, aired on Channel 5 .. 10pm. [ it used to be showing The Apprentice. Another of my favourite shows :) ]. It talks about 3 girls taking love as a game ... and they discover the fun and bitter side of it. It's a real good romantic comedy show! The cheap thrills are good too! [ i'm a sucker for cheap thrills ;) ]. But this show left quite a good impression on me. Come to think about it ... many of my friends are all getting attached during this few months. I am just amazed by the number of people around me .. finding their Mr or Mrs Right! Oh man! Ha and i'm going to hit 20 soon. Oh man x2!
Anyway... i'll pray for a good one. She will definitely be a sweet girl. and a great woman of God. :)
ahh i dun like to talk much abouit this. So here ends my long bloggin session. :)
Me 8)
One of my favourite church! Beautiful :) Guess which place is this?
[ ans in flickr! ;) ]
St Andrew Catheral (erm did i spell correctly?)
but nope it isn't haa! :P
Its more more more more more beautiful ... Quite near SA Cathedral too :)
Anyway it is not really a church.. i think
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