I have just attended City Harvest thanksgiving night. My first impression... Every one is LIKE A GIANT. I dunno why but I feel I'm in the atmosphere of giant slayers.. And ita no wonder- I'm in the midst of man and woman who have battle scars all over them. Arrows shot straight at their heart leaves them tougher.. More resilient.. Hence the ginormous aura of a champion.
I feel seriously dwarfed. :( but hey .. I have my own battle scars. I once heard of a leader that only trained man or woman who have fell and have risen to be future leaders.. I don't understand what's so great abt falling and rising up again.. can't a pure and willing heart do the trick.
I still don't understand .. But I guess I'm still learning myself how God used different people to do different things. And how God can make me a part of His jigsaw puzzle consortium.
I looked at teary eyed leaders. and I wonder what's all their story. Today I heard stories of modern heroes of faith from the book if Acts- well chc's own version. They are really amazing. A heart of gold. The love of Christ shone in their every face.
God I want to be a man like that. Imperfect servant I may be. Sins and foolish things I commit.. But still I will humble myself and serve. I want to impact people in my simple ways. Buying that breakfast. Walking up to them to offer help. Listen to the complains and dissolving their unhappiness. An refilling their cup w edification and a golden smile.
It's gg to be a commitment. Not easy. But thru Your grace. I forgot and I remembered.I'm not ashamed of the gospel of God. It's your power and love that saved my soul. And my family and friends shall be
Saved. Amen
Ng, sent via iphone �
[Godliness with contentment is great gain]