Wad's your Christmas story this season ?
you know a couple of things inspired me to write up this post. It's not like i got a great grandmother story to share now. But it's been an awesome week. A week that i've spent 5 days worrying how it would work out. A week that my plans has gone kinda haywire. But God put things in track. So long as you put your plans in his hands .. you'll get to see his miracle at work.
For we know ... All things work out for the good of those who love God. amen?
I pretty like the catchline of this year's Christmas drama. (at least ..as it appears to me)
What miracles do you need this year?
me: Yesh yesh I need one very much !!
Jesus: what do you need?
me: erm A Merry Merry Christmas!!!!
He smilez.
He knows i ain't saying this for fun.
Indeed it has been a great Christmas. A pretty fruitful one too.
I've been very worried about Christmas. I fear it would be as sad as the past. But if only i know it sooner.... How to get to spend the Christmas i so long desire as a kid. The way to spend it is with your loved ones! with Jesus my saviour. and my beloved brethens and family.
I had a great time together with my 1st 3 months JC mates, my well-grown cell group .. and my ministry friends from usher. Truly i feel so blessed. As i look upon the newspaper today and read thru the pages.. i realise not everyone out there has the same priveledge i've been entitled too. Riots, wars, famine still continues despite the arrival of festive periods. Many people battle more than just " wanting a meaningful Christmas ". They need a miracle in their lives.
Somehow i feel that i am prepared for that stage. That one day the meaningful heart-warming Christmas i so desire will rise up to another level. I will be telling a whole different Christmas story. A story of how Jason shows why Chrismas is a time for miracles. Of how he was lost and now found. How he was loved and now loves.
Truly Jesus is the reason for the season...
............... Anyone who has been to Christmas land knows that..
back in time at Christmas land..
my 1st 3 month's friends from Sajc..
ta-la. We are ready for the ride~!
it looks like its no kick from here. wait till u try it. i say its a hair-rasing experience.. lol
we sat this fast and serious machine too! ever felt air pressure from centrifugal force?
w143! haa we are growin and growin le leh!
Perlie ( makin a face -_- ) and me :)
i dunno wad im lookin at... standin wif chubby lookin Kelvin :)
Chong and Me. Brotherhood of w143!
[ pics by Chong's digicam ]
more pics comin soon. :)
Ps: I wanna thank afew people here for helping in my journey to Christmas Land.
First is Pandy (Xiu Wen)! Thanks for inspiring hope into me. you know wad? i think ya gonna be a great cgl one day. The level of faith you speak totally changed me and inspired me to keep on trusting in God.
Second, my cell group mates. Thanks John, Jess for the x'mas gift! Thanks Chong, Mom and the rest for taking care of my friends. I felt i was like a bad host initially. But i realise with history-makers like you guys and girls around .. there was just no sweat to break! no no worries :)
Third, Turtle (qi hui)! i know i've kinda annoyed ya with my lousy planning and coordinating. But well i am glad you were around to help too! And thanks for the lovely gifts too! :)
Last but not least, the usher team! it's fun serving side by side wif ya all. You make serving a great level of joy to me now. Thanks sis peifen for yr gifts too!! and ya sis Rabbit and Jennifer too! lol..
Last but not least, Jesus! For making everything possible. A day spent with you in Church is better than a thousand place elsewhere!