Thanks to the DXO's (civilians working in army offices), NSF's like me get to enjoy a great treat at The Marriot Hotel (Orchard Road). It was a great feast :)
We all sat around at the lobby, waiting for our grand feast
Utensils check : ok! *Preparing to rush to the buffet. *
Chomp chomp chomp
gobble wobble gobble
Munch crunch crunch
Merit award winner wif a funny hat
Mdm Linda and Santa Kerene
me wif a funny hat.
What i found outside Tangs. So cool rite?
it sure cost alot..
Thanks D'Xos ...
Thanks alot for uploading the photos in your blog,Jason;the Sonix.Just a few comments.I really did not expect to get "Merit Award Winner 2005".It was a pleasant surprise for me,precisely.I was very shocked,touched,heartened,surprised,lost for words;wanted to make a short speech but was almost going to burst into tears of joy and could not think of what I wished to say at that time.
Like I told you yesterday,I was aware of most segments/items in the entire programme planned for us.But,this part of presenting Awards to outstanding staff in NSSC was utterly unknown to me.Thanks so much for your wishes and comforting and heartening words and message yesterday.I really appreciate it.I will never forget it in my life.
If I were to convey a message last evening,here is how it goes...
"I would like to thank four special people in my life and during my stay in NSSC.The first person is Mr Sunder.You have always encouraged me,supported me morally,given me a bunch of good advice and had full faith;trust;confidence;belief and had lots of high hopes for me.Thanks alot for everything,Sir.Thanks a million times to all the DXO's and branch heads in NSSC as well for supporting me throughout the entire year,cheering me up when I felt sad and was down;taking good care of me especially when I was sick during some periods this year,giving me good advice to follow and also for making me realise some very true facts in my life,"Reach Out For The Skies,Nothing Is Impossible,We Will Shine Like The Stars,How Great Is Our God".These next two names I am going to mention now may be a pleasant surprise to many,but I must and will acknowledge them.Mr Ray Ng and Staff Eric Yuen.They have also cheered me up when I felt down,advised me on what to do during crisis situations;consoled me when I had personal problems;encouraged me;gave me moral support most of the time and had lots of faith in me."This message sounds very long;right?More like a public event speech;huh??Anyway,I would have cut down to a shorter one as I did not have the whole time to myself;was facing a shortage of time and we lacked time as the Awards' Presentation took quite a bit of time.
But;here comes the fun part.This was meant to be very interesting and I am sure many would not have expected this;or most would have.Who knows??I myself would not thought of this and would not have wanted to do this;but I feel it is a MUST to do so.Here it goes...
Can I ask Mr Jason Ng to come in front??Yes;this is no joke or pulling anyone's legs.I have only known this guy for nine months now;but he is one person who has earned a good name and a well-deserving place in my heart now.He is a very quiet gut,but was only my friend during the initial stages early this year from late March to early May.Now;you have become my very close;good and second best friend in my life.I have to acknowledge you and there are many reasons for me to do so.Too many to list or people reading this post/message will be bored to death.Final Action:A Very Special Hug From Me To You...Then,you can imagine what would have occurred from then on...
Christmas is approaching soon and the New Year is just around the corner.Happy celebrating and enjoy yourself.Take care and have a great day ahead.
yea i can imagine. Thanks..
Well i tink everything done there by them was a nice gesture for us. :)
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