Gee. This 2 / 3 days conference i attended is very very impactful.
I'll update this when i have time. Hopefully later part of today.
I shared a cab with a lady. The lady did not pay at the end. I feel like strangling myself but then i learn that she had the intention to pay. So i was giving a ~_~ look at my hp after she msg me [ yup i got her contact]. She's from CHC svc 5. I reminded myself it's a blessing to give than to receive but truly i was going T_T all the way back. But she's a pretty sweet lady.
*to be updated* !
My head is falling off my neck ....
*The Update*
A roller coaster week.. Amazing as i look back ... Let's see it roll ...
.: T h e E v e n t s :.
An exciting week. Tiring but action packed. You can get a pretty good workout out of all the jumping in City Harvest services. That's not something new to mention in my blog and i guess many people in Singapore knows that. That there's a differnt tune ringing in churches these days. The voice of youth is growing stronger around churches around the world today. Even so, I still love the different genres of God's music. The traditional ones are also awesome as all City Harvesters know through the nights spent with Benny Hinn and his crew.
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever"
Psalms 23:6
The Pringles are in town :)
The start of Ps Phil's message. I din attend the 1st night unfortunately. ~_~
The service i was ushering. My 2nd time ushering in a overflow room. This time its at the cafe in our church. I forgot to bring my usher tag that day and that gives me quite a deal of trouble. Imagine convincing the ushers there of my similar, potent, sevice identity. I just felt like knocking my head on the wall. I was kinda disappointed when i have to serve in overflow room. But still, the heart to serve harbours no resent and selfish thoughts. I am probably there for a purpose.
I met this cute little kid sitting on a chair beside me. He is really a small little handsome boy and he likes to stare at me with his bubbly shiny n Sparkly eyes. I will grin ^_^ at him and he will go .. O_O"at me. haa really cute. Boys this days are getting more handsome and cute. I have to find a compatible partner soon. ha~
We carried chairs later after praise and worship. Thank God we are back just in time to hear the message from the pastor. And men, i tell you the message is phenomenal. Will touch on that later. It ends pretty late and i scurry home in a flash. What can i say? I live up to my name s0nix :)
The finale of the conference. And so my heart speaks ..
It's gonna be great ...
Learning from yesterday's experience, i know i have to fly to church somehow. If not, i'll be stuck in the overflow room again. I really want to go to the auditorium this time! So i left office especially early that day. My madam seems to be amaze that i was gone in a flash that day. That's something real rare okay! My office mates can testify that.
I zoom down to the auditorium without buying any food. I had no appetite actually that night. So i just sped down to church. Very sad to say, i still ended up in the overflow room. I'm in the Chinese Church room [just next to the church cafe] this time. That day i had a horrible arthritis
remission of some sort. My right foot was throbbing with pain. I had to stagger my way to church and that greatly pulls down my traveling speed. When everyone seems to be running to the 179 bus stop, i am the only slowpoke moving in the worst possible elephant speed. I was praying on my way to church for my leg to get better. The pain sadly did not lessen even after i reach church.
The message was great as usual. However, i can't jump like the rest of the crowd due to the pain and my inability to move well at this state. I was pretty tired as well on that day. Nevertheless, i refuse to let the circumstances compromise my experience. I struggled to keep awake and listen well to the word. And at the end, i could feel the elevating sensation in me. It wasn't something as rich as those i felt in my past few weeks. But its comforting enough to make me feel better that day. I am very happy and right at the end of the service, my leg felt alittle better. I still have to limp around as the pain is not entirely gone.
Being the last day, the conference ended pretty late. It was very late by the time i left the church. I have to make a critical choice on the appropriate transportation back home. I have 3 options.
a) Take 240. Aka the money snaffling taxi
b) Take 179 back to interchange [10-15 mins w/o waiting for bus]. Then ride back home on MRT.
c) Board the church shuttle bus [ have to get a $2 ticket 1st ] to Tiong bahru MRT. Take 240 or Bus 33 back.
Facts at that moment:
I am broke. I could possibly sing somewhere with my croaky voice to earn $$
I have the unfortunate disability to travel around. My leg still hurts.
The time factor. Time is ticking away. Time waits for no man. Public transport waits for no man either.
I am so very tired. I just wish to lie flat like a disoriented, demented pig.
God knows why i choose choice B. I lived to regret that decision very soon after i stepped out of the bus. I was greeted with a slick announcement as i walk up the steps of the MRT station ...
Dear blablabla, blablablabla ... the last train has left the station. Please arrange for your own public transport back home. Have a nice trip. Goodbye.
So i am left with no option. Option C seems to be my only way out. I withdraw cash from my POSB card and lurch off. I went to JP taxi stand and very understandably, i find no taxis there.
So the game of hide and seek has already started. Cabs love to hide till the clock strikes 12. Great.
As i make a big walk around the bus interchange to the main road, i met this lady walking down the street too. She looks like she's in her teenage years. I've got a taxi competitor already. -__- She is obviously going to catch a taxi before me. With that leg of mine, i can hardly move around to wave for a cab. I smartly stationed myself in the T junction of the road. And miraculously, i got my cab 1st :)
I ask the taxi driver to stop over a few metres from where i flag to where the lady is standing. So she hopped on board and i thought she could used alittle help at this hour. We went off to her place 1st which is nearer to boon lay. And as you can read from the beginning of this entry, there's all that happen. I have also learn that CityCab has a differnt midnight charge compared to other taxis. Normal taxis have a 1.5 % rate of charge per increase in counter. CityCab offers 1.1% from 2330 to 0030 and 1.20% rate from 0030 to 0200. So actually the fare is cheaper. But even so, i can't belive i spend close to 30 bucks on a transport trip back. Sighz. I need a great revival in my finances.
A very long night indeed.
I brought Missle boy and Pat along to my church today. I met up with Pat and Prem at JP and we had our lunch at Banquet [ the foodcourt at B1 of Jurong point]. Pat wore totally black that day. Prem looks like he came back from Hawaii. Haa, interesting dudes. Actually both of that look pretty good that day. Smart and nice.
We hurried off and took a bus to church. I entrusted them to one of my cg members before i headed down for my duty.
Thanks to Bro Alex, i was able to sit with my cell group this time. I wasn't able to sit with the new friends i brought as i was seperated by another cell group somehow. The service was great. as usual. But i was constantly worried about my friends. Though i was sitting on the same row as them, i can't really take care and accommodate them throughout the service. I began to worry and worry without realising that there isn't a need to worry. I can't control what i can't control. But i certainly can control what i can control. Simple theory. Everything is in place when i put my trust in Him.
After my duties, i went up to meet my cell and see how Missle boy and Pat is doing. They seem pretty good and happy. I was so glad :)
We ate and had a pretty nice chat over dinner. Then later, JianYe fetch the remaing group of us [in his very nice MPV] back to JP. Its good to have cell group members with cars :P. There we parted ways. Missle boy, Kelvin and Zhongyao left us. The remaining trio in the gang is me, turtle and Pat. We scouted for drinks at McCafe before settling at McCafe.
I realise that turtle and Pat have pretty similar personalities. They both love to carry turtle shells [ you know those big humungous primary-school shape type of bags ] ha. No offence but i think its really cute. ^^
Its also fun to see 2 drama-talented individuals debating with each other.
Turtle : Bla bla bla bla coffee bla bla bla
Pat : Ok u see ar ... cofeee bla bla bla bla bla bla blaaaa blaa!!!
Turtle : No! Bla bla bla blabby bla bla
*goes on and on*
Me : =_= ?!
Pat started unleashing his ultimate KO technique. Pat begins to make high-pitched girly noices which is sooo funny~~! ha. It sends turtle sprawling to the other end of the long bench they were sharing. She begins to hide her head behind my cap, seemingly petrified.
ha it was pretty funny and amusing ! :)
At the end, we went off to take pictures around JP.
[Pictures from Pat's cam]
PS: Pat takes an aweful long time to take pictures. I guess he enjoy seeing us getting embarass when we are force to stay in eccentric poses for a long time. !@!#!@#&^^&*!@
What a day ... zz
Simple Shiny Sunday...
I woke up wishing day can be night alittle longer. I unplug my head from my pillow at around 7 am and chatted with Chong on my handphone. It seems we both woke up at around the same time.
Ps: Free in-coming call rulez. Call me more often now :D
I went off to church, thinking that i will be very late.
Met my SAJC junior, Chong and his friend - Morris in the bus stop.
It's my first time attending service 4 in the new Sunday service timeslot.
Tragically, we sat right at the back of the hall. Still i'm happy i'm inside the auditorium. [Looks back at the past 2 service in the weekdays. *Beams with gratitude* :) ]
Service was great as usual. Attended all 3 services that day.
Met Momo, my another church friend after service. I designed and gave her this nick right on that day.
Momo send me a photo of Daniel Pringle and his wife. They are the producers of our new CHC album. [ cool! ]
Had a great chat with Momo. She told me about her desire to be a Paramedic in SCDF. She told me its challenging to find torn limbs of victims whom met with car accidents. [ What an exciting idea .. ]
I kaput-ed back at home.
4The Pictures3
Ps Phil Pringle with his bible.
Ps Chris Pringle all smilez.
awesome worship team.
Jo and Nikki
The great man speaks.
he lay hands
he and He moves.
Autograph signing. coolz ^^
[ adapted from CHC ]
.: T h e M u s i c :.
Change , Thank You
The Singers ...
A.K.A. Pringo Star, Vato
Marital status: No love
Place of origin: Sydney
Band role: Bass lackey
Generations (youth group): Change.
Current occupation: Self Employed.
Life scripture: Rom 1:16, Jer 29:11, Col 2:20, John 15:4.
Listens to: U2, DMB, The Used, Snow Patrol, United, The Stills, Smashing Pumpkins, ColdPlay.
First album ever bought: 'Slow Train Coming' Bob Dylan - on vinyl
Most embarrassing moment: When I tried to impress a girl but fell over and hurt myself instead
If I could go anywhere in the world: Cooranbong.
Interests: Cooking, chucks, salad fingers.
Fav movie: Napoleon Dynamite, Blow, Braveheart.
Fav food: Can't fake a roast, Hungry Jacks, above all 'In and out'.
Fav singer: Bono and Bert and Hawko.
If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be? Yongi Cho
Childhood dream: To be like Danny K.
AKA: Nikki F, Little Nikki Fletcher
Marital Status: Taken
Place of Origin: Queenscliff Beach
Role: Worship Leader/ songwriter
Generations Group: All
Life Scripture: Psalm 27:4,
Listens To: Alicia Keys, Mae, United, Gwen, U2, Blink 182, jazz
First Album Ever Bought: Bryan Adams - 'Waking the Neighbours'
Most Embarrassing moment: Hair extensions falling out while worship leading on a Sunday night.
If I could go anywhere in the world: I'd go everywhere.
Interests: Bible, God, writing, Music, People, Science.
Fav Movie: Home Alone
Fav Food: Apple pie with ice cream
Fav Singer: Alicia Keys, Gwen, Ella Fitzgerald
If you could be anyone who would it be: Myself but more like Jesus. Oprah would be cool.
Childhood dream: Had many... doctor... wife... singer/songwriter
adapted from
*Just for Fun*
AKA: s0nix,"s0nc'C@libr3,,
Marital Status: Free
Place of Origin: Singapore
Role: Saint among the crowd
Generations Group: huh? Youth!
Life Scripture: Isiah 54:10, Isiah 91:2, 1Cor 13:8, John 3:17
Listens To: Anything.
First Album Ever Bought: Lemon Tree.
Most Embarrassing moment: Cannot say.
If I could go anywhere in the world: Australia. Korea. Switzerland.
Interests: Bible, God, Guitar, Food.
Fav Movies: Return of King. [LOTR], Dodgeball, Sea Buscuit .. Juz too many.
Fav Food: Virgin Chicken's Sweet Hor fun and Fried rice. Anything that's nice.
Fav Singer: errr ... dun have.
If you could be anyone who would it be: JC
Childhood dream: Policeman. Not so now.
I say :
The band with us thru' the week rocks. I prefer listening to the live tracks than radio recorded tracks in cds. Proff Joe lend me this CD le! So i am going to have a pretty rocking good time running through the tracks in their new album :)
.: T h e W o r d :.
Pastor Phil never fails to start his semon with this statement :
" Men i thought the best looking people in Singapore are from the last service. But i guess you guys are the greatest looking crowd i've ever seen ... "
*everyone laughs, yell and clap!~!~!~~*
" I've attended great churches all around the world. Non of it can compare with the one i am in right now. You guys are probably the best church i've seen so far ....
*wooo church yells, claps and screams .. *
"Well, ermm except for maybe just for one church i know .. One that is now in Sydney.. "
*Everyone laughs laughs*
" That's my church :) "
*claps and yells again*
That's the trademark intro this year made by Ps Phil.
The message was great as i've mention many times earlier.
It always begin with this verse.
For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you..
Titus 1:5
* to be updated *
You are loaded. -_-
"its a blessing to give than to receive"
Give me. I am going broke.
It is "it's" instead if "its" by the way.
LOL u all are having a field time correcting his grammar i see ^^;;;;;;
It is, in fact, a hell of time to correct them. For secondary school standard, based on what my ang mog teacher said, this will be a D grade for grammer.
"That's not something new to mention in my blof and i guess many people around Singapore knows that."
"blof" vs "blog"
"he likes to stare at me with his bubbly shiney eyes."
"shiney" vs "shiny"
"Pastor Phil never fails to start his semon with this statement :"
"semon" vs "sermon"
I give up......
"Pat wore totally black that day."
Don't you notice that I had been wearing the same outfit every time???
"They seem pretty good and happy."
Still hate rock concert -.-"
"We scouted for drinks at MacCafe before settling at MacCafe."
Boy, ain't you guilty for sitting at McCafe without making a purchase from it? Typo typo!
"I guess he enjoy seeing us getting embarass when we are force to stay in eccentric poses for a long time."
Welcome to my world of taunts and humiliation!
"So i am going to have a pretty rocking good time running through the tracks in their new album :)"
Ripping and burning you mean?
i hate this.
these words bite men
Told you I DO bite.
Lol! So much comments guys! Never leave some comments for me> U see lah all of u said liao! Nvm good good! My Grammar also very very bad! Dun said liao, haha! Nice msgs, but the impt is blog more on pst Phil msg! Too little! I tot u will blog many many one! ok?haha! =)
It's "finale" lah,sonix. English deteriorating,ah...
ok thanks guys for commenting.
"It is, in fact, a hell of time to correct them. For secondary school standard, based on what my ang mog teacher said, this will be a D grade for grammer"
Live with it. :) This happens when you type late at night.
"I give up......"
yea!!! haahaa
"Don't you notice that I had been wearing the same outfit every time???"
you seem "blacker" that day. Can compete with missle boy. :P
"Still hate rock concert -.-"
Appreciate them. :)
"Boy, ain't you guilty for sitting at McCafe without making a purchase from it? Typo typo!"
Gee, my presence draws more customer. hehe what more can i say :P
"Welcome to my world of taunts and humiliation!"
I am not amused.
"Ripping and burning you mean?"
I mean rocking good time :) Rock rock.
"Told you I DO bite. "
When? haa
Bite or not, they are pointless.
"but the impt is blog more on pst Phil msg! Too little! I tot u will blog many many one!"
Good things come at the last. Patience my friend. I don't have so much time you know.
Mr Missile Rocket Launcher :
"It's "finale" lah,sonix. English deteriorating,ah... "
Sorry sir. Thanks for the reminder.
Great. So many comments on my spelling than my post. My typos are more attractive than my thoughts ar!?!??!!!!!@!@!@@#@#$%^$%&$%#@%!@#$
Anyway those are not fully gramatical erros. No need to grade. They are accidental errors. If you need introduction to my way of speaking online ... welcome to Jasonglish. The best thing is they are FOC and comes in a packaged set in every conversation.
Get to know more of it :)
I think correcting all your typos is a waste of time and energy(tho kcirtap n missile are having a field time out of it). it adds some funny flavour to ur blog actually.
anyway on thurs u could have contacted me or chong/ur cg pple... we could have helped u along mah. i managed to catch the 2nd last train back, chong caught the last train.
Too tempting.
i need a break...
stormchaser :
"anyway on thurs u could have contacted me or chong/ur cg pple... we could have helped u along mah. i managed to catch the 2nd last train back, chong caught the last train."
did contacted Chong. Well sometimes things dun go as planned.
Anyway i've pulled thru with afew holes in my wallet. Jeez
hahaha lol!
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