It's been a real hard week.
Many ups and downs.
Most of all, its the downs.
But in every down, the comfort lies in the word of God
He never fails to speak to me at the right time.
Just to speak, i love celebrating other people's birthdays.
But i just hate my own. All through these recent years..
almost every birthday i had is an unhappy one.
It just hurts to celebrate my birthday. Sometimes, i wished that no one bothered me on the 8th October. Don't bother to send me sms greetings. Cards.. Gifts. watsoever.
It's not that i don't appreciate it. But i feel it's meaningless.
I have lost the joy in celebrating my own birthday.
Often enough, it would be the day that everyone forgets that it's my birthday.
How well we would be using this time, to study thru our exams.
Then having said all that is above, i have found myself into this dilemma
I would be disappointed if people did not wished me Happy Birthday.
Werid isn't it ?
I am just another weird guy.
Well i've shared this wuth mom and 1 of my close friend. What exactly happen on my birthday.
It's a pretty sad day you know.. Like you know those crying soap operas. boo hoo hoo and stuffs.
Well i am sorry if i looked sad that day. I tried my best not to dampen the mood.. and the effort to put in to celebrate my birthday. But i was really not doing good that day.
Dun worry. I'm better now.
Just wanna pay a tribute to those who have blessed me yesterday.
All the gifts i've collected.
The Cell Group - W143.
Thanks for this lovely bag. W143 ...
It comes in real handy :)
Thanks W143!. For the Longevity Pao as my Birthday cake too!
You guys are as innovative as me! ha!
I am still waiting for my Bday card ;)
Very lovely card Prem. I love it alot! Thanks for getting my cell and w116 to write greetings to me. Is this your great surprise? Ha .. wow i'm sure amazed :P
Another surprise. A Friendship Bookmark!
Thanks alot Prem :)
Mommy Karista.
It even has some personal writings inside!
Well, i purposely blured it. For me to see only mah..
The message is very sweet.
Thanks Mom for the book and thought behind it.
This is the first time i received a Figurine gift.
I love figurines since i am a kid. But collecting figurines is an expensive hobby. I simply do not have the cash to keep up with it. I also do not have enought spcae to keep them
But men, this is my first ever figurine. And it's a Kakashi Figurine! My favourite Naruto Character!
Well another cool thing is... she doesn't know its my birthday. But yet she bought it long from Hong Kong and presented this gift to me timely on my birthday. I din tell her in the end.
Anyway Thanks Vivian. :)
Card from CHC
It is a lovely card. Rainbow colour wor.
Thanks Pastors and Staffs of CHC
Xiu Wen the Pandy
It's very very nice! Sparkly and chirpy.
And the words behind pretty touched me.
Thanks Pandy.
Card from NSSC
But i think it's a nice gesture by them. Even though our head can be pretty hard on us..
I think it's a blessing for the Heads to bless each one of us with such a great card.
Thanks NSSC
Card from Community Chest
Thanks Community Chest anyways :D ha..
Ang Pows from Granny and Uncle
But well giving me money shows that they trust me well to be wise to know how to spend my money.
Thanks Uncle Chin Aik and Granny!
My Birthday Cake
Thanks Uncle Chin Aik. I'm sorry to make you worry on my birthday.
Thanks for all the effort you put it to make this day great.
Birthday Greetings
Thanks Chun Ping for yr very early sms greeting :). I heard that you are getting me a present as well. haa ... well thanks for the thought :)
Thanks Pandy for yr wishes too. Very happy to have a great sister in Christ like you.
Thanks Victoria aka banana girl. I will receive abundantly according to my faith! Amen. :)
Thanks Prem for your great well-wishes. You have been talking all week about the big surprise you are gonna give me on my birthday.. Thanks for all the effort! You truly are a great friend!
Thanks Yuying meiz! Well i thought you would have forgotten my birthday. Well it's ok even if you have not prepared any gifts for me. It's the thought that counts. :) Thanks for encouraging me all this while..
Thanks Lishan. come to think of it... we always quarrel are loggerheads in the past. Still, it's great to hear from a great friend like ya. :)
Well ... erm this is kinda odd.. Thanks Mcdonalds for yr Sms greeting. I wonder how ya get my HP number... I tink it's from the Member's Rewards! system... ahhh ... haa thx anyway!
Thanks Daniel bro ! Well i thought most of my SAJC friends have forgotten abt me. Thanks for your encoruagement all this while! Many many thanks bro :)
Thanks Uncle Thomas! Men you are a pretty funny chap... Well It's good to have the same birth dates me. Happy Birthday to you too!! Make your sons be as wise as me. haha.. no la no la. Thanks for your encouragment for my A's.
Thanks Wei Yi, aka Momo! Ha... well even i din noe ya for long.. you have always been a good encouraging sister! Jia you .. may ya do well for yr exams! :)
Thanks Aunt Lily, Uncle Chi Wei and Baby Jolene .... for the very nice birthday cake sms. May God bless your family too! :)
Thanks Jessica! Well about yr Plasma TV and full-leather sofa... i'll keep ya in prayer... hahaha. Many thanks :)
Thanks Joanna for the very sweet sms! It's really nice :)
" They said it was raining when you were born
But actually it was the sky which was crying
cos it lost its most precious star... That is YOU!
Happy Birthday! XP "
I love it alot. Thanks sister. Do well for yr exams girl ... and hopecha get into yr desire RJC soon!
Thanks Siyuan for yr kewl sms. Glad i gave you my handphone number. haha. Jia you for yr exams too! :)
Ah.. my boy boy. Thanks Jarrat! For your sweet birthday song :) Do well for yr PSLE little boy!
Thanks Natasha! It's better late than never! I still love yr sweet greeting. God bless ya !
Thanks Chong for yr MSN greeting. I appreciate it still. It's great to see you grow in Christ. Continue shining for Jesus bro.
Thanks YongJin for yr MSN greeting too. Well though you ain't there to celebrate for me... i still feel appreciated whn you drop by... Jiayou for yr exams!
Thanks Grace -usher. Thanks for the great happy birthday wish! Gampatte for yr exams!
Thanks Jonathan - NSSC bro for yr call to bless me. Thanks for taking care of me when i am stressed out in army.. Take care in yr BMT recourse! :)
Thanks Catherine for yr email greetings. Well you are very nice girl... Hope we can meet up some time when ya are back here in Singapore :)
Well Thanks for all the greetings :)
Especially to other w143 and w116 members. Thanks for celebrating for me :)
I feel so blessed this year. Every year.. i'll only get like 3-4 greetings and afew presents.
It's really so different this year.
Thanks for all the gifts and greetings :) . I felt so appreciated!!
Well for those who have forgotten abt my bday and wanna wish me..
No worries. I'll accept it in advance :) ha..
Well though i had a pretty unpleasant day yesterday.. I give thanks to God for these great friends in my life. I shall do myself a favour ... and wish myself too :)
My Birthday wish?
To see myself grow more in Christ, the members grow more too. And we'll have a great influx of members to our cell!!
My the other wish ?
*zip* it's a secret :).
*Don't worry it's not about getting a girlfriend. ha..*
Heyyoo Marb! where have ya been? itz been sometime we din chat or catch up wif one another :) how'z everything out there? i'm doing well, i guess.. nasty project supervisors.. cold labs.. bah!
Study hard and smart~
Happy belated birthday Marb Jason =D You're a great fren and listener.. hope to hear from you soon ok?
thanks marb :)
ya truly great fren to me too :)
well u really is a gd fren 2 me.. haha... when i feel down, u'll console me... when i need help, u'll be there.. i'm glad that u're my fren... wish our frenship will 4ever...
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