this might be one of my last posts for awhile.
i'm happy of the things that happen during this year. Some are encouraging. Some are well painful.
I treasure those experiences my friends.
For now i really feel inate. I really am drowned with what's up ahead.

this is my time table planned long ago. It has not been taken into full effect yet.
How procastinating am i .. ain't it?
I have a couple of challenges now.
1)I have no study breaks at all for my examinations.
This is my examination schedule.
1) Biology paper 4 (Practical) - 25/10
2) Chemistry Paper 4 (Practical) - 27/10
3) Maths Paper 1 - 8/11
4) Biology Paper 2 - 8/11
5) Chemistry paper 3 - 9/11
6) Maths Paper 2 - 10/11
7) Chemistry Paper 2 - 15/11
8) Chemistry Paper 1 - 18/11
9) Biology Paper 3 - 21/11
10) Biology Paper 1 - 24/11
I only have 12 days of leave. That means i only have 2 days to spare just for studying a whole day.
2) I can't practise for my practicals.
3) My unit has much work to do. My team will be currently short of one man-power very soon. I am just afraid something bad will happen that will hinder my studies.
4) I am not sure i can use 2 certs to select my university courses. I heard from my friend that i cannot.. This info is a pretty bad news. Before i choose to retake .. i remembered someone telling me that the better result will be chosen from either of the cert. sighs..
It's all work now...
I really need His grace..
take care of your health.
run the race with the goal in mind.
i've noted the dates, will be praying for u.
all the best :)
Mus take good care....
dun fall sick...
His grace you have in great abundance! Jia you jia you. I'll be praying for you too. He won't give you a stone if you ask for bread, or a snake if you ask for a fish. And He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can withstand! He will give you a way out. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. :D
thanks .. thanks alot :)
sigh .... i've talk to some people to get myself some study partners it this last few days.... but seems like everyone is busy.
I know i do not have much time to study so much. A levels is not something easy to score if i do not memorise and practise. and it gets more tiring and demolarising each day.
Thanks for popping by ... i am encouraged... I will do my best. and not give up.
hey bro...jia you worz... will be praying for you. Do your best and trust God to do the rest. Miracle's on the way when you believe. juz like the song "there can be miracle, when you believe...... who knows wat miracle you can achieve, when you believe..." =p
dun overstress urself, do take care of ur health too man. prioritize ur studies, work jus do and leave on the dot, u have matured lots already.
thanks bear.
very nice. needed that. thx.
Thanks jon.
Mdm has been pretty unreasonable with me... I think she thinks both of us are ganging up on her. And when i am back after my Medical leave, she began showing me disturbing attitudes. She scolded me today for no reason too. I am just sad.... very sad.
Get well soon Jon.
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