Well, taking my Biology Paper 3 this time. I was quite late at the start. Everyone was seated down already and i was like the only one still standing with my bag. I quickly fumbled through my files to get my pencil box, entry proof and other stuffs and tried to grab any seat i could find. Unfortunately this is A levels. Seating arrangement matters. I couldn't find my class. And then here, the Chief Examiner was like asking me to hurry up. Everyone was looking @ me. Gee its really embarassing. For a moment i was at a lost of what to do. And then, i saw Joel's Head and quickly rush to them cos my seat will be quite near them. I finally found my seat. IT was all the way in the front. Talk about close proximity with the teachers infront.
As i started doing the paper. I nearly faint at the first question. I was wondering did i miss out this topic? The first question was asking about parasites ... and they want a named parasite, its function and the visible features it has as relate to the function of the organism. I was like

?!. Men i thought i covered all the topics in the Bio option. So my emergency mechanism start to act up and i started carapping like never b4. After about 5 mins, i heard a tap on my table. I look up and saw miss Wong, my bio teacher looking abit

. What can be the matter? I couldn't be barred from my exam paper because i was like abit late? Actually i wasn't really late. She look up and me ans said, "Jason you are doing the wrong option!. We are doing Growth and development option 3." And suddenly everything click. MEN. I could go on liek this and waste 15 mins of my precious time b4 i found out i was doing the wrong option in the paper. All along i've been doing option topic 1: Biodiversity. which i have never studied b4. Great, i only wasted 5 mins. A rush of mixed gratitude plus embarassment swept over me. Well no time to lsoe, i quickly proceeded to option 3 and started doing ....
Well the paper was easier than i expected. BUT... i din complete the paper. Very pathetic. I got 25 whole mins to do my essay and i still flopped. Men am i a slow thinker or wad? I was worried that my essay points are not to the point. Thereby I wasted quite alot of time on 1 part. Sad.
Now onto my very last battle for this level which will commence on Thursday. [GMT +08:00] - at 0800 <[+][-] 1 min>. After this it'll be ......
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