It's over. After 2 years of education in college, the final battle has ceased. And thus another new adventure emerge.
Currently playing/trying out :
1)Maple Story - MMORPY
2)FF8 - RPG
3)Diable 2 -RPG
4)CS - RPG
5) Conquest - MMORPG
IF my computer allows :
1) HL2
2) DOOM 3
Have fun fellas
"Though the mountains and hills can topple, my love for you will never be shaken. Nor my covenant of peace will be removed." Isaiah 54:10
Friday, November 26, 2004
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Movie Reviews
-Shark Tale
-The Incredibles
Haa i've watched The incredibles and Shark Tale. Just wanna say that The incredibles is quite nice. Very well animated and well ... it suits all the superhero fantasies we dream of during our childhood days very well. Shark Tale on the other hand ... isn't as nice as it sounds. Though like Finding Nemo, it revolves around a small plot, the idea of the plot is pretty boring and i would say unimaginative. Unlike Finding Nemo, it doesn't bring out excitement in seeing the little adventures of the different fishes in the movie. It simply revolves about a fish who wanted to be famous and got his chance by telling a big fat lie that it slays sharks. How lame can that be? Maybe it might please small kiddies but comapred to Pixar's Finding Nemo and The Incredibles, it still got alot of catching up to do in terms of having a good nice plot.
-Shark Tale
-The Incredibles
Haa i've watched The incredibles and Shark Tale. Just wanna say that The incredibles is quite nice. Very well animated and well ... it suits all the superhero fantasies we dream of during our childhood days very well. Shark Tale on the other hand ... isn't as nice as it sounds. Though like Finding Nemo, it revolves around a small plot, the idea of the plot is pretty boring and i would say unimaginative. Unlike Finding Nemo, it doesn't bring out excitement in seeing the little adventures of the different fishes in the movie. It simply revolves about a fish who wanted to be famous and got his chance by telling a big fat lie that it slays sharks. How lame can that be? Maybe it might please small kiddies but comapred to Pixar's Finding Nemo and The Incredibles, it still got alot of catching up to do in terms of having a good nice plot.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
10 Things to do after Thursday 0915 .
1) Get a hair cut
2) Find a cheap mp3 player. Hopefully iPod and Zen's prices would drop during fight to be de best. =D
3) Exercise. Gotta prepare myself 4 the worst [NS]
4) Go overseas. Maybe for a few days. Not to play. Would prefer sightseeing.
5) Get and learn a guitar fast.
6) Chalet. Already have 2. Hopefully there won't be any more
7) Create A RPG game/ or a Flash slideshow
8) Play Computer games ... yeaaaaaa [Looking for new MMORPG games]
9) Get a job. Partly for money. Partly for experience. Prefer a 1-3 day job
10) Bring my family to Church. Well well.
That is real something to look forward to. Only 1 month left in 2004. Hopefully i can complete all 10 items by end of next month. Truly its a race against time. All de best people ~!
1) Get a hair cut
2) Find a cheap mp3 player. Hopefully iPod and Zen's prices would drop during fight to be de best. =D
3) Exercise. Gotta prepare myself 4 the worst [NS]
4) Go overseas. Maybe for a few days. Not to play. Would prefer sightseeing.
5) Get and learn a guitar fast.
6) Chalet. Already have 2. Hopefully there won't be any more
7) Create A RPG game/ or a Flash slideshow
8) Play Computer games ... yeaaaaaa [Looking for new MMORPG games]
9) Get a job. Partly for money. Partly for experience. Prefer a 1-3 day job
10) Bring my family to Church. Well well.
That is real something to look forward to. Only 1 month left in 2004. Hopefully i can complete all 10 items by end of next month. Truly its a race against time. All de best people ~!
Monday, November 22, 2004
Well, taking my Biology Paper 3 this time. I was quite late at the start. Everyone was seated down already and i was like the only one still standing with my bag. I quickly fumbled through my files to get my pencil box, entry proof and other stuffs and tried to grab any seat i could find. Unfortunately this is A levels. Seating arrangement matters. I couldn't find my class. And then here, the Chief Examiner was like asking me to hurry up. Everyone was looking @ me. Gee its really embarassing. For a moment i was at a lost of what to do. And then, i saw Joel's Head and quickly rush to them cos my seat will be quite near them. I finally found my seat. IT was all the way in the front. Talk about close proximity with the teachers infront.
As i started doing the paper. I nearly faint at the first question. I was wondering did i miss out this topic? The first question was asking about parasites ... and they want a named parasite, its function and the visible features it has as relate to the function of the organism. I was like
?!. Men i thought i covered all the topics in the Bio option. So my emergency mechanism start to act up and i started carapping like never b4. After about 5 mins, i heard a tap on my table. I look up and saw miss Wong, my bio teacher looking abit
. What can be the matter? I couldn't be barred from my exam paper because i was like abit late? Actually i wasn't really late. She look up and me ans said, "Jason you are doing the wrong option!. We are doing Growth and development option 3." And suddenly everything click. MEN. I could go on liek this and waste 15 mins of my precious time b4 i found out i was doing the wrong option in the paper. All along i've been doing option topic 1: Biodiversity. which i have never studied b4. Great, i only wasted 5 mins. A rush of mixed gratitude plus embarassment swept over me. Well no time to lsoe, i quickly proceeded to option 3 and started doing ....
Well the paper was easier than i expected. BUT... i din complete the paper. Very pathetic. I got 25 whole mins to do my essay and i still flopped. Men am i a slow thinker or wad? I was worried that my essay points are not to the point. Thereby I wasted quite alot of time on 1 part. Sad.
Now onto my very last battle for this level which will commence on Thursday. [GMT +08:00] - at 0800 <[+][-] 1 min>. After this it'll be ......
As i started doing the paper. I nearly faint at the first question. I was wondering did i miss out this topic? The first question was asking about parasites ... and they want a named parasite, its function and the visible features it has as relate to the function of the organism. I was like
Well the paper was easier than i expected. BUT... i din complete the paper. Very pathetic. I got 25 whole mins to do my essay and i still flopped. Men am i a slow thinker or wad? I was worried that my essay points are not to the point. Thereby I wasted quite alot of time on 1 part. Sad.
Now onto my very last battle for this level which will commence on Thursday. [GMT +08:00] - at 0800 <[+][-] 1 min>. After this it'll be ......
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
# 3 more to go
3 more papers to eventual freedom. I am pretty sad over my Maths paper. It was disaster. My stats is real cmi. Haiz. Anyway got my com back. That is i fix my com already. So i can start posting as usual now and do not have to rely on the snail-net speed com in school. All my docs, picts and MOVIES i first had is now all gone. Just the plain com and me.
We will make a difference.
3 more papers to eventual freedom. I am pretty sad over my Maths paper. It was disaster. My stats is real cmi. Haiz. Anyway got my com back. That is i fix my com already. So i can start posting as usual now and do not have to rely on the snail-net speed com in school. All my docs, picts and MOVIES i first had is now all gone. Just the plain com and me.
We will make a difference.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Men ................. seconds seems like hours ... days seems like centuries. Having completed almost half the battle, another half is just right there waiting for me.
Just had my Chem paper yesterday, and my bio paper this morning .... Everyone seems to give me a "hey, this is an easy paper." look. Well it isn't hard .... but i sure hope i did not do beneathe expectation. I just felt like i screw up on every paper. I am going to have Maths Paper 1 later and my brain is already half dead. That's why i feel that i should release some of my thoughts here ..............
I am really looking forward to the end. Not that end can bring absolute happiness. But at least my apprehension, anxiety, headache would lessen. Well i don't know what else to type. I seem to have alot of things to say b4 i blog but now .... nothing seems to be in my head. Is someone stealing my thoughts ?? Can;t be .. i have attained Jedi Level 3 mind block. Anyway .... those who are still having exams .... STudy hard. A verse for all of us :
"Now to him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us."
-- Exodus 3:20
New King James Version [ i think]
This message was from my sister in Christ - Janet.
Thanks for tagging at my tagboard. Continue to stay alive* =D
PS: The school com take an awful loong time to load and post. And i thought school network coms are using T1 network ... what an surprising speed .... Things that are meant to be fast are not happening fast enough. The contrary is also true ..
Just had my Chem paper yesterday, and my bio paper this morning .... Everyone seems to give me a "hey, this is an easy paper." look. Well it isn't hard .... but i sure hope i did not do beneathe expectation. I just felt like i screw up on every paper. I am going to have Maths Paper 1 later and my brain is already half dead. That's why i feel that i should release some of my thoughts here ..............
I am really looking forward to the end. Not that end can bring absolute happiness. But at least my apprehension, anxiety, headache would lessen. Well i don't know what else to type. I seem to have alot of things to say b4 i blog but now .... nothing seems to be in my head. Is someone stealing my thoughts ?? Can;t be .. i have attained Jedi Level 3 mind block. Anyway .... those who are still having exams .... STudy hard. A verse for all of us :
"Now to him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us."
-- Exodus 3:20
New King James Version [ i think]
This message was from my sister in Christ - Janet.
Thanks for tagging at my tagboard. Continue to stay alive* =D
PS: The school com take an awful loong time to load and post. And i thought school network coms are using T1 network ... what an surprising speed .... Things that are meant to be fast are not happening fast enough. The contrary is also true ..
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Men ... Guess where am I ?. I'm in school ..hahaa and the day after today will be another pivotal, paramount, crucial battle of the year .... for me that is. It's the battle of staying in the hall while writing essay in the midst of the the freezing temperature. It's the battle of creative juice. It's the battle of self - memory of the world affairs and things we learnt from our regular GP exam. Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day.
The past 2 days aren't very exciting. My computer is badly hit by stupid viruses. I reformatted my com on Sun because i found out that there are too much rubbish in it. And that i can remove all my games ini my computer so tht i can concentrate more on my work. Well i was greatly fustrated when installing Windows XP Service Pack 2, which promises many protections. The irony is the program doesn't provide a well enough coverage of protections. I visited the microsoft forum to find out why i can't install the service pack 2 and found out that there are loads of other problems displayed by other users across the world. What's more is ..... a hacker controlled my computer right infront of my eyes. My current free antivirus which offers me a 60 day trial is soo kind as to allow trojan horses, worms, and other malicious forms of virus to enter my computer while i am surfing the net. I can't seem to be able to get my trusty sidekick - Norton Antivirus back into my com. I cant download it from the net either. The hacker tried very hard to intimidate me by openly opening up windows explorer and the command prompt and install stupid programmes right in front of me. I just immediately rebooted my com and conducted many scans. What i can say is :
Jason's Review
Avast! Antivirus 4 Home edition
Style: 8/10
Efficiency : 5/10
Protection : 3/10
Comments: It is pretty stylish antivirus. I backed up this program before i reformat 'cos i thot with the good packaging, the product will be equally good as well. The program scores a high point for Style as it as customisable skins which can be downloaded from the net. However, it lacks good efficiency it destroying anti-virus, providing total control against the further spread of Virus. For protection wise ... what else can i say. I got hacked while the anti-virus is running.
Zone Alarm
Style: 6.5/10
Efficiency 9/10
Protection : unknown
Comment: I should have used this program long ago. It is very much more reliable.
Norton Antivirus
Style : 6/10
Efficeincy: 10/10
Protection 10/10
Comment: Trusty Sidekick, Never failed me at all.
Well i decided to fix my com and kick all the viruses' butt after i kick A level's butt. I got a feeling that God made my com ridden with problems so that i can stop fiddling with it and concentrate more on my work. Well so i won't be bloggin much. Unless i am in school .... =) All the best to the A levelers, O levelers, and erm ... examers ....
May the force [of God] be with ya
The past 2 days aren't very exciting. My computer is badly hit by stupid viruses. I reformatted my com on Sun because i found out that there are too much rubbish in it. And that i can remove all my games ini my computer so tht i can concentrate more on my work. Well i was greatly fustrated when installing Windows XP Service Pack 2, which promises many protections. The irony is the program doesn't provide a well enough coverage of protections. I visited the microsoft forum to find out why i can't install the service pack 2 and found out that there are loads of other problems displayed by other users across the world. What's more is ..... a hacker controlled my computer right infront of my eyes. My current free antivirus which offers me a 60 day trial is soo kind as to allow trojan horses, worms, and other malicious forms of virus to enter my computer while i am surfing the net. I can't seem to be able to get my trusty sidekick - Norton Antivirus back into my com. I cant download it from the net either. The hacker tried very hard to intimidate me by openly opening up windows explorer and the command prompt and install stupid programmes right in front of me. I just immediately rebooted my com and conducted many scans. What i can say is :
Jason's Review
Avast! Antivirus 4 Home edition
Style: 8/10
Efficiency : 5/10
Protection : 3/10
Comments: It is pretty stylish antivirus. I backed up this program before i reformat 'cos i thot with the good packaging, the product will be equally good as well. The program scores a high point for Style as it as customisable skins which can be downloaded from the net. However, it lacks good efficiency it destroying anti-virus, providing total control against the further spread of Virus. For protection wise ... what else can i say. I got hacked while the anti-virus is running.
Zone Alarm
Style: 6.5/10
Efficiency 9/10
Protection : unknown
Comment: I should have used this program long ago. It is very much more reliable.
Norton Antivirus
Style : 6/10
Efficeincy: 10/10
Protection 10/10
Comment: Trusty Sidekick, Never failed me at all.
Well i decided to fix my com and kick all the viruses' butt after i kick A level's butt. I got a feeling that God made my com ridden with problems so that i can stop fiddling with it and concentrate more on my work. Well so i won't be bloggin much. Unless i am in school .... =) All the best to the A levelers, O levelers, and erm ... examers ....
May the force [of God] be with ya
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